Tuesday, August 27, 2019

OT: The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 24

Proverbs 24:1-34

24:1-2 Do not be envious of people who seem to have "it all" but actually have no integrity or righteousness. Corruption leads to violence and trouble, and Proverbs assures us that no amount of wealth, power of fame is worth losing your soul over. 

24:3-4 Through wisdom sturdy businesses, relationships, marriages, families and other institutions are built. By following instruction from God, we fill our lives with blessings. 

24:5-6 A wise person is strong, not susceptible to temptation. A wise person is strong because they have chosen their strength and reinforcement: God. We are wise when we listen to God about how to remain on an honorable, progressive path. 

24:7 It's foolish to reject wisdom, for once wisdom is rejected, it cannot be obtained by the fool who neglects opportunities for growth.

24:8-9 It is sinful to mock justice and righteousness. It is evil to scheme and deceive. 

24:10 God builds His children to be strong in weak moments; we do not wither or weary in adversity. We persevere in faith.  

24:11-12 Our God is merciful; we call to Him for help and He saves us. He is also aware of our inner thoughts; He knows when we only inadvertently get ourselves into trouble. He certainty does not blame us when we did not know any better. But He calls us to listen and learn from Him so that we will know better the next time.

24:13-14 We are encouraged to eat honey; that is: read scripture, listen to God, observe the life of Jesus. We are meant to take righteousness in so that as we live, we will also express it outwardly. God's advice is nourishment for our soul and for our spirit of hope.

24:15-16 Do not purpose to harm or thwart others. God has sentenced evil to calamity. Though an evil person might cause a righteous one to fall, the fall will be soft and temporary

24:17-18 We are not meant to experience pleasure when someone else fails. God wants us to be kind and supportive. 

24:19-22 We have no reason to be afraid or envious of unjust, but powerful, people. God is our protection against them. We are advised against associating in corrupt matters. 

24:23-25 Be honest and fair. Be as objective as possible, always aware of the ways you might inadvertently be partial to one side. Corrupt leaders will be despised but there are blessings for people who uphold, promote, restore and create justice. 

24:26 Kindness and honesty are forms of affection.

24:27 It is best for us to build strong, secure souls and atmospheres first. When we begin to build families, houses, and permanent fixtures in our lives, they will be placed on a strong, peaceful foundation. Listen to and follow God, growing character and faith and our field will be fit.

24:28-29 Do not testify or witness against anyone falsely. We cannot deceive God, though we may sometimes convince others; He knows when we are being unfair, untruthful and unkind. We are not supposed to live with vengeful spirits. God is our avenger. 

24:30-34 The people who do not listen to God or learn from scripture find themselves in barren fields and chaotic atmospheres. They neglect opportunities or fail at them (having not developed the skills to retain them). Laziness and apathy cause us to lose, miss, or destroy good things in our lives. They have no wisdom or defense. It happens steadily, and then all at once our life is fiercely destroyed by poor character, weak faith, and corrupt/lazy behavior.

Monday, August 26, 2019

OT: The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 23

Proverbs 23:1-35

23:1-3 It's important to maximize opportunities; when we have the opportunity to use our gift from God to promote justice when in the presence of someone who can actually make change, we must use that time effectively. And in order to remain smart and sober in those situations, we have to say no to temptations that will derail us. God does not want us to be slaves to our desires; we should be not be bribed into corruption nor tempted away from justice by things we are weak to.

23:4-5 We must not lose ourselves or waste our relationships in the pursuit of wealth. To live solely to acquire wealth is to neglect the spiritual element of our lives. True wealth is in the kingdom of God, and we want to be there to inherit it. 

23:6-8 Do not allow yourself to be flattered. Perceive when situations, people and relationships (business, romantic, platonic or otherwise) are inauthentic. 

23:9 Wise, coherent planning is wasted on the foolish; if a person is unwilling to cooperate smartly, find someone else to partner and plan with.

23:10-11 Keep the faith. Though many generations of families have let go their faith in God, keep a relationship with Him that will last into your posterity. People before us have gone into the "fields of the fatherless", that is, they have abandoned God and must navigate through life in their own.

23:12 Apply yourself, your heart, your time, your attention to instruction. God is our teacher and often He provides examples for us to learn from. He always provides a lesson in scripture to learn from. We should be observers and listeners so that we do not miss important lessons and opportunities to grow and change our family, community and world for the better.

23:13-14 It is dangerous to spoil a child, for they will turn into an adult with no respect or discipline. An adult with no respect or discipline will be unsuccessful in career, friendships, relationships and life.

23:15-16 God's heart rejoices when we behave and speak with wisdom and justice.

23:17-18 Although it may seem that the secular method works to obtain power, wealth and fame, it is a vain and void lifestyle. God does not want us to feel discouraged when living righteously does not seem to reap the same, or amount of, rewards that living unjustly might. But a corrupt or arrogant lifestyle is temporary and does not provide contentment. God promises to fulfill the hopes of the righteous; as His children, we must trust Him to do so.

23:19-21 Live contentiously; when we live in alignment with God's will and commandments, we refrain from mixing with corrupt people and business. He wants us to be humble and live with moderation and sobriety. He wants us to be active and productive instead of lazy and weary.

23:22 Respect elders; and if they are not honorable examples, still do not stoop to their level.

23:23 Accept only truth. And offer truth freely. Be honest and fair. Learn earnestly. 

23:24-25 It is heartening for a parent to witness their child grow into a respectful, responsible adult.

23:26-28 Instruction from proverbs for living life: give your heart to God and your eyes to observing Him. When we live in accordance with God's will, we will avoid temptation and corrupt which we would have previously been bait to.

23:29-35 The weary, the disheartened, the complainers are people who do not live with sobriety. We are warned in this last section of the proverb not to become enthralled with alcohol. It is dangerous and will change our character for the worse. We will be unable to perceive the reality of our situation and our ignorance will cause further problems.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

OT: The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 22

Proverbs 22:1-29

22:1 It is more important that we work to become good people than rich people. That statement seems simple but to actually live it out means sometimes to deny opportunities or make sacrifices we would rather not.

22:2 All the diversity in the world comes from the same origin: God. Despite our lot in life, we are connected through Him.

22:3 God teaches us to be prudent enough to notice bad situations and subsequently avoid them (and the consequences they cause).

22:4 Through humility God is able to truly enrich our lives. A humble spirit is able to learn, learn and grow. And as we listen, learn and grow we follow God directly into blessing.

