Psalm 132:1-18
132:1-5 David's love for God was the purpose of his life. From him we learn to live a life of love and praise. We thrive when our relationship with God is our main priority. It is prudent to wake and sleep with the same wholehearted intention to establish our faith in every aspect of our lives.
132:6-9 A call to praise and worship. Our souls long to love, actively, the One who made them. Our God's strength and righteousness causes joy in our hearts.
132:10 We pray to remain in the sight of our God.
132:11-12 The Lord promised to be with us forever and He keeps His promises. To receive the promises, we remain within the kingdom. We live in accordance with God's will and statutes. We pass His commandments on to our posterity.
132:13-18 God has chosen us. He has committed to remaining with us. He dwells with us. He satisfies our needs and hopes. He clothes us and forgives us and establishes us. He grows us. He lights our way. He protects us. He exerts justice. The Lord is our King and comfort.