Saturday, June 29, 2019

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 141

Psalm 141:1-10

141:1-2 We commit ourselves to God consciously. With wholehearted intention we open a lifelong relationship of love, trust and communication with Him. We are loyal and consistent. We learn those traits from our God, who embodies those things for us as well. We life our hands and prayers to Him interminably. 

141:3-4 Invite God to be the authority, the counselor, the guide in life. Our own decision making is flawed, but God can see all of the elements of a situation that we cannot. He can choose, plan, and lead us through the best possible process and to the best possible outcome. It is prudent for us to realize that we are susceptible to temptation and flaw; knowing that, we can make the preemptive strike that is choosing God guard us from those mistakes.

141:5 As God's children, we readily learn the value of His discipline. In fact, we welcome His instruction because it leads us into better places and better spaces, mentally. When we accept that we have much to learn from God's perspective, which is much wider and richer and more objective than our own, we become entirely different people. Our character grows and deepens. We have new ideas and a rejuvenation of spirit that brightens our whole worldview. 

141:6-7 Meanwhile, we maintain our cause against unrighteousness. And as we live lifestyles embedded in God's philosophy, we live an example to the rest of the world. We make differences in the world even when we do not realize we are doing so. 

141:8-10 But our most fervent effort, always, is to live with, like, for God. Our eyes are on Him, our bodies and souls rest in His refuge. We pray for continual sustenance from God. He knows what we need (better than we do) and will provide it (and better than we can). We pray for protection, rather than rely on our own meager devices. We escape into safety as God brings justice to the world.

Friday, June 28, 2019

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 140

Psalm 140:1-13

140:1-3 We do wisely to pray to God to defend us from the machinations of worldly minds.

140:4-5 Much of the secular world is centered around self-interest. The people in their periphery are often harmed by their pursuits and objectives. Yet even when harm is done intentionally, we can trust that God is able to restore us and even protect us. 

140:6-8 It all begins with the conviction, the heartfelt belief, that God is our God: Omniscient, omnipotent, but also compassionate and attentive. We are not vulnerable to destruction because we are strong in our creator.

140:9-11 Children of God always have peace and hope in the fact that God will restore justice to earth. Every evil power that crops up will be overthrown, has an expiration date, is temporary.

140:12-13 The just however, have inherited life. We have comfort knowing that God will maintain the cause of the afflicted. He effort is toward the downtrodden and the kind and humble. The righteous have been absorbed by Him as family. Therefore we live with gratitude that we have Him now and always.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 139

Psalm 139:1-24

139:1-6 To have a relationship with God is to invite Him into our deepest selves. We open our souls and minds to His perusal. The good and the bad. The light and dark. He is so intimately close with us that we willingly share even the things it would be difficult to share with others, or even to understand ourselves.

As much as we can connect with other people, our connection with God is unique. He is woven into the fabric of us; He knows the details of our thoughts and the course of our life. He knows of our dreams and our daydreams; He is as present in our lives as we invite Him to be. He knows our character, our character flaws and foibles. He knows our wants, needs and what our dreams consist of; He has the ability and willingness to fulfill them all.

And it is lovely to be known so well. For with the information of us, God plans and charts a blessed life for us (Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 8:26-27). We do not have to speak it aloud, our communication with Him is through prayerful life. An open, steadfast communication. He protects us and holds all of the knowledge we simply cannot. For He is the great know-er and planner and organizer, we would be too overwhelmed with the task. 

139:7-12 The Psalmist contemplates the comprehensive nature of God. He is everywhere we could ever be. Thus we are constantly within His saving reach. This is a comfort to us because it means that whether we are where we want to be or not, God will find us in that place. He is never absent from us. He is our Light in all spaces, under every circumstance. 

139:13-14 God has designed these bodies our souls reside in. He makes each of us with precision. We praise God because His handiwork is the cleverest most beautiful thing we have ever seen: life. Our souls understand, innately, that we are surrounded by intelligent creation. 

13:15-16 Even before birth He has planned us, planned for us. The details. The quirks. Fulfillment of the dreams. Courage over the fears. He has planned all of it for us that we might, through Him, use all of it. Our whole lifetime is known by Him; though much feels unknown and uncertain in life, we can always rely on the fact that all of known and certain to God. Since He has our best interests in mind, we can trust that we will be protected and provided for as the unknown-to-us unfolds.