22:5 Unrighteousness is a path with many dangers and fears and faults. But those who guard their soul with faith are far from that turbulent path.

22:6 Raise children well and they grow into righteous adults.

22:7 It's better not to be indebted it anybody.

22:8 We reap what we sow; to sow iniquity is to cause it for ourselves.

22:9 It is good to be generous, to be generous is to love and assist God's children (and our own generosity is returned to us).

22:10 A disagreeable (contentious) person can ruin the atmosphere of an entire place.

22:11 A pure heart and graceful temperament is pleasing to God.

22:12 God is vigilant over our lives and preserves those who pursue knowledge (that is: the righteous and wise way of life). But unrighteousness (ignorance, corruption, deceit) is overthrown.

22:13 A lazy person always thinks of an excuse as to why they cannot be productive.

22:14 Immorality is reached through uncontrolled temptation and it is a deep pit.

22:15 As children (and even adults) we have much to learn; tough-love discipline is good to help us grow as righteous individuals.

22:16 Those who oppress people in order to have power and wealth will be destroyed by God.

22:17-21 Be attentive to instruction from God. Instruction from God is pleasant and productive. We must apply our ears, eyes, hearts and souls to growing and emulating our righteous, compassionate God. God teaches true and excellent things; and through our relationship with Him we learn to trust Him as we live.

22:22-23 Do not take advantage of people. God will always take the side of the oppressed.

22:24-25 We need not develop relationships with angry, contentious people. Their behavior is a bad influence on us. We are charged to love all people and assist them when they need assistance, but we do not need to socialize, trust or befriend people who will harm us with their negativity.

22:26-27 Be careful not to become indebted beyond your means.

22:28 Keep righteous traditions.

22:29 Endeavor to excel at what you do; when we focus our energy and effort on developing and mastering the gifts God has given us, we will be brought to grand opportunities.

Monday, August 19, 2019

OT: The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 21

Proverbs 21:1-31

21:1 Our hearts are in the hand of God; those who submit to Him allow their lives to be led and changed and grown by God's authority. It is a wise leader that submits their heart to God just as our Messiah has done.

21:2 Although we may justify our actions, it is God's judgement that is ultimate and true.

21:3 Sacrifice was a popular practice in Biblical times; but then and now God prefers us to be righteous and just more than He wishes us to sacrifice to Him. In Micah 6:6-8 we learn that God does not prefer to receive sacrifices.

21:4 An arrogant mindset and heart are equated with wickedness and sin.

21:5 Live diligently in faith and the path will reach blessing and achievement. But hasty steps and plans do not build firm foundations.

21:6 People may think it works to gain wealth, power and fame through sinful and deceptive means but proverbs tells us their gain is a fantasy. They lose what they corruptly garnered.

21:7 Corrupt behavior causes corruption to come; it is an endless and desperate cycle.

21:8 A liar's way is perverse; a honest person's work is right.

21:9 It is better to live humbly and in peace than in a lavish but contentious atmosphere.

21:10 A wicked person will not have peace with anyone around them.

21:11 Arrogant people are brought down by their selfishness but the humble grow in character.

21:12 God is committed to the righteous; He will remove unrighteousness from the world.

21:13 Ignorance and neglect cause one to be ignored and neglected in blessing. They have not built connections with people or God that can help them in their own time of need.

21:14 Bribery is a dangerous business, we should not participate in it.

21:15 Justice, rather than a responsibility, is a joy to a righteous person. But injustice will cause destruction for the person who commits it.

21:16 To wander from God's path is to lose understanding and to meet destruction.

21:17 We must learn moderation and even temperance from the things which cause us to become slothful, unproductive and even corrupt. It is important for us to be purposeful and productive.

21:18 Evil is exchanged for righteousness. The unfaithful are exchanged for the faithful and upright.

21:19 It is better to have peace even in a wilderness than to live in a contentious place.

21:20 We must not squander our blessings; we should utilize and share what we have to abound blessing, not waste it.

21:21 God's path of righteousness and mercy leads to life, righteousness and honor. We are led by good into good places, for good purposes.

21:22 It is wise to tear down corrupt institutions (though it may require extraordinary effort).

21:23 Better to listen and observe than to boast, blabber, argue or gossip. We keep our soul from trouble when we learn to listen to the counsel of God and avoid causing contention between people.

21:24 Arrogance is shameful and unwise.

21:25-26 Ensure that you do not become enthralled by desires. Desire causes one to be lazy and distracted. But a righteous person gives instead of chasing desires, providing for their families and supporting their friends and those in need.

21:27 God cannot be fooled; any act with sinful intentions is rejected by Him (even if it has others fooled).

21:28 Lies can cause innocent people harm; harm finds the liar.

21:29 Wickedness is stubborn and callous. But a righteous person is established on their path.

21:30 Anything that is against God is useless.

21:31 Evil will have war waged upon them but the righteous will be kept by God.

OT: The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 20

Proverbs 20:1-30

20:1 Proverbs does not encourage alcohol consumption as it impairs/prevents one's ability to behave wisely. It causes arguments and fights and leads the drinker astray.

20:2 It is prudent not to incite God's anger by mistreating His children, including one's own self.

20:3 It is not impressive to be an argumentative person.

20:4 Laziness is starvation for the bones, spirit (faith) and mind.

20:5 We are able to drink from the deep well of God's wisdom through faith within ourselves. When we seek His path, that is: understanding of life and its order, we are able to draw it out.

20:6 It is easy to find people who are arrogant but difficult to find a faithful person.

20:7 A righteous person lives life honorably and their posterity benefit from their prudence.

20:8 A righteous king scatters evil; with vigilance and wisdom God dismantles evil plots and thwarts evil persons.

20:9 Each person has something to learn, a reason to grow. We all fall short of the glory of God, Romans 3:23.

20:10 God hates when people live and judge unjustly. In every matter, thought and relationship He expects us to be fair.

20:11 It is a simple concept, for children and for adults, to be known by their actions. God simply expects us to be pure and right: that is, honest and faithful and righteous.

20:12 As God has created them, He knows best how we should use our ears and eyes. He wants us to be faithful and compassion, vigilant against sin within ourselves and evil within the world.

20:13 Be careful not to become lazy; it causes us to lose the things we enjoy in our lives. Even though some days it may be difficult to motivate ourselves, laziness is a pit that is difficult to crawl out of and depressing to be in. God wants us to remain aware and alert to opportunities in faith and life that satisfy our souls.

