5:1 Moses reaches out for our attention: listen that you may learn and observe. The condition of our lives comes down to how well we listen, how often we a willing to learn, and how studiously we observe. Through the elements of life, God is constantly teaching us. Yet throughout history, He has needed to shout out to regain our attention.
Moses asks the children of Israel to learn in order to be able to observe the statutes and judgement of God. The interesting thing about the word observe is that Moses is using it to mean: do, follow, practice what God has taught. But in order to do, follow, and practice God's teachings, we must also observe perceptively. In every moment there is something to learn: small and large things which contribute to the whole picture. Self improvement in small moments leads to home, neighborhood, community and world improvement in large ones.
Therefore our first step is always to develop the willingness to learn from God. We should have a view and understanding of ourselves as students, no matter our age or educational degree. God encourages our humility for our own benefit: through it we learn the way through life.
5:2-3 God constantly renews His covenant with us and our ancestors. He never forgets His promises; He never grows lazy; He never becomes apathetic. He keeps this spiritual thread between us and Him alive. Moses is reminding the children of Israel (and us) to remain committed because God's promises are not ancient. They are just as present and promised as they were in Abraham's day.
5:4 God speaks with us face to face on every metaphorical mountain of our lives. Every time we approach Him we get His full attention. Each time we reach out for Him, He is present and transparent with us. He gives His whole, honest self.
5:5 Moses is the intermediary between God and the children of Israel. You do not need an intermediary. You may speak with God face to face, and He encourages you to do so. The children of Israel were afraid to approach Him; they were constantly hesitant to listen to Him, to accept Him, to remain steadfast with Him. They were afraid of Him because they were too stubborn to get to know Him. They did not spend time with Him, the time to discover the gentle and instructive wisdom in His words.
God's fire should never frighten you. God's fire is warmth to His children and the destruction of the evil against them.
We revisit the 10 Commandments, given in Exodus 20 (given for our benefit and quality of life):
5:6-8 No other Gods before our God. We are monotheistic believers but more than that, we do not put anything before God. Not money. Not fame. Not vanity. Not power. Not control. We must remain diligent to keep our eyes fixed on Him. It is so easy to become distracted or tempted by a thing or a person. To put anything before God is to remove wisdom, discernment, truth and justice from center-field. To put God first is to be on a straight, fast-tracked path toward life and joy, justice and compassion, wisdom and truth. To allow other things to win our heart, focus and attention is to deter from the path best suited for us.
5:9-10 God's mercy is abundant. Let yourself become absorbed by Him. God's gentle love is available to each of us in every moment of our lives... but just as important is God's tough love. He knows how to keep us focused and progressive. Sometimes He might allow us to be nipped if it means teaching us not to be swallowed whole. His actions, even His tough love, is merciful. Everything He does is done directly out of His heart in compassion rather than authority.
5:11 Moses reminds us to respect God's name. To honor Him for the blessing that He is. We should be careful not to blame God for things humans have caused. Our God gives life, fixes and restores.
5:12-15 It is beneficial for our faith for us to reserve a day to reflect on our spirituality, on our God and our values. Our day and age is much different than the children of Israel's: we live in a world which constantly works to procure. Many people almost have no choice but to work every day of the week. The reason why our world is so hectic and strenuous is because somewhere along the line, humanity stopped respecting this Sabbath-day commandment. We become mesmerized, absorbed by the desire to procure material, wealth and power (even on small scales) and our faith was left in the gutter. Forgotten. Faith's values no longer serving as the bumper-rails which keep us on track.
5:16 We are instructed to honor our parents. Compassion begins in the home; we are meant to learn and practice respect with those who brought us into the world. We are cherished, guided, cared for servants of God not of man. If God encourages us to have compassion, it is not meant to make us weak... but is meant to make us strong in Him. Strong and understanding in faith. We cannot begin our lives with bitter, brittle relationships. If our relationships with our parents are strained, we are meant to begin practicing perspective and forgiveness. Why? Because anger and brokenness will hold us back our entire lives, constantly corrupting our view.
5:17 People interpret this commandment not to murder in different ways. God wants us to know that it is unacceptable to maliciously kill an innocent person. God understands self-defense; in these books of the first testament, we learn how committed God is to wiping out evil.
5:18 Be faithful! In all relationships: social, platonic, romantic and spiritual.
5:19 Let the Lord provide. Do not steal because faith in God will ensure that you have everything you need. He will never leave you destitute. Do not let greed or temptation weaken your trust in His ability to provide. If you do not have something, you either do not need it, or it is coming to you in God's timing.
5:20 Be honest! Exclaim, always, the truth. Do not let lies corrupt and obscure what is simple.
We do not have to fear the intentions of others' because Genesis 50:20 reminds us that God redirects the harm hurled at us into blessings. God is present and working hard, always, for His honest, innocent child. He never fails. He never fails on our behalf.
We do not have to fear the intentions of others' because Genesis 50:20 reminds us that God redirects the harm hurled at us into blessings. God is present and working hard, always, for His honest, innocent child. He never fails. He never fails on our behalf.
5:21 Do not be jealous or greedy. Again: Let the Lord provide. Be happy for others when they have beautiful things and relationships. As God's children, we should want each other to thrive. We must always remember that God brings into our lives what He knows we need. He loves to make us happy! Does our faith allow us to wait for Him to deliver in His perfect time? God is an artist. He's making perfect what He has designated for you. Wait for the art to be perfected and gifted to you.
5:22 Moses reminds the children of Israel that God's commandments have no changed. He does not change; God is always consistent and comprehensive. Although the children of Israel's lives have changed drastically (and will continue to do so) He wants them (and us) to remember that God is steady. Our relationship with Him will consistently bring good change, progressive change in our lives. But His good, beautiful, generous, wise Spirit will never change.
5:23-27 The children of Israel refuse to develop personal, intricate relationships with God. Because of their refusal to get to know Him, they confuse His might with fearful authority. We must not make this same mistake. God does not control or hold His power over our heads. Instead He allows us to take the reigns of control, but always directs us to the places which are best for us.
5:28 Indeed, until we are willing to create person, intricate relationships with God, we will not truly understand Him. We will continue to see Him as a looming authoritarian rather than the gentle parent that He actually is.
5:29:31 Those who are willing to approach the Lord, to take the steps of humility and bow before Him as a child, as a student, are anointed by Him. Instead of returning to your tent, be drawn out of your tent by Him. Climb the mountain, as Moses does. Come to Him, fact to face, heart to heart, and receive your holy purpose. Many people stay in the tent out of doubt, out of fear, ignorance, lethargy, shame. Bare your soul to God so that you stand before Him in full honesty and courage. You have broken ways? A broken heart? He will mend them like broken bones. He will reset them, reform you and send you out as a leader. But you must come out of the tent.
5:32-33 Moses closes this chapter beautifully for us:
32 “Therefore you shall be careful to do as the Lord your God has commanded you; you shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left. 33 You shall walk in all the ways which the Lord your God has commanded you, that you may live and that it may be well with you, and that you may prolong your days in the land which you shall possess.