139:17-18 God loves to love us. The Psalmist reminds us how precious it is to be a special part of God's thoughts. He actually plans and cares of each of us individually. Massively. Intricately. It is our greatest blessing that He loves us so. We cannot even conceive of the number of times God thinks of us and our well-being! Therefore we commit ourselves, at all times, sleep or awake, to Him.

139:19-22 We set ourselves against that which opposes God. We stand for righteousness because our Father has done so, because it is the good and proper way of living. Anything which threatens the well-being of God's beloved people and creation is rejected by us.

139:23-24 Invite God to search every crevice of your spirit and your heart. Trust Him to strengthen and discipline. Allow Him to encourage, protect and lead. God's path is one of everlasting life.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 138

Psalm 138:1-8

138:1-3 With wholehearted commitment we praise the Lord. We worship Him because He is our source of hope and strength. He is the reason justice and wisdom rule our lives. We are not vulnerable in the secular world because our whole souls are pinned to the Kingdom of God. We are children and residents of God's holy temple. And in such a secure and beautiful position, we praise. 

Our God hears us when we cry and so we ensure that we also praise, so that He will hear that too. He deserves it. 

138:4-6 As believers we have seen God's philosophies work on the earth. We praise His ways because they lead us to freedom and multitude of other blessings. We sing of His glory for He is our great peace. Even if we are small and quiet, He knows us. He cares. And He is aware of all of the enemies around us... He protects us from them when we call to Him. So we sing praises to Him.

138:7-8 The world wears people's spirits down but children of God are revived by His love. We have His protection; He is our ever-present hero. We have experienced that truth whether the rest of the world believes or not. 

We have our gorgeous God forever. His hand is steadfastly extended to us, supporting us, protecting us, proffering provision. What is broken or crooked or wrong or insecure in our lives He is able to perfect. He listens to our concerns and He erases them. He solves them. All the while, He is merciful and compassionate with us. We praise and pray for God to be with as always; and He has promised that He will be.

Monday, June 24, 2019

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 137

Psalm 137:1-9

137:1-3 After the death of David and downfall of Solomon, God's people began to neglect their commitment to God. They began to make their own rules and follow in the way of the world. Though God had taught them humility and justice, they chose power and corruption. Poor choices resulted in the loss of their kingdom. They had walked out of the protective sphere of their faith and it left them vulnerable to enemies. Those enemies took them captive. They no longer had the strength from their faith or the guidance of their God to rescue them from enslavement. They had given those things away. Rejected God. And it left them in a desperate and depressed state.

137:4-6 They were literally and metaphorically in a foreign land. They had lived so long with the blessings of God that life away from them was scary and overwhelming. In fact, the joy previously had by the entire kingdom was difficult to fathom. 

137:7 And so they prayed to God to be remembered by Him. In the muck of their mistakes, they remembered the pristine God they neglected. 

137:8-9 Once again they began to pray for God's authority over the earth and their enemies. From them, we can learn to never get to that point which we realize how ungrateful we were for God's presence and instruction in our lives. For with His presence and instruction comes blessing and joy, protection and permanence. For the world is a desolate place once we neglect our faith; we realize just how vulnerable we are without all that God provides.

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 136

Psalm 136:1-26

136:1-3 It is easy to understand why the Psalmist is so thankful for God's merciful character: as humans, we need Him to be. We need mercy because we often act on selfish impulses. We are imperfect, and sometimes, quite short of the mark. There is euphoria in knowing that even though we make mistakes, we are loved by God. His unconditional love anchors us to redemption. We want be as He sees us: better. And the longstanding promise that He always will be merciful, gives us courage to try and and again until we do get it right. 

136:4-9 Wonder. Mercy. Wisdom. The combination is our God. The everlasting creator and sustenance to our spirits, our planet, our universe. And amidst all of the wonder, His mercy guides us.

136:10-22 God has guided His children since our beginning, merciful all the way through. Because of His mercy, we constantly have new beginnings and redemption. His steadfast love for us allows us to remain, to persevere and to grow. From Genesis to Revelation, we have scripture which outlines how God's mercy leads us directly into His kingdom.

136:23-25 Though we are humble, His mercy endures forever. Surrounded by enemies, His mercy endures, shepherding us through. In our hunger, He is merciful to fill.

136:26 Therefore we thank Him, and are thankful for His mercy which endures forever.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 135

Psalm 135:1-21

135:1-4 This Psalm is a reminder (if needed) to include praise in our daily life. Not only does God deserve our praise, it it helpful to us to remember Him, to acknowledge Him and to be grateful for His presence and character. For God's character is good. He has chosen truth and righteousness, love and compassion. 