20:14 We should not be dishonest when we give or sell something to others.

20:15 Wisdom and knowledge are more valuable than worldly treasures. Our society may encourage us to pursue wealth but God directs us to pursue wisdom.

20:16 Be careful not to make commitments to corrupt things, people and institutions.

20:17 Deceitful methods may at first seem to satisfy but eventually their gain crumbles.

20:18 Before major actions, plans must be developed with wisdom. We be practical and level-headed; we must use logic when making plans.

20:19 It is not good to gossip or lie or tell secrets. It is wise for us not to associate with flatterers, gossipers, or liars.

20:20 It is not honorable to disrespect one's parents. Although we may have issues with our parents, or anyone, it is not honorable to slander. We are a light, an influence in the world, whether we realize it or not. How we speak and behave has an impact on the people around us.

20:21 It is better to build a life steadily and honorably than hastily. Things done hastily do not have quality enough to last. God wants us to build good lives and strong characters here on earth; when we do so, we will inherit the kingdom of God. The ultimate inheritance.

20:22 We should not live with vengeance in our hearts and minds. Faith allows us to trust God to handle our situations while we remain righteous.

20:23 Do not live dishonestly; God is not pleased when we cheat and deceive.

20:24 When are steps are of the Lord, we are strong, secure and progressive. Purposeful. Righteous. But when we walk our own way, make our own rules, we have no understanding.

20:25 We should only make true, authentic commitments. We must give God our full attention and best effort.

20:26 God is our wise king who sifts out the wicked to make a better place for the righteous. All leaders should protect the people who follow them.

20:27 Our spirit is our light. Our light is the influence and impact we make in the world, especially in areas of darkness. God searches our hearts and knows our light. He hopes that we will use our lives for compassion.

20:28 Mercy, honesty and compassion are highly regarded by God; He is the embodiment of each and His kingdom is upheld by them.

20:29 Strength and health are highly regarded by humans throughout our lives.

20:30 Discipline and constructive criticism help us to become stronger, wiser, and more righteous in character.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

OT: The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 19

Proverbs 19:1-29

19:1 It is also better to be a good person than person with a lot of goods. God values integrity, quality of character. If wealth is obtained through corrupt means, it is worth nothing. It is better to be humble and wise then perverse and foolish.

19:2 It is bad for the soul to reject or neglect learning. The health of our inward self is dependent on our willingness and effort to learn new things and broaden our scope. 

19:3 Foolishness causes us to go in the wrong directions rather than to walk along God's path. There is much contention within a person who lives against the philosophy God has established.

19:4 Sometimes it is the case the wealth causes one to become quite popular. We must learn to discern true friendships; God helps us to identify when someone truly supports our well-being. And the world can also be cruel and neglect the poor, the one who has little in material to offer.

19:5 God always uncovers deception and corruption.

19:6-7 God teaches us to love everybody, but the secular world undervalues those who do not have wealth or popularity. It can be difficult to make real friends when you are rich and it can be difficult to retain friends when you are poor. Luckily, we have a Father who is our friend at all times and our relationship with Him fulfills all of our needs. He also leads us into good, healthy relationships with friends, family and partners. 

19:8 To learn is to self-care. To at least try to understand people and situations and ideas is to find goodness. God uncovers many truths and perspectives for us, when we keep them, we receive His goodness. 

19:9 People who lie and harm others with their deceptions must inevitably face consequences for the lies that they told.

19:10 A foolish person would waste and abuse in a position of luxury; a foolish person would have been too lazy to learn, appreciate and retain what is necessary to inherit such an amount. And such is the world that a person lowly in position will not be chosen to lead.

19:11 To have discretion, in part, is to have an even temperament. We cannot observe and judge situations if our perspective is tainted with anger. 

19:12 God is our ultimate king. His wrath is as fierce as His love is tender. As His children, we can take comfort in His ability to contend with evil while benefiting throughout our lives from His love.

19:13 Contention within the household between family is ruinous. Therefore, God teaches us to love, support and respect each other... to listen and perceive with objectivity. 

19:14 Hard work will produce riches for a person... but a wise spouse is given by God. God leads us, when we follow, to the people whose presence will most bless our lives. 

19:15 Laziness will put a person to sleep; they will not be connected with reality. Laziness is faith will cause a person's spirit to be stagnant, and also their relationship with God. Idleness is life and faith will cause they body and soul to suffer. We need to nourish our whole selves... and that cannot happen if we refuse to learn, listen, and explore the things God leads us to.

19:16 To keep God's commandments is to walk the path that leads directly into life after this life. However to neglect them is to reject life after this life. If we do not follow the commandments here, we will not be prepared to live in a kingdom where righteousness reigns. 

19:17 To assist and feed and support God's poor children is to help God; God ensures what we get back what we give:
Matthew 25:35-40for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’ 
 “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.
Luke 6:38
Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.”
19:18 It is better to discipline children while they are still able to learn and change than to spoil them and ruin their character as adults. We actually destroy children's character when we allow them to behave badly.

19:19 Wrathful people cause destructive situations and the people who support them suffer also.

19:20 Be receptive to instruction in order to obtain wisdom.

19:21 We make plans but ultimately, God's plan prevails; therefore it is best to put our plan in alignment with His will.

19:22 The most desirable trait in a person is their kindness. And it is better to be humble than well-liked and a fraud. 

19:23 Reverence of God, love for Him and "fear" that is: respect for our Father's authority, causes us to live fully and richly. When we respect God, we have His protection from evil schemes and harmful people. 

19:24 A lazy person neglects opportunity that is right in front of him, and causes himself to starve: literally and figuratively.

19:25 We should discourage scoffing to cause others to see that it is wrong, will not make them likable or wise. 

19:26 Although some people who have parents who do not respect them, God does not want us to mistreat our parents.

19:27 If we stop listen to what God has to say, if we stop seeking His counsel, we will find ourselves suddenly off of His path and lost in life. 

19:28 We are meant to be truthful so that we do not cause harm to innocent people.

19:29 There are difficult life lessons for cruel and foolish people... therefore, cherish the process of learning! Welcome instruction and subsequently, spiritual and character growth.

Friday, August 16, 2019

OT: The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 18

Proverbs 18:1-24

18:1 We are not meant to separate ourselves from others; it would be selfish to pursue our own agenda, exclusively. We are meant to share and help, love and laugh and discover with others.

