136:1-3 It is easy to understand why the Psalmist is so thankful for God's merciful character: as humans, we need Him to be. We need mercy because we often act on selfish impulses. We are imperfect, and sometimes, quite short of the mark. There is euphoria in knowing that even though we make mistakes, we are loved by God. His unconditional love anchors us to redemption. We want be as He sees us: better. And the longstanding promise that He always will be merciful, gives us courage to try and and again until we do get it right.
136:4-9 Wonder. Mercy. Wisdom. The combination is our God. The everlasting creator and sustenance to our spirits, our planet, our universe. And amidst all of the wonder, His mercy guides us.
136:10-22 God has guided His children since our beginning, merciful all the way through. Because of His mercy, we constantly have new beginnings and redemption. His steadfast love for us allows us to remain, to persevere and to grow. From Genesis to Revelation, we have scripture which outlines how God's mercy leads us directly into His kingdom.
136:23-25 Though we are humble, His mercy endures forever. Surrounded by enemies, His mercy endures, shepherding us through. In our hunger, He is merciful to fill.
136:26 Therefore we thank Him, and are thankful for His mercy which endures forever.