135:5-7 He is above all other power and creation in our lives. He is the force we need to recognize when navigating our path in life. He has chosen the current of life and we are wise to submit to it. 

135:8-12 He has been present and active on the earth since our beginning. It is wise for us to consider how He has moved and changed the course of humanity. 

135:13-14 Our God is solid and forever. His compassion is comprehensive. For what better purpose could we praise? 

135:15-18 The word has determined a new code for itself: the value of possession and power and money. But that way is destruction and void. We have chosen God. We have chosen the code of justice, righteousness and compassion. Humility. Perhaps much of the world is blind to the purpose of life, the heart of life, but God instructs His children in the truth. We trust Him because He has been trustworthy.

135:19-21 So we praise Him. Praise the Lord.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 134

Psalm 134:1-3

134:1 A call to praise. To acknowledge our God and then worship all that we behold in Him. He is our light and our order. Our guide and our path. All who love God and trust Him, even in the darkness, praise. For He hears and sees and cares and acts.
Isaiah 65:24
“It shall come to pass
That before they call, I will answer;
And while they are still speaking, I will hear.
134:2 Therefore we lift our hands in awe and reverence and love to God. In gratitude we acknowledge and praise His presence and His commitment to our lives.

134:3 We praise our creator, who designed the skies and the earth that sustain our being.

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 133

Psalm 133:1-3

133:1 It is God's intention that His children will dwell peacefully in His kingdom; there is a special joy in unity.

133:2 The cohesion of righteousness is like a fine, pure oil. It is accepted and loved by God. 

133:3 The spirit of unity is fresh and comprehensive; its presence is blessed by God, life everlasting. For when we are able to live and work together, in the spirit of righteousness and compassion, we have achieved peace. God blesses such acts of goodness. 

Monday, June 17, 2019

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 132

Psalm 132:1-18

132:1-5 David's love for God was the purpose of his life. From him we learn to live a life of love and praise. We thrive when our relationship with God is our main priority. It is prudent to wake and sleep with the same wholehearted intention to establish our faith in every aspect of our lives. 

132:6-9 A call to praise and worship. Our souls long to love, actively, the One who made them. Our God's strength and righteousness causes joy in our hearts.

132:10 We pray to remain in the sight of our God. 

132:11-12 The Lord promised to be with us forever and He keeps His promises. To receive the promises, we remain within the kingdom. We live in accordance with God's will and statutes. We pass His commandments on to our posterity. 

132:13-18 God has chosen us. He has committed to remaining with us. He dwells with us. He satisfies our needs and hopes. He clothes us and forgives us and establishes us. He grows us. He lights our way. He protects us. He exerts justice. The Lord is our King and comfort. 

Sunday, June 9, 2019

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 131

Psalm 131:1-3

131:1 To be humble before the Lord is to open our minds wide to His wisdom and instruction. Haughtiness is interference; when we think that we known best, we neglect the counsel from God that truly is best. God instructs us to be invested in the present day (Matthew 6:33) and to comfort us with that, He reminds us that He will take care of everything ahead and in the periphery (Matthew 6:34). 

For much is too profound for us, but nothing is too complex for God. He can arrange for us to have what we need, and He will be able to do so efficiently because He knows what we need. Therefore, we have no reason to worry. 

131:2 When we trust and delve into that counsel from God, we are able to quiet the noise and the anxiety within us. We are raised by God to be strong and solemn of soul, mind and spirit. For God's spiritual nourishment raises us better than any worldly "wisdom" ever could.

131:3 As God's children, we hope in the Lord because He proven Himself willing and capable of hope-fulfillment. Right now and forever we hope in Him and daily that faithful hope revives us, rejuvenates us. Calms us. Feeds us. Fills us. Animates and inspires. Leads and corrects. That hope loves us and fulfills us every single day.

Friday, June 7, 2019

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 130

Psalm 130:1-8

130:1-2 From all of the places life and emotions take us, we pray to God. From the depths and from the heights. We pray for Him to hear and be attentive. The blessed reality for children of God is that He always answers our supplication in the affirmative. He happily hears and willingly answers; He efficiently solves the issues we bring to Him. 

130:3-4 Our God is unmarred. He is perfectly pure and righteous. Compared to Him, we are quite marked with flaw. Yet His forgiveness is deep and wide and compassionate enough to see beyond the marks. He deserves our praise because even though we do not deserve His forgiveness, He gives it. 

