11:1 We will make a lot of measurements throughout our lives; that is, we will have many situations which require us to act fairly. God considers it atrocity when we are dishonest and unfair. We must measure our choices and behavior by God's scales. We must strive for justice in all situations, especially when interacting with others.
11:2 We are warned that pride causes us to make mistakes and then to feel shame. It is much better for us to be humble students, listening to God's quiet by emphatic advice as we move throughout life.
11:3-6 An adherence to God's law will cause us to walk along a guided and lighted path in life. A path along the river of life and ripe with blessings. But to live in opposition to justice and compassion is to wander in dark and murky places. In those places, we sink into the quagmire of greed, lust, anger, and arrogance. Those emotions cause us to weary soul and ruin our character.
11:7-11 A wicked person and their hopes will wither and die. Yet when we walk with God, we walk in safety into new life. The lives of the kind and just are loved and valued by their peers, but unjust and unkind people's fall is celebrated.
11:12 It is foolish to erupt in anger and hate. A wise person will be peaceful and like Paul, Philippians 4:11, seek to be content in every situation. It is from a mind-space of peace that we are able to un-knot the tension in our lives and listen to God for solutions.
11:13 It is the right for us to be discrete. God does not want us to be perpetrators of gossip, especially with delicate and personal situations.
11:14 Seek wisdom. It is better to consider oneself a life-long student in the universe, the university of life. Sometimes lessons teach us what to do and other times, the lesson is what not to do. But there is always something to be learned.
11:15 We are advised against supporting corrupt doctrines. Many corrupt movements have manifested around the world, present and past, and the righteous were required to shut them down. There is variation in belief but any system which harms, neglects or segregates people is not acceptable.
11:16 Gracious people have and keep their honor, for their reputation as kind and honorable is secured. Ruthless people may temporarily retain riches, but in spirit they are very poor.
11:17 It is good for the soul to be good and merciful to others. We are revitalized by our own kindness, even though anger tempts (and tricks) us to think hate will make us feel better. Actually hatred and cruelty weary our own souls. Retaliation is not a balm. Retaliation is a bomb, rather: destruction for both, healing for neither.
11:18-19 Actions done, businesses built, relationships started with deception are doomed. But when we sow righteousness as we live and interact in the earth, we reap righteousness. We are constantly renewed in heart and mind and spirit.
Conversely, evil pursuits steadily break one down in mind, body and spirit.
Conversely, evil pursuits steadily break one down in mind, body and spirit.
11:20 Wrath awaits the evil, but the innocently righteous are God's delight.
11:21 God ensures the abounding victory of the righteous, even when they fight alone. But no matter how many band together on the side of corruption, God causes them to inevitably fail.
11:22 God wants us to carefully consider what is lovely. Are we attracted to shiny, material objects and statuses of wealth? It is much more beautiful and prudent to have wisdom, reverence of God. We must be able to discern between actual beauty and temptation in the world. A truly lovely human is righteous and humble and a proclaimed child of God.
11:23 The ultimate pursuit of the righteous is to do good, is for their lives to impact humanity with light. But wicked pursuits only cause tumult.
11:24-26 God gives blessing in order that we may perpetuate our blessings. Our lives, skills and resources are meant to assist us in assisting others with their own righteous pursuits.
Luke 6:38The above verse is a perfect example of how God's word is contrary to what the world has taught us. We do not have to hoard our blessings and resources; in fact, the more generous we are, the more generous God will be to us. Essentially, God has allowed us to decide our own equation, our own measurement.
Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.
We are meant to be generous like our Father!
11:27 God notices with favor those who seek good outcomes in every situation for every person, but people who cause evil cause trouble for themselves.
11:28 We must not trust in the currency or philosophy of the world. It is corrupt and temporary. But when we trust in God, we are planted in good, everlasting soil. We will continually flourish within the kingdom of God. We remain in the kingdom of God as we live in accordance with His will.
11:29 There is no victory for the cruel; there is no power for the foolish. God has reserved victory and power for those who will be responsible with it: the righteous and wise.
11:30 It is wise to live in such a way that inspires others to pursue righteousness. Our life is an example, we must consider what message our example is projecting. A righteous life causes blessing to bloom like good fruits around us. We are continually renewed, refreshed, and nourished by God when we plant ourselves in the soil of His kingdom.
God is overjoyed when our kindness draws others into His House, Luke 15:10. If nothing else, God wants us to be a righteous tree of life by loving others. He wants us to choose peace, kindness, mercy, and generosity over dispute, anger, revenge and selfishness. Those choices are daily tasks.
11:31 Indeed God will measure fairly to each individual. The righteous will reap righteousness. But the unrighteous will not inherit life, for the used theirs to ruin others'.