18:2 A foolish person, instead of endeavoring to understand, simply lives to spew their own interpretation.

18:3 Harmful behavior causes contempt with others; and when an evil person is reproached, they are dishonored (the opposite of the glory they seek).

18:4 Though there is importance to one's garnered wisdom, the process of learning is constantly new and fresh.

18:5 We should not support corrupt endeavors, neither should we thwart just systems.

18:6-8 It is foolish and destructive to contribute to arguments or to create false stories. If we pollute the world with harmful intentions, we almost pollute our innermost selves.

18:9 Laziness is destructive: it causes us to lose good opportunities and relationships.

18:10-11 God is our strong tower. He is our place of refuge and source of protection. Yet only pride surrounds the corrupt man.

18:12 Arrogance causes the destruction of character; destruction causes humility in the arrogant. Before a person can be honorable, they must first be humble.

18:13 Be careful to watch and listen and consult with God before answering a matter or discerning a truth. To be uninformed is to be ill-equipped to be involved.

18:14 The quality and health of our soul is our first priority. For a weak body can have a strong soul, but a strong body is useless to a weak soul. God nourishes the very essence of who we are, the way that no material or earthly thing ever could.

18:15 It is prudent to acquire knowledge. It is wise to seek knowledge. Proverbs encourages us not just to learn when we realize an opportunity but also to seek knowledge! That is: to seek opportunities for growth, complex understanding and broader perspective.

18:16 God distributed to each of us gifts. And when we go out into the world, among humanity, using our God-given gifts for good, it takes us to great places. Our gifts from God come with important opportunities.

18:17 Listen to all sides before developing a stance (it's too easy to believe the first thing we hear).

18:18 We do not "cast lots" anymore. We now have God's word to tell us what is right and wrong.

18:19 Seek and work for peace between yourself and others; contention is a difficult wall to break down between others well allowed to fester.

18:20 God has developed a system: what we produce, we receive. To project kindness and righteousness is to nourish our own souls. The production of hard work and good fruits causes us health and contentment, soul-deep. What we take in also matters, so we must ensure that we take our fill of God's word rather than of material things or the objects of our temptation. We must be careful not to take in too much of what the secular world values.

18:21 God has given us free will. We choose life or death through our actions. The righteous inherit live even beyond life as we know it now. But the evil choose complete non-existence.

18:22 God blesses righteous, loyal, compassionate unions between people.

18:23 This is a lesson in discernment. A needy person is likely to be kind; they need something, and their kindness may or may not be sincere. Often however, a humble person learns the value of kindness because of their situation. However a rich person may answer roughly because they have little understanding of what it is like to lack and to need.

18:24 There are different levels of friends. Some friendships go beyond friendliness to love, platonic love and solidarity!

Thursday, August 15, 2019

OT: The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 17

Proverbs 17:1-28

17:1 Proverbs teaches us the incomparable value of peace over strife. A quiet and peaceful life is better than a rich but strife-filled life. We are encouraged to make choices that may not necessarily advance our level in society but will fulfill peace within our souls.

17:2 The person who is righteous and hard working will always be given more responsibility in God's house than a so-called believer who is corrupt and lazy.

17:3 The "refining pot" and the "furnace" are used as metaphors to explain that God is able to test the truth of a person's heart.

17:4 Evil intentions and lies jump to conclusions and are swift to listen to and fall for anything.

17:5 To mock the poor is to anger God, who has made and loved the lowly and the high.

17:6 Posterity is a gift. God has given us the ability to proliferate and know and love our offspring.

17:7 Neither is it admirable to live foolishly nor as a liar.

17:8 This word "gift" is actually bribe; temptation enthralls those who give into it corrupt dealings for gain.

17:9 To regret and subsequently change after a mistake is to seek a true relationship, but to continue to make the same harmful mistake is to break a relationship.

17:10 Constructive criticism works quickly and effectively for a person wise enough to take it. However a stubborn person who resists character growth will repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

17:11 To constantly seek destruction is evil. The righteous often seek reform and rebellion when necessary... but an evil person is constantly pushing against people and ideas.

17:12 It is more dangerous and destructive to live foolishly than incite the anger of a fierce beast.

17:13 To live evil is to receive evil. Continually.

17:14 We should not allow strife to fester; it will become a flood, a monsoon that is difficult to survive. We must be calm and wise enough to dismantle contention before it becomes a storm. To be so calm and wise, we must live in accordance with God's will and seek His counsel when we find ourselves in such situations.

17:15 God considers corruption an absolute disgrace and responds with fury.

17:16 A foolish person cannot buy wisdom, and even if he could, it would be no use to him. In order to be wise, one must be receptive to instruction, constructive criticism and even discipline.

17:17 A true friend is a support at all times, but becomes like family when they endure with you during adversity.

17:18 Proverbs warns us against committing ourselves to people and causes which do not reflect the lifestyle God has laid out for us.

17:19 Desire and arrogance (greed and pride) lead to the destruction of a person.

17:20 Deceitful and perverse people never navigate into good situations and inevitably walk into bad ones.

17:21 We should be careful not to influence people into bad behavior; their harm in the world causes others and us strife.

17:22 A happy, kind heart is health to the body. Compassion and righteousness are medicine for a contrite spirit; therefore we must remember to emulate God, even when our lives seem difficult and sorrowful. He is able to heal us out of dark emotions.

17:23 It is wrong to accept corrupt bribes. Causing injustice is a severe sin.

17:24 The wise always seek understanding but foolish people are blinded and drugged by their obsession for acquisition of material things and power.

17:25 It pains God and our earthly parents when we are corrupt people.

17:26 It is a sin to corrupt justice... harming or thwarting righteous people and their causes.

17:27 A wise person is quiet and observes and does not need to incessantly speak. If we speak too much, we are listening too little. And if we are listening too little we are missing too much to be wise. A wise person has a calm disposition and a peaceful spirit; hope and solemnity are found in (and through) our relationship with God.

17:28 Even a foolish person has some wisdom when they know when to keep their mouth shut to avoid destruction and contention. We are better able to perceive the truth and proper course of situations when we are quiet observers.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

OT: The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 16

Proverbs 16:1-33

16:1 We prepare and plan for our lives but ultimately, as children of God, He has the final say.

16:2 Often we justify our own actions according to our circumstances but only God has the full, clear, true view. He knows the intentions of our heart.