130:5-6 Wait patiently on God. Wait for His will to decide the matters of your life; listen to His advice. Wait for Him throughout life until united with Him. Maintain the faith. More than anything, it is the Lord's presence that we eagerly anticipate in every situation. 

130:7-8 The Psalmist encourages us to hope in the Lord. To trust in His promises. In Him we have redemption from all the marks we have acquired.

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 129

Psalm 129:1-8

129:1-4 This Psalm is a grateful acknowledgement of the success of God's defense on our behalf against our enemies. People come against us and fears try to overwhelm us, but God conquers them all. 

129:5-8 Shame and destruction is the destination of corruption and evil behavior. A life of iniquity is devoid of peace and blessing.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 128

Psalm 128:1-5

128:1 Blessed is everyone who reveres God and walks in His ways. To revere God is to respect and trust and agree with His philosophy of righteousness. And the path of righteousness is blessed. To walk in God's ways is to follow, steadfastly the law and commandments He has established as wise and fruitful.

128:2-4 And to do so is to have every aspect of your life blessed by God. The work you do with your hands, the relationships you create in your heart. God causes the righteous to prosper; He takes care of the people we love. He secures and protects our homes and our tables. He fills and satisfies our bellies and our minds. And so we, wisely, gratefully, revere Him. 

128:5-6 The Lord blesses His children all the days of their lives; His loves continues to their posterity. Peace is His gift to His children. And peace is His presence and His promises.

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 127

Psalm 127:1-5

127:1 It is useless, senseless to live without God. It is the will and hand of God that gives us life and gives quality to our lives:
Unless the Lord builds the house, 
They labor in vain who build it;
Unless the Lord guards the city,
The watchman stays awake in vain. 
For we cannot go against God. We cannot create what He has not already created. A simple scientific fact: matter cannot be created or destroyed. It is our God who has the power that we cannot even fathom. In other words, unless God has sanctioned it and constructed it (any element or relationship or idea in life) it has no value, no security, no depth, no permanence, no significance.  

127:2 We need not succumb to sorrowful desperation. Because God gives to His beloved sheep. He claims us and claims responsibility for us. He leads us, provides for us, protects us. Anxiety need not whittle away at us, for we are God's beloved. 

127:3-5 God ensures that His children are fruitful; and God decides in what way and what type of fruit we produce. He will enable each of His committed children to prosper. We cannot do anything except prosper when we follow God. He will not allow us to be ashamed; for a life committed to God is a life with purpose, value and meaning. It is productive and fruitful. Protected. Prosperous. 

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 126

Psalm 126:1-6

126:1-3 The people of God had rebelled against Him. They had rejected God's will and God's way of righteousness to follow corrupt pursuits. They became slaves to their sins rather than students of their Lord. They gave in to temptations, chasing greed and power. They neglected their vows of righteous obedience to God. So when God had mercy on them and brought them out of the chaos they caused for themselves, they were stunned with joy and gratitude. For they knew that though they did not deserve it, God had granted forgiveness and restoration anyway. They came to realize  that was God more compassionate than they even thought. 

126:4 In the spirit of gratitude, they prayed to be brought back from captivity. 

126:5-6 And that place of redemption is a special one. In the place we see opportunity more abundant and brighter than ever before. We have learned and grown from our journey of discipline. And so we sow more goodness, reap more joy. 

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 125

Psalm 125:1-5

125:1-2 When we trust the Lord, we become rooted in His House. We are planted in His kingdom. Safe. Secure. Strong. We cannot be moved or displaced by fear or enemy. Our well-being and our peace become eternal. Our home in Him forever. He surrounds us, a divine and impenetrable shield on all sides. 

125:3 Wickedness will taught at the outskirts but cannot be allowed in. Our faith and trust in God blocks their entrance. Therefore our faith has reason to always be louder than our fear, louder than the enemies voice. Because the promises of God ring loud and strong and true within the protector of God's kingdom. 

125:4 God only asks us to do good. To be good. To love righteousness, and to love helping people with our righteous acts. 

125:5 The only wayward, crooked, unsafe path is the way of the wicked. Evil, unkindness, unrighteousness, corruption, iniquity. But upon the righteous children of God is peace placed and secured by God.

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 124


124:1-5 David always gave credit to God for everything good thing that happened in his life. From David, we learn how healthy it is to consistently live with gratitude to God who loves and also provides, plans, and protects. If it had no been for the Lord... is a great exercise for our mind and our faith. We should create opportunities to remember and review the ways God has changed the circumstances to benefit us throughout our lives. 

