126:1-3 The people of God had rebelled against Him. They had rejected God's will and God's way of righteousness to follow corrupt pursuits. They became slaves to their sins rather than students of their Lord. They gave in to temptations, chasing greed and power. They neglected their vows of righteous obedience to God. So when God had mercy on them and brought them out of the chaos they caused for themselves, they were stunned with joy and gratitude. For they knew that though they did not deserve it, God had granted forgiveness and restoration anyway. They came to realize that was God more compassionate than they even thought.
126:4 In the spirit of gratitude, they prayed to be brought back from captivity.
126:5-6 And that place of redemption is a special one. In the place we see opportunity more abundant and brighter than ever before. We have learned and grown from our journey of discipline. And so we sow more goodness, reap more joy.