Numbers 30:1-16
30:1 Moses begins speaking to the children of Israel about instructions from God.
30:2 God teaches them (and us) through Moses that we must be true to our word. We must do what we say we will do without excuse or delay. This is corroborated in Matthew 5:33-37. God's advice to us is that in order to create a good and honest repuation, we must be good and honest. We should not have to convince people of our sincerity, our lives, our behavior and interactions with others' should be enough to show them we are true to our word. In other words, we should never give people reason not to trust us.
30:3-16 This particular law is antiquated and, most likely, tainted by the cultural context of the time. Women were protected by men because of a largely patriarchal society which did not value them. Women were both protected and oppressed by the system. We know now that God has given free will to all people. Men and women are supposed to respect each other and have equality in their relationships, Ephesians 5:28.