16:3 When we commit our lives to the Kingdom of God, God establishes us in life. 

16:4 Everything created came through the Hand of God; because God decided to give humanity free will, some people chose to live wickedly. Although they resist God, they too were created by Him.

16:5 God hates arrogance and when the powerful "gang-up" on the humble; He will ensure that their plans are brought to destruction. Though they seem powerful, they have no power over God's decision to reject and destroy them.

16:6 God provides mercy and truth so that we have the opportunity and space to learn and grow. And as we come to fear/revere God, we depart from evil.

16:7 A child living, seeking the favor of God will find themselves protected and led by Him. God makes our path smooth and clear; He directs us around, away from the tumult.

16:8 God prefers us to be humble and righteous than rich and unjust. If the consequence of wealth and power is the quality of our soul, God tells us to reject it. 

16:9 We have plans in our hearts and minds for our lives but we do best to welcome God to direct our steps. Sometimes, and sometimes often, God leads us in a different direction than we think we wanted to go. But experience and relationship with God will teach us that He is always right. More and more willingly do we begin to follow His lead and trust His direction.

16:10-15 God supports leaders who are righteous, just and compassionate. He teaches us to be honest and fair no matter what our position in society, but those who lead others have added responsibility.

16:16 We must never sacrifice righteousness, compassion or justice in order to obtain wealth or power. Through time with God, we learn that those things truly will never satisfy us the way we sometimes think they will. Our souls long for truth and love and purpose. The meaning of our lives is not to obtain or to rule but to love and support; our souls thrive when we are loved and supported.

16:17 Our main direction as children of God is to walk in the opposite direction of things which are contrary to God's word. We preserve our soul as the walk in live endeavoring to live in accordance with God's will and commandments.

16:18-19 Arrogance is harmful to us; when we are so focused on ourselves we miss the pits around us and then fall into them. It is better to be humble; for the humble know their place and responsibility in the world to assist others and to learn and grow.

16:20 When we heed the advice of God, we are receptive to directions that lead directly into blessings. Our trust in God provides us the peace and purpose that ensures happiness. 

16:21 Observant and receptive to instruction makes a person wise in heart. A kind person is a productive student of life and has a sweet heart.

16:22 Wisdom from God is a constant source of life, hope and direction from God. But the foolish experience no growth, only  stagnancy and degeneration. 

16:23 The wise learn when to speak and how to speak valuable things. As a constant pupil in the classroom of life, we add understanding and learning to the things which we say and do.

16:24 Kindness is sweet to the soul and health to the body. A compassionate outlook will heal a person's inner darkness. 

16:25 Sometimes things, people and paths we think will be good for us will actually harm us. We must maintain our close relationship with God so that when we are tempted by such things, God is able to turn us away from them. He can see what we cannot.

16:26 We labor to keep ourselves fed in food and spirit; the journey of spirituality is nourishment to our souls.

16:27-30 Ungodly people cause, unearth and intensify the flames of evil. Gossipers ruin friendships. Violent people provoke the people around them and lead them astray. We must never deceive or tempt others for selfish, wicked purposes.

16:31 A long life is great only if the life was lived righteously.

16:32 An even-temperament is better than an explosive one. It is better to have control over yourself than to control a city. We must work on our character and the reign we have on our emotional responses and reactions. A person who is in control of themselves will make a better leader than a rash and wrathful person.

16:33 Our lot in life is what it is... until we invite God into our lives. With God in our lives, every decision about what we have and lose and keep is His decision; Hallelujah.

Monday, August 12, 2019

OT: The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 15

Proverbs 15:1-33

15:1 It is more productive for us to respond with patience in heated and tumultuous situations. Our own serene demeanor is more likely to calm the person and situation we are involved in. It also helps us to respond more effectively to a situation which needs a solution but seems to lack one. Instead of inciting more anger, it is better to dismantle the tumult with objectivity and patience. 

15:2 A wise person uses their knowledge to assist and align people and situations with truth and justice. It is evil to use our knowledge and wisdom for corrupt, personal pursuits. A foolish person spews their supposed-knowledge but only harms the situation with their faulty views and bad advice.

15:3 It is a comfort to remember that God is alert and active in our lives. His vigilance ensures that we have His expert opinion and counsel, but also nourishment and protection. He is aware of every aspect and individual, which makes His the distribution of His justice and compassion rich and complex and wise.

15:4 A wholesome, that is: honorable and kind, soul is a source of life for the speaker and the people around them. However, perverseness corrupts a person's character and causes them to be a toxin to the people around them.

15:5 Proverbs really wants us to understand how important it is to be reception to instruction. Even if the only source of instruction we have is from God in scripture, it is the best and only source we need. It is foolish to reject the opportunity to learn; there is so much wisdom to be gleaned from experiences in life (our own and others, from the good and the bad). 

15:6 A righteous person's life is filled with valuable treasure: the love, presence and blessing of God ensures that a person has everything they need to thrive. 

15:7 A wise person is not afraid or reluctant to share important things with others if they noticed a need. God teaches us to share our knowledge and resources and time with people who would benefit from what we have.

15:8-9 God does not enjoy or accept sacrifices as proclamations or offerings of faith. God only delights in the authentic prayers of righteous and compassionate people. 

15:10 Discipline is able to correct a person and their path; but the refusal to learn and change can destroy a person.

15:11 God is involved in our heart and purpose if welcome Him to be; He is fully invested to help us build a righteous life and inherit His kingdom. He is fully able to see our options, good and bad, and wants to assist us in choosing the right one.

15:12 We have to teach ourselves to be receptive to constructive criticism; we don't always know the best way or have the best idea. Listening to others ideas, even if we do not always follow them, helps us to broaden our scope, develop new strategies and think in diverse ways. The more varied our experience the more complex our knowledge.

15:13 A happy heart inspires a cheerful demeanor, but of course sorrow causes one's spirit to dampen its light.

15:14 A wise person naturally seeks knowledge but a foolish person wastes time with random and purposeless activities. God wants us to be productive, observant, students of life.

15:15 To build a strong relationship with God is to celebrate life continually; He gives peace and joy to His children while wickedness tarries and loiters and plots with tumult.

15:16-17 God wants us to learn that quality is better than quantity. Reverence of God and a humble life is a happier more valued existence than faithlessness and wealth. Likewise, love in a humble place is better than hatred in a lavish one.