For if it had not been for God, our enemies would be able to swallow us alive. We would become slave to sins and unhealthy emotions and habits. The wrath and injustice of others would wither us down, creating shells and despondent souls. The waters, the chaos and demands of life would overtake us. The water line would rise to prevent our breathing, our peace of mind. God is our preserver and He does it so well, so thoroughly, so consistently. We need only to remember, and to remember to pray to Him when we feel those waters, that chaos coming, rising toward us. 

124:6-8 Blessed be the Lord who claims us and changes us from prey of the world to pride in His heart. He enables our soul to escape the cages of fear, enemy, anxiety, greed, and other temptations. He breaks the bonds that prevent us from flight. The Lord of heaven and earth is our help; His power is at our disposal. We need only to accept the relationship He proffers, to trust and love, and pray to Him. 

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 123

Psalm 123:1-4

123:1-2 So many of the Psalms exemplify to us how we should react and pray when we feel uneasy; Psalm 123 is an example of prayer for relief. Choose to look to God in times of distress. In reverence, in gratitude, in servitude, look to our merciful God. Rely on Him. Trust in Him. Listen to Him. 

123:3-4 Pray for mercy. When we are overwhelmed by negative emotions (inward and/or outward), we can pray to God for relief. Rejuvenation. He is able to heal us, to change the perspective of the situation and also the outcome. 

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 122

Psalm 122:1-9

122:1-2 An expression of joy from David at the establishment of the house of the Lord. It had been a long journey for David and God's people against the Philistines and other enemies. Finally, through their righteous works in accordance with the will of God, God secured a place for them to dwell.

122:3-5 A city was built, a place for God's name to thrive: Jerusalem, at a time when God's people were focused on His will and statutes. The tribes were all together, settled in their lands; brought from Egypt and through the wilderness. Finally, they were in a place where God's law would be the judgement in the land over the people. 

And at the point of security, they praised and thanked God who made it all possible. For God is a part of each portion of our journey: the lows, and the highs. 

122:6-9 And they chose to pray. To pray for the peace and prosperity of the righteous. From that beautiful house of the Lord, they made a vow to seek goodness. For they had witnessed all the goodness could achieve. 

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 121

Psalm 121:1-8

121:1-2 This Psalm is a response to fear. It is for the moments when we ask ourselves: what will I do? What can I do? It is for the moments when we ask ourselves: who will save us? Who can save us? And the Psalmist answers each of those questions. When we are looking for help, we look up. We lift up our eyes and remember, perhaps realize, that our help comes from the Lord. Our capable and creative Lord. 

He has constructed this massive universe. He has written all of the laws of life and science. Everything made and adroitly placed with precision and care. We can trust Him with the big stuff and with the small. The worries in our minds that are massive and minute. 

121:3-4 If we are where God wants us to be, nothing can move us. No one can move us. By the grace of God we are made immovable. God will remain aware and active in every circumstance of our lives, ensuring our well-being and safe-keeping. He does not deal passively or weakly with us. He is alert and present and compassionate. He keeps track of every detail.

121:5-6 The Lord is your keeper; The Lord is your shade at your right hand. At all times, God is our protector. Nothing will be able to strike us, day or night, when we have placed ourselves in His hand. So we pray to be at the mercy of God's will. We pray to be within the details of His plan. Because we know that He is the safest place we can ever be. And that is why we look to Him when we are looking for help. 

121:7-8 We can rely upon preservation from God against evil. He will sustain our soul; His love and protection and provision will keep us from despondency and danger. He will be with us wherever we go, whenever we go, now and forever. And this Psalm is our reminder. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 120

Psalm 120:1-7

120:1-2 In times of distress, pray to the Lord; He will hear you. Pray for deliverance; He will deliver.

120:3-4 Although we may be unable to silence or void the noise and power of our enemies, God is able. 

120:5-7 We need only to communicate our distress to God in order to receive His peace. We may be surrounded but He is able to extract us. 

Saturday, June 1, 2019

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 119

Psalm 119:1-176

This Psalm is the longest chapter in the Bible. It is also an acrostic Psalm: each part beginning with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet (twenty-two sections, twenty-two letters of the alphabet). Each section has eight verses. There are other acrostic verses in the Bible but Psalm 119 is the most complete. 

Part 1 Aleph

119:1-8 Blessed are the people who wholly commit to the word of God. He teaches us righteousness and compassion, the two elements of life that give us peace, joy and productivity. Purpose. Meaning. Authenticity. We listen to His commandments, we walk in His ways, we keep His testimonies because they are the way to a good, authentic, rich life. As students of this word we praise as we learn the mysteries of eternity. Our ultimate prayer is the continued presence of God in our lives.

