139:1-6 To have a relationship with God is to invite Him into our deepest selves. We open our souls and minds to His perusal. The good and the bad. The light and dark. He is so intimately close with us that we willingly share even the things it would be difficult to share with others, or even to understand ourselves.
As much as we can connect with other people, our connection with God is unique. He is woven into the fabric of us; He knows the details of our thoughts and the course of our life. He knows of our dreams and our daydreams; He is as present in our lives as we invite Him to be. He knows our character, our character flaws and foibles. He knows our wants, needs and what our dreams consist of; He has the ability and willingness to fulfill them all.
And it is lovely to be known so well. For with the information of us, God plans and charts a blessed life for us (Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 8:26-27). We do not have to speak it aloud, our communication with Him is through prayerful life. An open, steadfast communication. He protects us and holds all of the knowledge we simply cannot. For He is the great know-er and planner and organizer, we would be too overwhelmed with the task.
139:7-12 The Psalmist contemplates the comprehensive nature of God. He is everywhere we could ever be. Thus we are constantly within His saving reach. This is a comfort to us because it means that whether we are where we want to be or not, God will find us in that place. He is never absent from us. He is our Light in all spaces, under every circumstance.
139:13-14 God has designed these bodies our souls reside in. He makes each of us with precision. We praise God because His handiwork is the cleverest most beautiful thing we have ever seen: life. Our souls understand, innately, that we are surrounded by intelligent creation.
13:15-16 Even before birth He has planned us, planned for us. The details. The quirks. Fulfillment of the dreams. Courage over the fears. He has planned all of it for us that we might, through Him, use all of it. Our whole lifetime is known by Him; though much feels unknown and uncertain in life, we can always rely on the fact that all of known and certain to God. Since He has our best interests in mind, we can trust that we will be protected and provided for as the unknown-to-us unfolds.
139:17-18 God loves to love us. The Psalmist reminds us how precious it is to be a special part of God's thoughts. He actually plans and cares of each of us individually. Massively. Intricately. It is our greatest blessing that He loves us so. We cannot even conceive of the number of times God thinks of us and our well-being! Therefore we commit ourselves, at all times, sleep or awake, to Him.
139:19-22 We set ourselves against that which opposes God. We stand for righteousness because our Father has done so, because it is the good and proper way of living. Anything which threatens the well-being of God's beloved people and creation is rejected by us.
139:23-24 Invite God to search every crevice of your spirit and your heart. Trust Him to strengthen and discipline. Allow Him to encourage, protect and lead. God's path is one of everlasting life.