15:18 Wrath only worsens a situation or argument. However an even-temperament helps to de-stress and de-tangle a situation or argument. If we are able to listen, think and speak calmly, we are more likely to end a difficult situation than to feed it.

15:19 To live with unrighteousness is to go against the current; but God assists the righteous on their journey.

15:20 It is wise to live life with the intention of making our Father proud. God loves us and cares for us as children, it makes sense that we should look up to and emulate Him.

15:21 God wants more for our lives than for us to be foolish and vulnerable and ignorant. He teaches us to discern and to seek knowledge. He teaches us to pursue and uphold righteousness. He has a plan for us to walk uprightly, we need only to listen to Him to understand the directions.

15:22 When we make plans for our day, for our lives, for our friendships or relationships, we must seek counsel from God. He helps us to see the things we cannot, perceive things we missed, step carefully and move progressively forward. What doesn't occur to us is obvious to Him; if our eyes are on our Father, we will never miss a step.

15:23 It is euphoric to receive the answer we have been waiting for at the time we want/need it most.

15:24 Life continues to become richer and deeper in quality the more righteously we live.

15:25 The arrogant will be brought down; the humble will be established. There is no honor in an arrogant lifestyle; it neglects and rejects others' needs and the reality of the surrounding world. But a humble person understands their place in a family and lives knowing their responsibility to assist others.

15:26 God is displeased with evil thoughts and plots; but it brings Him joy to hear righteous thoughts. We are blessed that our Creator has chosen righteousness as His philosophy.

15:27 Greed destroys a person and all of the good things in their lives. Pursuit of temptations causes one to be deceptive and corrupt and distracted. While otherwise engaged, they forget to nourish the important things in their life and eventually lose them. But a just person, one who is careful to resist temptation, is preserved by God.

15:28 A wise person is thoughtful and careful to speak and answer; but a wicked person spews their immediate and rash reactions.

15:29 God is so present with His righteous children; He hears our prayers, cares and answers: swiftly and with compassion and skill. But the wicked have blocked out His voice and He resists theirs.

15:30 A kind soul is reflected as light in the eyes; and a good, productive life is health to the body.

15:31-33 It is careless to live in rejection of God's instruction. Those who listen and learn are wise and blessed by their Teacher and His lessons. Wisdom begins with reverence of God (willingness to righteousness) and humility. We cannot obtain honor or wisdom with humility and conscientiousness. 

Friday, August 9, 2019

OT: The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 14

Proverbs 14:1-35

14:1 We are children of the Creator so it makes sense that we should be creators ourselves. We should build solid, righteous lifestyles and fill out lives with strong relationships we've built along the way. Our actions should always endeavor to support what we have built; therefore we should be careful not to think or behave in ways that can harm the good things in ourselves, or prevent us from getting them.

14:2 We fear/revere God when we walk in uprightness because by doing so, we respect Him as our Father and instructor. However, to live perversely is to despise God in that it is to reject everything He stands for: righteousness, compassion, love.

14:3 It is foolish to be prideful, arrogant. Such a temperament neglects others' and opportunities for growth. To be arrogant is to live inwardly, never experiencing or perceiving elements of reality that are crucial to a well-rounded, humble life. 

14:4 Increase in life comes from strength in faith and steadfast effort. It can be difficult or scary to begin a new project, the start of a new idea can be messy; but increase comes to those who work hard and righteously.

14:5 God teaches His children to be honest. We have a faithful Father and there is no tolerance for deception in His house. 

14:6-8 It's impossible to learn and grow if we spend out time arrogantly scoffing at ideas that a new or different to us. But to a diligent study, understanding readily comes. For when we train ourselves to be observant and objective, we are better able to live righteously.

14:9 God appreciates people who live with justice, compassion and truth. It would be foolish to mock sin; God wants us to live with a serious sense of righteousness, an appropriate sense of humor (one which does not laugh in perverse situations).

14:10 Although we may feel (perhaps rightly) that no one can understand the bitterness or joy in our hearts, God can. It is especially important for us to remember that we are not alone in life or in emotion. God is able to help us through, or celebrate us though, every thing we experience.

14:11 Wicked things are destroyed; righteous things we upheld.

14:12 God teaches us to recognize the avenues and people which seem right or good to us but are not. He helps us to resist temptation when we are being drawn into harmful (or less good) situations. 

14:13 Our outward expressions do not always match our internal feelings. But rather than allow that disconnect to be private and hard, we can share it with God. We open ourselves to Him and He is able to heal the wounds He finds inside.

14:14 Deceptive people are fragmented by their own corrupt actions. But God ensures that good humans are satisfied by their righteous lifestyles.

14:15-19 God teaches us to be complex thinkers, not vulnerable the deception of others or misconceptions. He teaches us to live conscientiously and to separate ourselves from darkness and drains. He teaches us to be even-tempered and humble, peaceful and considerate. He teaches us that there is no future for destructive or evil ways. 

14:20-21 We are encouraged not to hate our neighbors, even when they seem to have no admirable advantages. There is a deep and natural joy that comes when one lives with compassion. Therefore we should be merciful and compassionate with the people around us. 

14:22 To give into anger, greed or selfish pursuits is to leave the straightforward path God has outlined for us. But to build good things, is to be supported by God in our endeavors.

14:23 Work hard, it is always profitable. But idle gossip and chatter is action-less and never grows or obtains anything of value.

14:24 We are surrounded by what we have sown. A wise lifestyle, that is: a righteous lifestyle, is like a crown to a person. But folly surrounds a foolish person, further preventing them from growth and change.

14:25 A righteous person seeks to assist and love others; a deceptive person lies and destroys. We should always note when our behavior borders on destruction (for ourselves or for others) so that we can swiftly change it.

14:26-27 We have strength, confidence and refuge when we endeavor with God and in accordance with His will. Reverence of God is a source of nourishment for us in everything we do. He keeps us from harmful things, places and people. 

14:28 We will never have the support of others without living an honorable lifestyle. We cannot lead without followers; and no one will faithfully support or follow a dishonorable person; their reign will always come to an end. 

14:29 To remain even-tempered in a tumultuous situation is to enable ourselves to perceive the reality and solution of a situation... and thus to avoid causing further damage. Impulsive behavior causes damage.

14:30 An even-tempered, kind heart is a source of life and health to our bodies. But envy is a poison that rots our character and darkens our spirits. It is better for us to learn appreciation in our own lives and to build with God good things so that we do not resent others or begrudge their happiness. 