Part 2 Beth

119:9-16 The way to cleanse and rejuvenate our life is to heed the instruction of God. To seek His philosophy with our whole heart. Full commitment produces the best, most lasting results. Therefore we pray for God to keep a tight reign on us, for there is so much in the world that could tempt us away: anger, sadness, fear, vanity or greed. We keep this philosophy enclosed in our heart so that we never forget it; we meditate on it each day to continue to grow in it, to become more secure in it as a foundation. Our wealth is our faith, our relationship with God. We know true prosperity in the Hands of our God. True delight. So we keep His word close.

Part 3 Gimel

119:17-24 We pray for God to bless us bountifully, and He always does. He loves us so deeply; it is important to Him that we remain close and He works to keep us with Him. He never forces Himself, but gently reminds the committed child to continue to rest in Him. To trust in Him. To listen to Him. To be with Him when there are distractions in the world that may harm us. We grow so dependent on His sustaining word that we long for it, we crave it when we have not had it in our day. We become so tethered to our spiritual home that we feel like visitors on the earth. The haughtiness and cruelty of the world has been renounced by God; it is the life of those who have left, neglected or rejected God. We seek to be in alignment with God, to please God always, and not men. God is our delight and counselor. Our father and friend. His approval is the approval we exclusively seek.

Part 4 Daleth 

119:25-32 We are not yet truly alive, spiritually awakened, until the word of God permeates our live's and souls. Everything is new. Everything is revealed when we become students of God instead of the world. We ask questions and He answers. We meditate on His answers and His wonderful works. For He is precise and comprehensive with His answers. He teaches us to understand rather than obey. To love rather than submit. But He is so gentle that we happily obey and submit to our King of Righteousness. He strengthens our weakness, revives us from weariness, leads us off of the wrong path. His law and His truth become our guideposts to the path of peace. Therefore we cling to Him, for peace has never been so revealed to us. So accessible. We pray to be good students who never shame our teacher. His loves grows our own ability to love. 

Part 5 He

119:33-40 This faith is a lifelong commitment. God endeavors for us to understand the reasoning behind His law: to shield, to love, to feed, to strengthen others. This philosophy requires our whole heart. Therefore we pray to be attentive students, able to resist the noise of the world in the background. We do not wish to be captivated by meaningless, material, vain things. We realize that we sometimes need God's assistance in resisting such things that call to our bodies. We pray to be revived in the way of God; to see the difference between what God values and what the world values. We endeavor to be fully devoted to God's values, to our reverence of Him for we know that He is good. The purest entity will ever experience. 

Part 6 Waw

119:41-48 We pray for the mercy and salvation of God; our well-being and peace of mind rely upon them. We trust in the promise and ability of our God rather than the threat of enemy or the thrum of fear. We walk according to God's ordinances, continually, eternally, with freedom of peace. We speak of God's goodness, as children proud of their Father. We do not just follow and understand God's way, we love it.We commit our lives and our hands to the righteous purposes of God. We steadfastly mediate on His statues, observing how His way is always right. In every situation. 

Part 7 Zayin

119:49-56 We pray to be remembered by the God we hope in... and that prayed is already answered. He loves us; He is with us. He is not just our comfort but also our source of life. Our fulfillment comes from pleasing our God. In the world we often become indignant on behalf of righteousness. It hurts us when people commit acts of unrighteousness. But we remember our God and His promises of justice and we keep His law. The ultimate, inevitable law that all the world will face. 

Part 8 Heth

119:57-64 He is our portion; the only inheritance we ever need. We make a vow of commitment to Him with our whole heart. We receive the mercy from God promised in His word. We keep our feet moving toward Him. We are children of the kingdom of God and in all circumstances, even bleak ones, we remember that God will free us and bring light to our situation. We must never forget His law, His promises, for in them is our hope. Our tether to peace and life.

Part 9 Teth

119:65-72 Earth is classroom; we learn about life through here. And guide offers to guide us the entire journey. We keep God's good word and we live good, fulfilling lives. We continue to pray to God to teach us to be better, stronger, kinder, wiser, more faithful. Even in a time of affliction, even when gone astray, the psalmist trusts in God. Commits to God. And that makes the difference in our lives, our ability to remember and reaffirm our faith. We must always remember that our relationship with God makes us wealthier than any material thing on earth ever could.

