We have followed Moses since his birth in Egypt. God protected this little orphaned baby, drew him from the water and made a way to return him to his family (literally and spiritually). Moses was reluctant to take the position as leader of the children of Israel. He felt incapable and unworthy for a myriad of reasons. When Moses finally trusted God, God established him as a prophet who would never be forgotten. Moses did not believe in himself and maybe you do not believe in yourself. The good news is that we only have to believe in God. To trust in God. He will make us able. He will restore every broken and fearful part of us.
34:1-4 Moses views the promised land from a mountain top. Following God's leadership, he has led the Israelites to the destination but he will not be the one to lead them into it.
This is the land God promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God remains faithful to His promises, which is a generous blessing for us because this Bible is full of promises. The New Testament is an echo of the Old Testament; God continues to lead us into our promised land. Here and after earth.
34:5-7 Moses passes on from earth and is said to have been buried by God. At 120 years old, Moses is described to have been in excellent health, physically and spiritually. The point here is that when we enter into a covenant with God, our time on earth is purposeful. God determines the culmination of our lives here, not our bodies or anything else. Moses' purpose was completed and therefore he was able to into spirit.
34:8 The Israelites mourned Moses for 30 days. After all, they would miss the man who connected them with our beautiful God. At this point in time, the Israelites have followed Moses to join with God in spirit.
34:9 Joshua was chosen by God as the new leader of the Israelites because of his fervent and unyielding faith. Joshua is explained to be full of the spirit of wisdom, because Moses did as God instructed and appointed him. When we begin our spiritual purpose, God equips us with the tools and materials we need. The endurance, the wisdom and the way.
Joshua had enough faith to take responsibility for this fickle and troublesome group. Joshua personally witnessed how difficult Moses' position as leader could be. The Israelites are (like most humans) stubborn, inconsistent, grumpy, selfish, ungrateful... anyone who would take responsibility for them would have to have great and selfless love in their heart and spirit.
God knows our hearts, Jeremiah 17:10, and chose Joshua for the quality of his.
34:10-12 Moses had a unique position as prophet as he is the only one who met with God face-to-face, so to speak. His connection with God was unprecedented. Through Moses, God brought miracle and wonder to the earth. Glorious displays of Spirit in order to remind us of our deeply good Creator.