14:31 To oppress the poor is to directly antagonize God. But God honors those who take care of His children in need. 

14:32 The wicked are brought to an end and God provides relief for His persecuted children.

14:33 Inward peace and wisdom steadies a righteous person but the foolishness is seen by others.

14:34 A righteous nation is respected but a corrupt nation is hated by all.

14:35 God's favor is toward His wise child, for they have put effort into righteousness, compassion and faith. But God's wrath is against the shamefully corrupt.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

OT: The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 13

Proverbs 13:1-25

13:1 A wise child is one who listens to their Father; God has preserved the Bible for us to read and learn from. It would be foolish of us not to accept the correction of behavior it instructs.

13:2 An honorable life is satisfying; honest and kind words provide eternal peace. But a dishonorable lifestyle is full of destruction.

13:3 It is better to be observant and reserved than self-centered and spewing nonsense. 

13:4 Laziness is unproductive and does not result in satisfaction. However, a diligent soul works hard for the treasures that inevitably fill their lives.

13:5 It should feel wrong to lie, the be an unfair person. But one who lies comfortably journeys toward inescapable shame.

13:6 A righteous lifestyle has built-in protection by the Hand of God. But wickedness chases the wicked and always catches its prey.

13:7 Despite having wealth, a person devoid of a righteous spirit and compassionate heart is very poor. For a life of wealth if obtained without righteousness and compassion was a life built on dishonesty and apathy; such a life neglects the well-being of those around them due to personal pursuits. Such a life lacks the meaning that makes life beautiful and complex. We cannot build strong, authentic relationships without righteousness or compassion. 

13:8 We save our souls from corruption when our we render our souls valuable. We render our souls valuable by living righteously. However a corrupt spirit is poor as it never hears the instruction of God on how to learn that righteous way.

13:9 A righteous life is lighted by its own deeds but a wicked life is dark. A righteous life builds friendships and relationships, builds, achieves and supports. A wicked life destructs and wallows in depression, dissatisfaction and loneliness. 

13:10 Arrogance blocks out instruction but the wise are wise because they received instruction. We should consider ourselves students of life and God, ever learning how better to function and interact through observation and willingness to learn.

13:11 Dishonestly-gained wealth is temporary but the hard work of a righteous person is secured.

13:12 God wants us to be brave and proactive with our ideas and dreams and hopes. When we trust God and live in accordance with His will and philosophy, our endeavors are guided and supported by Him.

13:13-14 Those who live in accordance with righteousness and compassion have life even beyond the limits of life we know now. But people who live in opposition to God have already been sentenced to banishment from life.

13:15-16 Life is smooth and joyful when we listen to God and seek understanding of His word. But evil, selfish, unfaithful actions cause a life to be difficult. We only make life more difficult when we refuse to listen and grow. Yet life becomes even smoother the more we bend ourselves to God's purposeful will for ourselves and the earth.

13:17 Wicked actions cause problems but wise people are able to have the knowledge to avoid them. We should seek to be advocates for the well being of the people we represent, rather than for our own agenda. 

13:18 Only difficulty and tumult await a person who refuses to grow. But those who can take constructive criticism from God, or a godly source, will grow to be wise and honorable.

13:19 Accomplishment is fulfilling to a hard-working person; but achievement through evil means is wrong and will not satisfy or last.

13:20 We must surround ourselves with people who inspire us to be better, wiser, stronger, kinder. We cannot befriend or admire people whose values lessen our own or corrupt our behavior.

13:21 Evil people are fodder for evil devices; they continually fall into trouble. The righteous however, sow good things and therefore reap them.

13:22 We build a secure lifestyle in order to take care of our families; and when we commit ourselves to God, He helps us to do so. But those who procure wealth solely for selfish purposes lose it.

13:23 There is every opportunity in the world to support people who are poor and hungry, literally and figuratively. Yet because there are not enough workers of righteousness, that fallow land lies barren. Those opportunities to help others are ignored and wasted.

13:24 It is good to be tough-love disciplinarians to the people we love in ourselves, especially when raising children. As God gently, but firmly reprimands us from misdeeds so much we do with our own children. To never teach a child boundaries of behavior would be to spoil them and ruin their character as they grow.

13:25 A righteous soul is satisfied by its motives, actions and achievements... all supported by and in accordance with God. Nothing brings contentment so deep and permanent as an authentic relationship with God. However, evil and selfish pursuits are never satisfied; they continue to be drawn and tempted by things which only harm and hollow them more.

Monday, August 5, 2019

OT: The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 12

Proverbs 12:1-28

12:1 To love instruction is to happily learn new techniques and perspectives in order to become better, stronger and wiser in such a changeable life. It would be foolish not to encourage our own personal growth as we would stunt and block new opportunities from ourselves.

12:2 It's prudent for us to live with the intention of obtaining favor from God; for God's favor lets us know that we are living with righteousness and compassion. Works done through evil intentions are condemned by God; therefore we must be careful not to live selfishly, greedily or angrily.

12:3 We are secure when we build our lives on a firm foundation of righteousness, honesty, peace and honor; but deception and crookedness causes instability and rootlessness. We need so foster strong, authentic relationships and do good, honest work in order to be permanently established in good places.

12:4 It's good to be responsible and honorable in all relationships; when one does so, one is a treasure to their spouse, family member or friend. But a dishonorable, unkind person is a toxin to the health of the people around them. We must be aware that our temperament affects others' emotions and effects the quality of others' lives.

12:5-6 The plans of the righteous are more successful than plots of the wicked. God will always assist people who do good for others' benefit. But selfish, corrupt pursuits will be challenged at every turn for they go against the current of life. 

12:7 The Kingdom of God will stand eternally for it is made up of the righteous, but the wicked are running toward their end.

12:8 People who are wise are respected, but the perverse are despised. Endeavor to be respectful in all situations for disrespectful behavior is despicable to the whole. 

12:9 It is better to be humble and financially comfortable than to be arrogant and boastful with nothing. 

12:10 A righteous person respects all forms of life. 

12:11 Those who work hard and live productively will be satisfied with the fruit of their labor; but lazy, frivolous behavior will cause one to lack, especially wisdom.

12:12-13 The wicked seek to capture and destroy. Righteous people seek freedom and growth. Righteous people are like their God, proliferates of kindness. An honorable life and reputation will protect a righteous person but evil actions create a snare.

