Tuesday, June 20, 2017

OT: The Book of Deuteronomy, Chapter 25

Deuteronomy 25:1-19

25:1-3 Participation in the justice system is required.

25:4 Out of consideration, an animal used for farming is to be allowed to eat while it works.

25:5-6 If a woman's husband dies, his brother takes responsibility for her. Her firstborn son carries on her late-husband's name and inheritance.

25:7-10 The man who will not take on his brother's widow is disgraced. Remember, this is a time and context when a woman without a husband was destitute (unable to work).

25:11-13 Laws for interfering with disputes.

25:14-16 Do not defraud or deceive others by manipulation. 

25:17-19 Those who oppose God (like the Amalekites) are to be blotted out of remembrance. For to oppose God is to oppose good.