Part 10 Yod

119:73-80 We have been created by God's precise and compassionate Hand. He knows every part of us; He knows best how to answer our questions and to how to best teach us, individually, His ways. We have a family in this faith; all of those who know the steadfast love and incomparable joy from the Lord. We have hoped in God and seen that hope fulfilled. We have listened to His principles and experienced that they are right and true.

With a tender heart, God disciplines us into more layered and righteous people. Therefore His law is our delight. We see the good results of His intricate work. We trust that the haughty and the cruel will inevitable meet with God's judgement. Those who are wrong and false are taken care of for us by God. We need only to remain innocent and trusting and committed to Him; He takes care of the rest. 

Part 11 Kaph 

119:81-88 Rather than material things or celebrities, we are brought to awe by the character and presence of our God. Our hope is not in vain things or famous people, our hope is the word of God. He is our source of inspiration and excitement. And when we are states of distress, we pray to God to revive us in His peace. We must always remember to call to God and no other thing or person! He is our hero. He is the our counselor and savior. 

We must not let the world make us weary or jaded or corrupt. We must not forsake this scripture which tethers us to God. For God will revive us out of any withered state. And once revived, we praise steadfastly. We glory the God who always listens, always answers, always comes.

Part 12 Lamed

119:89-96 God's word is long and wide; it lasts eternally and covers comprehensively, each individual up to the entirety of humanity. Past, present and future. He is firm and faithful. A solid foundation. A brilliant creator and organizer, evidenced by the existence of our earth suspended in the galaxy.

We are safest, more secure, when we live as agents of God's will. We live according to God's ordinances and find that they keep us always, steadily on His path of peace and purpose.

Without God as our foundation, we perish. Fear, greed, vanity, temptation wither us away to unhappy shells. He is our hope and source of meaningful purpose. He gives us life, not just the physical, but the spiritual which truly animates us. Therefore we stick to the way of life our God taught us. We search for Him in everything. We devote ourselves to Him and thus His rescue. We call to Him from places of distress and affliction. But we include Him in our joy... as He is its source, its fuel, its creator.

Fear will crop up and sometimes so will enemy but we lean on God's promises of love and protection. We remember that His works and good and perfect and working in our lives.

Part 13 Mem

119:97-104 Steadily we fall in love with scripture. After all, this is God's love letter to His child. A purposefully instructive piece of our history, guidance for our future, and comfort and advice for our present. We are wise to meditate on it consistently; it is new every morning, with a new message to give, new comfort to provide. This word is wise and interactive to the diligent and faithful child of God. It senses our specific fear and soothes it. It perceives our distress and plans for solemnity. The Holy Spirit is aware and diligent and active in our lives when we bring our lives to this book.

We receive wisdom, understanding and peace from the Holy Spirit, from this scripture. From it we learn for the past and are prepared for our future. We are taught how to handle our day-to-day interactions with humanity and our own responses to the circumstances of life. We are taught to have and procure and retain the happiness the secular world desperately seeks but never finds.

And the reason is because we remain committed to this God. This book. His principles. We are rapt students of everything He has to say. His instruction is the sweetness in our lives that causes us to identify and reject every bitter thing, person and idea.

Part 14 Nun

119:105-112 When life appears bleak and the move forward is unclear, God is the lamp to our feet. His word, His guidance not only leads but illuminates. So we vow to that light. We bow to this savior. We admit to Him when we are withered and we pray for revival. We pray for His acceptance with the comfort of knowing that He always answers: yes. Through the distractions of the world, we remain tethered to this faith, this relationship with God. We make sometimes mistakes, we wander but we must always come back! Our forgiving and compassionate God allows us that opportunity.

We must cultivate in our heart this great love and joy for this Great God. Eternally.

Part 15 Samek 

119:113-120 When we meet and become familiar with God's purity and kindness, what the world offers is no longer appealing. We reject it and accept Him. He becomes our protection and our safe abode. We discontinue trying to furrow into other places for false and temporary comforts. We put our hope in Him exclusively, for He is the only One capable of absolute promise.

We reject evil. We welcome the commandments of God. We accept His commandments as compassionate, fruitful advice.

We pray for God to uphold us, that we may live and with peace. We pray for God to fulfill our hope. We pray for God to protect us. And we observe His law. We live it. We have peace knowing that He will put away the wickedness and the injustice of the world. He will fill in the disparity with prosperity. We love Him because He is good. We love His testimonies because they grow goodness. We tremble in reverence because of how God He is: true, righteous, faithful, capable, willing, compassionate, wise, strong, loyal, eternal. Any child of God has experienced those truths. 