12:14 We reap what we sow! When we do good we cause good things to come back to us; but when we cause harm, we poison the quality of our own lives.

12:15 We cannot make our own rules for life. It is wise to heed God's counsel because He is objective and fair in a way that we cannot possible achieve on our own. 

12:16 It is better to be quiet and thoughtful than to react immediately and irrationally.

12:17-22 Righteousness is truth; it is the way God has designed the earth and intended for humanity to be. God establishes the righteous and the truthful forever; for righteousness promotes the health of the individual and the whole. The righteous are protected by God and their efforts for peace bring them continual joy. For the righteous pursue justice and resolution rather than disparity and contempt. But lies, wickedness and destruction have been condemned by God.

12:23 A wise person is reserved and contemplative rather than loud and boastful. A wise person understands the importance of listening and observing rather than speaking and missing important things and new lessons.

12:24 A diligent person progressively uses their mind rather than their body to work. But a foolish person cannot ascend and their work remains base level.

12:25 Anxiety allowed space in one's mind leads to depression but a good word or righteous act can heal anxiety's snare. That is why we turn to God's good word; He is a balm to our fears.

12:26 We must be selective in deciding who to spend most of our quality time with. Humans are easily influenced; we adopt the behavior, perspective and attitude of the people around us. We have to choose people who will draw and inspire the best out of us. It is not productive for us to be around people who do not gently challenge us to be better.

12:27 Lazy people do not take sufficient or timely action when they have an opportunity. But the diligence of the productive is their most precious asset, causing them to grow, gain and achieve steadily.

12:28 God has established righteousness as our source of, and avenue toward eternal life. Though we move from earth, we inherit life through our righteous acts done here.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

OT: The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 11

Proverbs 11:1-31

11:1 We will make a lot of measurements throughout our lives; that is, we will have many situations which require us to act fairly. God considers it atrocity when we are dishonest and unfair. We must measure our choices and behavior by God's scales. We must strive for justice in all situations, especially when interacting with others.

11:2 We are warned that pride causes us to make mistakes and then to feel shame. It is much better for us to be humble students, listening to God's quiet by emphatic advice as we move throughout life.

11:3-6 An adherence to God's law will cause us to walk along a guided and lighted path in life. A path along the river of life and ripe with blessings. But to live in opposition to justice and compassion is to wander in dark and murky places. In those places, we sink into the quagmire of greed, lust, anger, and arrogance. Those emotions cause us to weary soul and ruin our character. 

11:7-11 A wicked person and their hopes will wither and die. Yet when we walk with God, we walk in safety into new life. The lives of the kind and just are loved and valued by their peers, but unjust and unkind people's fall is celebrated.

11:12 It is foolish to erupt in anger and hate. A wise person will be peaceful and like Paul, Philippians 4:11, seek to be content in every situation. It is from a mind-space of peace that we are able to un-knot the tension in our lives and listen to God for solutions. 

11:13 It is the right for us to be discrete. God does not want us to be perpetrators of gossip, especially with delicate and personal situations.  

11:14 Seek wisdom. It is better to consider oneself a life-long student in the universe, the university of life. Sometimes lessons teach us what to do and other times, the lesson is what not to do. But there is always something to be learned.

11:15 We are advised against supporting corrupt doctrines. Many corrupt movements have manifested around the world, present and past, and the righteous were required to shut them down. There is variation in belief but any system which harms, neglects or segregates people is not acceptable.

11:16 Gracious people have and keep their honor, for their reputation as kind and honorable is secured. Ruthless people may temporarily retain riches, but in spirit they are very poor. 

11:17 It is good for the soul to be good and merciful to others. We are revitalized by our own kindness, even though anger tempts (and tricks) us to think hate will make us feel better. Actually hatred and cruelty weary our own souls. Retaliation is not a balm. Retaliation is a bomb, rather: destruction for both, healing for neither.

11:18-19 Actions done, businesses built, relationships started with deception are doomed. But when we sow righteousness as we live and interact in the earth, we reap righteousness. We are constantly renewed in heart and mind and spirit.

Conversely, evil pursuits steadily break one down in mind, body and spirit.

11:20 Wrath awaits the evil, but the innocently righteous are God's delight.

11:21 God ensures the abounding victory of the righteous, even when they fight alone. But no matter how many band together on the side of corruption, God causes them to inevitably fail.

11:22 God wants us to carefully consider what is lovely. Are we attracted to shiny, material objects and statuses of wealth? It is much more beautiful and prudent to have wisdom, reverence of God. We must be able to discern between actual beauty and temptation in the world. A truly lovely human is righteous and humble and a proclaimed child of God.

11:23 The ultimate pursuit of the righteous is to do good, is for their lives to impact humanity with light. But wicked pursuits only cause tumult. 

11:24-26 God gives blessing in order that we may perpetuate our blessings. Our lives, skills and resources are meant to assist us in assisting others with their own righteous pursuits. 
Luke 6:38
Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.
The above verse is a perfect example of how God's word is contrary to what the world has taught us. We do not have to hoard our blessings and resources; in fact, the more generous we are, the more generous God will be to us. Essentially, God has allowed us to decide our own equation, our own measurement.

We are meant to be generous like our Father!

11:27 God notices with favor those who seek good outcomes in every situation for every person, but people who cause evil cause trouble for themselves.

11:28 We must not trust in the currency or philosophy of the world. It is corrupt and temporary. But when we trust in God, we are planted in good, everlasting soil. We will continually flourish within the kingdom of God. We remain in the kingdom of God as we live in accordance with His will.

11:29 There is no victory for the cruel; there is no power for the foolish. God has reserved victory and power for those who will be responsible with it: the righteous and wise.

11:30 It is wise to live in such a way that inspires others to pursue righteousness. Our life is an example, we must consider what message our example is projecting. A righteous life causes blessing to bloom like good fruits around us. We are continually renewed, refreshed, and nourished by God when we plant ourselves in the soil of His kingdom. 

God is overjoyed when our kindness draws others into His House, Luke 15:10. If nothing else, God wants us to be a righteous tree of life by loving others. He wants us to choose peace, kindness, mercy, and generosity over dispute, anger, revenge and selfishness. Those choices are daily tasks.

11:31 Indeed God will measure fairly to each individual. The righteous will reap righteousness. But the unrighteous will not inherit life, for the used theirs to ruin others'.