130:1-2 From all of the places life and emotions take us, we pray to God. From the depths and from the heights. We pray for Him to hear and be attentive. The blessed reality for children of God is that He always answers our supplication in the affirmative. He happily hears and willingly answers; He efficiently solves the issues we bring to Him.
130:3-4 Our God is unmarred. He is perfectly pure and righteous. Compared to Him, we are quite marked with flaw. Yet His forgiveness is deep and wide and compassionate enough to see beyond the marks. He deserves our praise because even though we do not deserve His forgiveness, He gives it.
130:5-6 Wait patiently on God. Wait for His will to decide the matters of your life; listen to His advice. Wait for Him throughout life until united with Him. Maintain the faith. More than anything, it is the Lord's presence that we eagerly anticipate in every situation.
130:7-8 The Psalmist encourages us to hope in the Lord. To trust in His promises. In Him we have redemption from all the marks we have acquired.