Proverbs 14:1-35
14:1 We are children of the Creator so it makes sense that we should be creators ourselves. We should build solid, righteous lifestyles and fill out lives with strong relationships we've built along the way. Our actions should always endeavor to support what we have built; therefore we should be careful not to think or behave in ways that can harm the good things in ourselves, or prevent us from getting them.
14:2 We fear/revere God when we walk in uprightness because by doing so, we respect Him as our Father and instructor. However, to live perversely is to despise God in that it is to reject everything He stands for: righteousness, compassion, love.
14:3 It is foolish to be prideful, arrogant. Such a temperament neglects others' and opportunities for growth. To be arrogant is to live inwardly, never experiencing or perceiving elements of reality that are crucial to a well-rounded, humble life.
14:4 Increase in life comes from strength in faith and steadfast effort. It can be difficult or scary to begin a new project, the start of a new idea can be messy; but increase comes to those who work hard and righteously.
14:5 God teaches His children to be honest. We have a faithful Father and there is no tolerance for deception in His house.
14:6-8 It's impossible to learn and grow if we spend out time arrogantly scoffing at ideas that a new or different to us. But to a diligent study, understanding readily comes. For when we train ourselves to be observant and objective, we are better able to live righteously.
14:9 God appreciates people who live with justice, compassion and truth. It would be foolish to mock sin; God wants us to live with a serious sense of righteousness, an appropriate sense of humor (one which does not laugh in perverse situations).
14:10 Although we may feel (perhaps rightly) that no one can understand the bitterness or joy in our hearts, God can. It is especially important for us to remember that we are not alone in life or in emotion. God is able to help us through, or celebrate us though, every thing we experience.
14:11 Wicked things are destroyed; righteous things we upheld.
14:12 God teaches us to recognize the avenues and people which seem right or good to us but are not. He helps us to resist temptation when we are being drawn into harmful (or less good) situations.
14:13 Our outward expressions do not always match our internal feelings. But rather than allow that disconnect to be private and hard, we can share it with God. We open ourselves to Him and He is able to heal the wounds He finds inside.
14:14 Deceptive people are fragmented by their own corrupt actions. But God ensures that good humans are satisfied by their righteous lifestyles.
14:15-19 God teaches us to be complex thinkers, not vulnerable the deception of others or misconceptions. He teaches us to live conscientiously and to separate ourselves from darkness and drains. He teaches us to be even-tempered and humble, peaceful and considerate. He teaches us that there is no future for destructive or evil ways.
14:20-21 We are encouraged not to hate our neighbors, even when they seem to have no admirable advantages. There is a deep and natural joy that comes when one lives with compassion. Therefore we should be merciful and compassionate with the people around us.
14:22 To give into anger, greed or selfish pursuits is to leave the straightforward path God has outlined for us. But to build good things, is to be supported by God in our endeavors.
14:23 Work hard, it is always profitable. But idle gossip and chatter is action-less and never grows or obtains anything of value.
14:24 We are surrounded by what we have sown. A wise lifestyle, that is: a righteous lifestyle, is like a crown to a person. But folly surrounds a foolish person, further preventing them from growth and change.
14:25 A righteous person seeks to assist and love others; a deceptive person lies and destroys. We should always note when our behavior borders on destruction (for ourselves or for others) so that we can swiftly change it.
14:26-27 We have strength, confidence and refuge when we endeavor with God and in accordance with His will. Reverence of God is a source of nourishment for us in everything we do. He keeps us from harmful things, places and people.
14:28 We will never have the support of others without living an honorable lifestyle. We cannot lead without followers; and no one will faithfully support or follow a dishonorable person; their reign will always come to an end.
14:29 To remain even-tempered in a tumultuous situation is to enable ourselves to perceive the reality and solution of a situation... and thus to avoid causing further damage. Impulsive behavior causes damage.
14:30 An even-tempered, kind heart is a source of life and health to our bodies. But envy is a poison that rots our character and darkens our spirits. It is better for us to learn appreciation in our own lives and to build with God good things so that we do not resent others or begrudge their happiness.
14:31 To oppress the poor is to directly antagonize God. But God honors those who take care of His children in need.
14:32 The wicked are brought to an end and God provides relief for His persecuted children.
14:33 Inward peace and wisdom steadies a righteous person but the foolishness is seen by others.
14:34 A righteous nation is respected but a corrupt nation is hated by all.
14:35 God's favor is toward His wise child, for they have put effort into righteousness, compassion and faith. But God's wrath is against the shamefully corrupt.