Part 16 Ayin

119:121-128 We wobble and waver in faith, but our line of communicate with God must always be open. For He will assuage our fears. With an open line of communication, we are able to hear Him calling us back. We are able to see Him mercifully leading us back home, to Him. Others may see this word as void, but we know where the true void actually is. We know that scripture is full to bursting with honey, sweet sustenance sustaining us through life.

Keep making wholehearted, active affirmations to God: I am your servant. Continue to desire His instruction and the reasoning behind it. God will continue His affirmation. He will answer every prayer in the best way His omniscient mind decides. Our relationship with God should be our number one priority, our most authentic, greatest joy. And as we spend time meditating on this word and communicating with God, it naturally will be. We must reject all that opposes it.

Part 17 Pe

119:129-136 The Psalmist exemplifies true love in the relationship between God and individual. The hope and light we derive from His word. The protection and provision and guidance. The happy and fulfilled dependency we have on God. The longing for Him above all else. And finally, astonishment in the difference between what the righteous produce and in the world compared to what the unrighteous produce.
Your testimonies are wonderful;
Therefore my soul keeps them.
The entrance of Your words gives light;
It gives understanding to the simple.
I opened my mouth and panted,
For I longed for Your commandments.
Look upon me and be merciful to me,
As Your custom is toward those who love Your name.
Direct my steps by Your word,
And let no iniquity have dominion over me.
Redeem me from the oppression of man,
That I may keep Your precepts.
Make Your face shine upon Your servant,
And teach me Your statutes.
Rivers of water run down from my eyes,
Because men do not keep Your law.

Part 18 Tsadde 

119:137-144 The characteristics of God given in these next verses: righteous, upright, faithful. And as children of such a holy God, we experience indignation when His way is rejected, neglected or opposed. Meek and simple we may be, but our God is extraordinary and so is everything He accomplishes. The Psalmist vows not to forget the truth and beauty of God's precepts.

God's commandments and promises calm the seas that churn as fear in our minds. He is our peace and delight. We pray for understanding that we may live. Truly live, with peace and hope and strength by faith.

Part 19 Qoph

119:145-152 Our prayers to God must be authentic and wholehearted. They must be consistent in fear and peace, sadness and joy. We must have a constant relationship. Steadfast. Unyielding. We must make our faith our priority, day and night. Morning and evening. God will hear our voice. He is near. He does revive and animate. An authentic relationship is required; He awaits our invitation to come into our loves and construct, heal and dissolve the ties that do not benefit us.

We separate ourselves from that which is far from His law. In order to separate ourselves from that, we draw near to Him. He is always around when we want Him to be. Always listening when we are speaking. Always answering when we are praying. It is an ancient and eternal truth, that He has founded this way that will protect us. 

Part 20 Resh

119:153-160 As God's children, we have the opportunity to pray to Him from spaces and places of affliction and receive answer and help. Indeed, God is the greatest gift to our lives. He defends us, stands up for us, redeems us. He revives and saves us. He is great and tender and protective. We owe it to Him, therefore, to be kind and committed. Faithful. Circumstances of the world may cause us to grow weary and despondent, but God's love and instruction is always able to revive. We just continue to pray for that revival, and our true and eternal God answers yes in so many ways and colors.

Part 21 Shin

119:161-168 Because of God, there is always one deep, authentic source and reason for joy in our lives. He is the treasure the world seeks but does not find. He is the treasure we have found and claimed and have been claimed by. We praise throughout the day because He blesses throughout the day. We love His way, it has had more good impact on us than anything, ever before. He keeps us moving forward, straightforward, without stumbling. He is the hope and the One who continues to fulfill that hope and answer those prayers. We love His testimonies, exceedingly, because they have made good and drastic changes to the places in our lives that needed goodness and change.

We open our whole lives up before God. Because we trust our lives in His hands. We trust His eye, His heart, mind and spirit to do well and compassionately with us.

Part 22 Tau

119:169-176 We pray for God to hear us. We pray for understanding of His word. Our lives depend on Him. We have chosen faithful dependence on Him. We deliver our supplication, (our earnest, humble prayer) to Him and He delivers us according to His word. According to righteousness and compassion. He is our help for we have chosen Him as our Helper. And we could not have chosen a better, more capable, more willing savior.

We pray for life... and life so that we can praise Him.

When we are lost, we pray as sheep for our Shepherd to seek us. He does not forget us, we will not forget His commandments.