21:1-9 Verses 1-9 establish a procedure for the Israelites to follow if someone was killed but the guilty could not be found. We no longer sacrifice; Hosea 6:6 has rendered this practice defunct.
21:10-14 When the Israelites conquered cities, they could bring the women back to their land. The women had to undergo the process of assimilation to the culture. A period of mourning, signified by the shaved head and trimmed nails, was required to cleanse and move her of her past life. These women were to be treated kindly and fairly, their freedom respected even if they marriage did not work out.
21:15-17 The inheritance right of the firstborn son was to be respected (in this culture of having multiple wives). Although not encouraged, men of Israel were allowed to have multiple wives sometimes because they took on the responsibility of a brother's widow. A child born of love is a child already born into true wealth therefore the "unloved" wife's son was to be given a double portion of inheritance.
God is always fair. The child born out of a relationship lacking love was already setback; God wanted that child to be cared for as well as the other, more fortunate child.
21:18-21 If two parents end up with an evil son, he is to be dealt with by the children of Israel. Rather than stoning him, the evil inside of him was to be counseled out of him. However any unrelenting evil person was to be put to death.
21:22-23 God does not want the children of Israel to glorify or dramatize death. Evil is the be extinguished and buried. A closed case.