16:1 We prepare and plan for our lives but ultimately, as children of God, He has the final say.
16:2 Often we justify our own actions according to our circumstances but only God has the full, clear, true view. He knows the intentions of our heart.
16:3 When we commit our lives to the Kingdom of God, God establishes us in life.
16:4 Everything created came through the Hand of God; because God decided to give humanity free will, some people chose to live wickedly. Although they resist God, they too were created by Him.
16:5 God hates arrogance and when the powerful "gang-up" on the humble; He will ensure that their plans are brought to destruction. Though they seem powerful, they have no power over God's decision to reject and destroy them.
16:6 God provides mercy and truth so that we have the opportunity and space to learn and grow. And as we come to fear/revere God, we depart from evil.
16:7 A child living, seeking the favor of God will find themselves protected and led by Him. God makes our path smooth and clear; He directs us around, away from the tumult.
16:8 God prefers us to be humble and righteous than rich and unjust. If the consequence of wealth and power is the quality of our soul, God tells us to reject it.
16:9 We have plans in our hearts and minds for our lives but we do best to welcome God to direct our steps. Sometimes, and sometimes often, God leads us in a different direction than we think we wanted to go. But experience and relationship with God will teach us that He is always right. More and more willingly do we begin to follow His lead and trust His direction.
16:10-15 God supports leaders who are righteous, just and compassionate. He teaches us to be honest and fair no matter what our position in society, but those who lead others have added responsibility.
16:16 We must never sacrifice righteousness, compassion or justice in order to obtain wealth or power. Through time with God, we learn that those things truly will never satisfy us the way we sometimes think they will. Our souls long for truth and love and purpose. The meaning of our lives is not to obtain or to rule but to love and support; our souls thrive when we are loved and supported.
16:17 Our main direction as children of God is to walk in the opposite direction of things which are contrary to God's word. We preserve our soul as the walk in live endeavoring to live in accordance with God's will and commandments.
16:18-19 Arrogance is harmful to us; when we are so focused on ourselves we miss the pits around us and then fall into them. It is better to be humble; for the humble know their place and responsibility in the world to assist others and to learn and grow.
16:20 When we heed the advice of God, we are receptive to directions that lead directly into blessings. Our trust in God provides us the peace and purpose that ensures happiness.
16:21 Observant and receptive to instruction makes a person wise in heart. A kind person is a productive student of life and has a sweet heart.
16:22 Wisdom from God is a constant source of life, hope and direction from God. But the foolish experience no growth, only stagnancy and degeneration.
16:23 The wise learn when to speak and how to speak valuable things. As a constant pupil in the classroom of life, we add understanding and learning to the things which we say and do.
16:24 Kindness is sweet to the soul and health to the body. A compassionate outlook will heal a person's inner darkness.
16:25 Sometimes things, people and paths we think will be good for us will actually harm us. We must maintain our close relationship with God so that when we are tempted by such things, God is able to turn us away from them. He can see what we cannot.
16:26 We labor to keep ourselves fed in food and spirit; the journey of spirituality is nourishment to our souls.
16:27-30 Ungodly people cause, unearth and intensify the flames of evil. Gossipers ruin friendships. Violent people provoke the people around them and lead them astray. We must never deceive or tempt others for selfish, wicked purposes.
16:31 A long life is great only if the life was lived righteously.
16:32 An even-temperament is better than an explosive one. It is better to have control over yourself than to control a city. We must work on our character and the reign we have on our emotional responses and reactions. A person who is in control of themselves will make a better leader than a rash and wrathful person.
16:33 Our lot in life is what it is... until we invite God into our lives. With God in our lives, every decision about what we have and lose and keep is His decision; Hallelujah.