141:1-2 We commit ourselves to God consciously. With wholehearted intention we open a lifelong relationship of love, trust and communication with Him. We are loyal and consistent. We learn those traits from our God, who embodies those things for us as well. We life our hands and prayers to Him interminably.
141:3-4 Invite God to be the authority, the counselor, the guide in life. Our own decision making is flawed, but God can see all of the elements of a situation that we cannot. He can choose, plan, and lead us through the best possible process and to the best possible outcome. It is prudent for us to realize that we are susceptible to temptation and flaw; knowing that, we can make the preemptive strike that is choosing God guard us from those mistakes.
141:5 As God's children, we readily learn the value of His discipline. In fact, we welcome His instruction because it leads us into better places and better spaces, mentally. When we accept that we have much to learn from God's perspective, which is much wider and richer and more objective than our own, we become entirely different people. Our character grows and deepens. We have new ideas and a rejuvenation of spirit that brightens our whole worldview.
141:6-7 Meanwhile, we maintain our cause against unrighteousness. And as we live lifestyles embedded in God's philosophy, we live an example to the rest of the world. We make differences in the world even when we do not realize we are doing so.
141:8-10 But our most fervent effort, always, is to live with, like, for God. Our eyes are on Him, our bodies and souls rest in His refuge. We pray for continual sustenance from God. He knows what we need (better than we do) and will provide it (and better than we can). We pray for protection, rather than rely on our own meager devices. We escape into safety as God brings justice to the world.