Deuteronomy 22:1-30
22:1-4 Lost items and animals are to be returned, not kept.
22:5 The corrupt pagan culture living in the land before the children of Israel had members of society who dressed in the opposite gender's clothing and falsely prophesied. God wants paganism eliminated.
22:6-7 Humans are carnivores: Moses tells the children of Israel not to catch and eat the mother guarding her eggs (as she has sacrificed her life, by not fleeing, to save her children).
22:8 Safety precautions for building a home.
22:9-10 Farming guideline for maintaining vineyards.
22:11-12 The Israelites were not to wear the customary dress of the culture which lived in the land before them.
22:13-30 The Israelites were to value fidelity and honesty in relationships; incest is forbidden.