Here is the Calendar the Children of Israel follow: The Jewish Calendar
Tishri | September - October | 30 days
Heshvan | October - November | 29-30 days
Chislev | November - December | 29-30 days
Tebeth | December - January | 29 days
Shebat | January - February | 30 days
Adar | February - March | 29-20 days
Nisan (Abib) | March - April | 30 days
Iyar | April - May | 29 days
Sivan | May - June | 30 days
Tammuz | June -July | 29 days
Ab | July - August | 30 days
Elul | August - September | 29 days
16:1-8 The children of Israel were instructed by God, through Moses, on how to celebrate Passover. Yet our celebration of Passover is now different, as Jesus became our Passover, 1 Corinthians 5:7. We no longer participate in animal sacrifice, Isaiah 1:11, Hosea 6:6, Psalm 51:16. The children of Israel, however, celebrated Passover in the month of Abib. Each "type" of Passover is acknowledgment and celebration for our spiritual Father's love, compassion, generosity and creation. It is meant to be a time when we reflect on our faith and recommit to delving deeper in faith. We now celebrate Jesus' Resurrection as Passover.
16:9-12 These celebrations are meant to be frequent reminders of how God draws us out of literal and figurative slavery and blesses us with freedom and abundance.
16:13-17 The feast of Weeks is a celebrate we would benefit from establishing in our own lives of faith. By dedicating a day of the week to our God, to reflecting on His will and purpose for us, we will make strides. When we dedicate ourselves to God, He dedicates Himself to bettering us, increasing our material and our ability. Keeping close to God keeps us centered in our values and how to accomplish them.
16:18-22 The children of Israel, and we, are called by God to establish and participate in true justice system. They and we are meant to emulate God's brand of pure empathy and righteousness.
16:21 We are meant to remember our true God and to never worship an idol: money, fame, power, vanity... for those things lead us astray and never bring us joy or contentment. Those things cannot establish, strengthen and perfect us the way that our Father can.
16:21 We are meant to remember our true God and to never worship an idol: money, fame, power, vanity... for those things lead us astray and never bring us joy or contentment. Those things cannot establish, strengthen and perfect us the way that our Father can.