24:1-2 Do not be envious of people who seem to have "it all" but actually have no integrity or righteousness. Corruption leads to violence and trouble, and Proverbs assures us that no amount of wealth, power of fame is worth losing your soul over.
24:3-4 Through wisdom sturdy businesses, relationships, marriages, families and other institutions are built. By following instruction from God, we fill our lives with blessings.
24:5-6 A wise person is strong, not susceptible to temptation. A wise person is strong because they have chosen their strength and reinforcement: God. We are wise when we listen to God about how to remain on an honorable, progressive path.
24:7 It's foolish to reject wisdom, for once wisdom is rejected, it cannot be obtained by the fool who neglects opportunities for growth.
24:8-9 It is sinful to mock justice and righteousness. It is evil to scheme and deceive.
24:10 God builds His children to be strong in weak moments; we do not wither or weary in adversity. We persevere in faith.
24:11-12 Our God is merciful; we call to Him for help and He saves us. He is also aware of our inner thoughts; He knows when we only inadvertently get ourselves into trouble. He certainty does not blame us when we did not know any better. But He calls us to listen and learn from Him so that we will know better the next time.
24:13-14 We are encouraged to eat honey; that is: read scripture, listen to God, observe the life of Jesus. We are meant to take righteousness in so that as we live, we will also express it outwardly. God's advice is nourishment for our soul and for our spirit of hope.
24:15-16 Do not purpose to harm or thwart others. God has sentenced evil to calamity. Though an evil person might cause a righteous one to fall, the fall will be soft and temporary.
24:17-18 We are not meant to experience pleasure when someone else fails. God wants us to be kind and supportive.
24:19-22 We have no reason to be afraid or envious of unjust, but powerful, people. God is our protection against them. We are advised against associating in corrupt matters.
24:23-25 Be honest and fair. Be as objective as possible, always aware of the ways you might inadvertently be partial to one side. Corrupt leaders will be despised but there are blessings for people who uphold, promote, restore and create justice.
24:26 Kindness and honesty are forms of affection.
24:27 It is best for us to build strong, secure souls and atmospheres first. When we begin to build families, houses, and permanent fixtures in our lives, they will be placed on a strong, peaceful foundation. Listen to and follow God, growing character and faith and our field will be fit.
24:28-29 Do not testify or witness against anyone falsely. We cannot deceive God, though we may sometimes convince others; He knows when we are being unfair, untruthful and unkind. We are not supposed to live with vengeful spirits. God is our avenger.
24:30-34 The people who do not listen to God or learn from scripture find themselves in barren fields and chaotic atmospheres. They neglect opportunities or fail at them (having not developed the skills to retain them). Laziness and apathy cause us to lose, miss, or destroy good things in our lives. They have no wisdom or defense. It happens steadily, and then all at once our life is fiercely destroyed by poor character, weak faith, and corrupt/lazy behavior.