13:1 A wise child is one who listens to their Father; God has preserved the Bible for us to read and learn from. It would be foolish of us not to accept the correction of behavior it instructs.
13:2 An honorable life is satisfying; honest and kind words provide eternal peace. But a dishonorable lifestyle is full of destruction.
13:3 It is better to be observant and reserved than self-centered and spewing nonsense.
13:4 Laziness is unproductive and does not result in satisfaction. However, a diligent soul works hard for the treasures that inevitably fill their lives.
13:5 It should feel wrong to lie, the be an unfair person. But one who lies comfortably journeys toward inescapable shame.
13:6 A righteous lifestyle has built-in protection by the Hand of God. But wickedness chases the wicked and always catches its prey.
13:7 Despite having wealth, a person devoid of a righteous spirit and compassionate heart is very poor. For a life of wealth if obtained without righteousness and compassion was a life built on dishonesty and apathy; such a life neglects the well-being of those around them due to personal pursuits. Such a life lacks the meaning that makes life beautiful and complex. We cannot build strong, authentic relationships without righteousness or compassion.
13:8 We save our souls from corruption when our we render our souls valuable. We render our souls valuable by living righteously. However a corrupt spirit is poor as it never hears the instruction of God on how to learn that righteous way.
13:9 A righteous life is lighted by its own deeds but a wicked life is dark. A righteous life builds friendships and relationships, builds, achieves and supports. A wicked life destructs and wallows in depression, dissatisfaction and loneliness.
13:10 Arrogance blocks out instruction but the wise are wise because they received instruction. We should consider ourselves students of life and God, ever learning how better to function and interact through observation and willingness to learn.
13:11 Dishonestly-gained wealth is temporary but the hard work of a righteous person is secured.
13:12 God wants us to be brave and proactive with our ideas and dreams and hopes. When we trust God and live in accordance with His will and philosophy, our endeavors are guided and supported by Him.
13:13-14 Those who live in accordance with righteousness and compassion have life even beyond the limits of life we know now. But people who live in opposition to God have already been sentenced to banishment from life.
13:15-16 Life is smooth and joyful when we listen to God and seek understanding of His word. But evil, selfish, unfaithful actions cause a life to be difficult. We only make life more difficult when we refuse to listen and grow. Yet life becomes even smoother the more we bend ourselves to God's purposeful will for ourselves and the earth.
13:17 Wicked actions cause problems but wise people are able to have the knowledge to avoid them. We should seek to be advocates for the well being of the people we represent, rather than for our own agenda.
13:18 Only difficulty and tumult await a person who refuses to grow. But those who can take constructive criticism from God, or a godly source, will grow to be wise and honorable.
13:19 Accomplishment is fulfilling to a hard-working person; but achievement through evil means is wrong and will not satisfy or last.
13:20 We must surround ourselves with people who inspire us to be better, wiser, stronger, kinder. We cannot befriend or admire people whose values lessen our own or corrupt our behavior.
13:21 Evil people are fodder for evil devices; they continually fall into trouble. The righteous however, sow good things and therefore reap them.
13:22 We build a secure lifestyle in order to take care of our families; and when we commit ourselves to God, He helps us to do so. But those who procure wealth solely for selfish purposes lose it.
13:23 There is every opportunity in the world to support people who are poor and hungry, literally and figuratively. Yet because there are not enough workers of righteousness, that fallow land lies barren. Those opportunities to help others are ignored and wasted.
13:24 It is good to be tough-love disciplinarians to the people we love in ourselves, especially when raising children. As God gently, but firmly reprimands us from misdeeds so much we do with our own children. To never teach a child boundaries of behavior would be to spoil them and ruin their character as they grow.
13:25 A righteous soul is satisfied by its motives, actions and achievements... all supported by and in accordance with God. Nothing brings contentment so deep and permanent as an authentic relationship with God. However, evil and selfish pursuits are never satisfied; they continue to be drawn and tempted by things which only harm and hollow them more.