Proverbs 20:1-30
20:1 Proverbs does not encourage alcohol consumption as it impairs/prevents one's ability to behave wisely. It causes arguments and fights and leads the drinker astray.
20:2 It is prudent not to incite God's anger by mistreating His children, including one's own self.
20:3 It is not impressive to be an argumentative person.
20:4 Laziness is starvation for the bones, spirit (faith) and mind.
20:5 We are able to drink from the deep well of God's wisdom through faith within ourselves. When we seek His path, that is: understanding of life and its order, we are able to draw it out.
20:6 It is easy to find people who are arrogant but difficult to find a faithful person.
20:7 A righteous person lives life honorably and their posterity benefit from their prudence.
20:8 A righteous king scatters evil; with vigilance and wisdom God dismantles evil plots and thwarts evil persons.
20:9 Each person has something to learn, a reason to grow. We all fall short of the glory of God, Romans 3:23.
20:10 God hates when people live and judge unjustly. In every matter, thought and relationship He expects us to be fair.
20:11 It is a simple concept, for children and for adults, to be known by their actions. God simply expects us to be pure and right: that is, honest and faithful and righteous.
20:12 As God has created them, He knows best how we should use our ears and eyes. He wants us to be faithful and compassion, vigilant against sin within ourselves and evil within the world.
20:13 Be careful not to become lazy; it causes us to lose the things we enjoy in our lives. Even though some days it may be difficult to motivate ourselves, laziness is a pit that is difficult to crawl out of and depressing to be in. God wants us to remain aware and alert to opportunities in faith and life that satisfy our souls.
20:14 We should not be dishonest when we give or sell something to others.
20:15 Wisdom and knowledge are more valuable than worldly treasures. Our society may encourage us to pursue wealth but God directs us to pursue wisdom.
20:16 Be careful not to make commitments to corrupt things, people and institutions.
20:17 Deceitful methods may at first seem to satisfy but eventually their gain crumbles.
20:18 Before major actions, plans must be developed with wisdom. We be practical and level-headed; we must use logic when making plans.
20:19 It is not good to gossip or lie or tell secrets. It is wise for us not to associate with flatterers, gossipers, or liars.
20:20 It is not honorable to disrespect one's parents. Although we may have issues with our parents, or anyone, it is not honorable to slander. We are a light, an influence in the world, whether we realize it or not. How we speak and behave has an impact on the people around us.
20:21 It is better to build a life steadily and honorably than hastily. Things done hastily do not have quality enough to last. God wants us to build good lives and strong characters here on earth; when we do so, we will inherit the kingdom of God. The ultimate inheritance.
20:22 We should not live with vengeance in our hearts and minds. Faith allows us to trust God to handle our situations while we remain righteous.
20:23 Do not live dishonestly; God is not pleased when we cheat and deceive.
20:24 When are steps are of the Lord, we are strong, secure and progressive. Purposeful. Righteous. But when we walk our own way, make our own rules, we have no understanding.
20:25 We should only make true, authentic commitments. We must give God our full attention and best effort.
20:26 God is our wise king who sifts out the wicked to make a better place for the righteous. All leaders should protect the people who follow them.
20:27 Our spirit is our light. Our light is the influence and impact we make in the world, especially in areas of darkness. God searches our hearts and knows our light. He hopes that we will use our lives for compassion.
20:28 Mercy, honesty and compassion are highly regarded by God; He is the embodiment of each and His kingdom is upheld by them.
20:29 Strength and health are highly regarded by humans throughout our lives.
20:30 Discipline and constructive criticism help us to become stronger, wiser, and more righteous in character.