Proverbs 23:1-35
23:1-3 It's important to maximize opportunities; when we have the opportunity to use our gift from God to promote justice when in the presence of someone who can actually make change, we must use that time effectively. And in order to remain smart and sober in those situations, we have to say no to temptations that will derail us. God does not want us to be slaves to our desires; we should be not be bribed into corruption nor tempted away from justice by things we are weak to.
23:4-5 We must not lose ourselves or waste our relationships in the pursuit of wealth. To live solely to acquire wealth is to neglect the spiritual element of our lives. True wealth is in the kingdom of God, and we want to be there to inherit it.
23:6-8 Do not allow yourself to be flattered. Perceive when situations, people and relationships (business, romantic, platonic or otherwise) are inauthentic.
23:9 Wise, coherent planning is wasted on the foolish; if a person is unwilling to cooperate smartly, find someone else to partner and plan with.
23:10-11 Keep the faith. Though many generations of families have let go their faith in God, keep a relationship with Him that will last into your posterity. People before us have gone into the "fields of the fatherless", that is, they have abandoned God and must navigate through life in their own.
23:12 Apply yourself, your heart, your time, your attention to instruction. God is our teacher and often He provides examples for us to learn from. He always provides a lesson in scripture to learn from. We should be observers and listeners so that we do not miss important lessons and opportunities to grow and change our family, community and world for the better.
23:13-14 It is dangerous to spoil a child, for they will turn into an adult with no respect or discipline. An adult with no respect or discipline will be unsuccessful in career, friendships, relationships and life.
23:15-16 God's heart rejoices when we behave and speak with wisdom and justice.
23:17-18 Although it may seem that the secular method works to obtain power, wealth and fame, it is a vain and void lifestyle. God does not want us to feel discouraged when living righteously does not seem to reap the same, or amount of, rewards that living unjustly might. But a corrupt or arrogant lifestyle is temporary and does not provide contentment. God promises to fulfill the hopes of the righteous; as His children, we must trust Him to do so.
23:19-21 Live contentiously; when we live in alignment with God's will and commandments, we refrain from mixing with corrupt people and business. He wants us to be humble and live with moderation and sobriety. He wants us to be active and productive instead of lazy and weary.
23:22 Respect elders; and if they are not honorable examples, still do not stoop to their level.
23:23 Accept only truth. And offer truth freely. Be honest and fair. Learn earnestly.
23:24-25 It is heartening for a parent to witness their child grow into a respectful, responsible adult.
23:26-28 Instruction from proverbs for living life: give your heart to God and your eyes to observing Him. When we live in accordance with God's will, we will avoid temptation and corrupt which we would have previously been bait to.
23:29-35 The weary, the disheartened, the complainers are people who do not live with sobriety. We are warned in this last section of the proverb not to become enthralled with alcohol. It is dangerous and will change our character for the worse. We will be unable to perceive the reality of our situation and our ignorance will cause further problems.