19:1-3 Moses gives instructions for settling in the promised land. The children of Israel are to create three refuge cities. These refuge cities will serve as neutral territory available to each of the tribes. The neutral ground would serve as a place for people to dwell whose crimes could not be settled in their tribal territory.
19:4-7 For example, a person who accidentally kills another would be welcomed to live in the neutral territory. Leaving the tribal area would help the grieving family and also protect the person from vengeance.
19:8-10 If the children of Israel remain committed to their faith and do not have any premeditated murderers, God promises to increase their land.
19:11-13 The justice system they put into place must condemn and remove evil.
19:14 Each tribe and family's boundary is to be respected.
19:15 Three witnesses are required to testify against an accused person.
19:16-20 False witnesses are to be tried for the crime of dishonesty.
19:21 We do not live by the literal command eye for an eye. The children of Israel are expected to cultivate a justice system under which the crime matches the punishment (the worse the crime, the longer the detainment, etc).