18:1-2 The Levites are the priest tribe, one of the 12 tribes of Jacob. Each tribe received a land allotment from God except for the Levites. For God is their portion and remains God alone, throughout the Bible and beyond life on earth. The life of ministry is similar to the lives the apostles live in the New Testament: complete devotion to teach, spreading and absorbing the word and will of God. (The apostle Paul did not even marry! He lived an entirely selfless life, doing God's will only all his days in faith).
18:3-8 The other 11 tribes support the work of the Levites by giving them a portion of their provisions.
18:9-14 Another stern reminder from Moses: remain separate from the corrupt peoples around! Moses knows that the children of Israel (and even we) are led astray by keeping bad company. To remain pure in faith, the children of Israel are asked to only marry within the faith.
18:15-16 Even though Moses has prepared the children of Israel for his departure from earth, God promises to send another prophet. They simply are not ready to be turned loose. Their faith is still too brittle.
18:17-18 God promises to raise up another prophet and to continue to lead the children of Israel through that prophet. A person appointed, anointed, by God for a purpose never has to choose their words: He always fill them with the material they need to accomplish the task He has given, Mark 13:11.
18:19-20 The prophet may be changing, but God's word is not. Ever. Whoever opposes God will be shut down. God will not allow a corrupt prophet or leader of any kind to continue forever: they always meet their end and their actions.
18:21-22 Moses explains that the children of Israel will be able to discern a true prophet because a prophet from God always prophesies correctly. A prophet from God is humble, hardworking, and faithful first, always.