23:1 The most miraculous lesson for us to learn about this circumstance and dealing between Balaam and Balak is something that is not actually written. Previously, we had spent weeks following the children of Israel. This 23rd chapter of Numbers allows to see outside of their perspective. Powerful and wealthy kings are plotting against the children of Israel... and they have no idea. But guess Who is present and deeply entrenched in this situation? Their God. Our God Who is capable of advocating for us while still simultaneously helping us to progress in our journey.
With precision, God orders and protects the minutia and the complexity of our lives. Our perspective is limited but His is not. He knows who or what is plotting against us and He is extinguishing their chance. We enable His perfect and complete love through our faith. We enact our faith by producing His fruit, living His way, doing His work, James 2:14-26.
Since the children of Israel are following His lead, they are enabling all of His good work to unfold. After all, how can we receive the blessings He is laying down for us if we leave the path? He asks us to remain with Him, to walk with Him right into the blessings He so expertly arranges. If you step off of the path, allow Him to shake you awake.
Balaam tells Balak to build seven alters for him and to prepare sacrifices. Balaam's manipulative characteristics are still present. Balaam knows that the only 'person' who deserves an alter (or seven) is God. Yet Balaam's lust for reverence keeps him from being entirely honest with Balak.
23:2-3 Balak does as told by Balaam. Balaam tells Balak that he will wait for God to show him something that that he will relate the message to Balak.
23:4 God meets Balaam. Balaam tells God that he prepared seven alters and prepared sacrifices. God knows the truth. All that matters to God is that Balaam is honest in delivering His message.
23:5-6 Balaam returns to Balak per God's instruction and relates God's message to Balak and all of the princes of Moab.
23:7-10 The message from God is that Balaam is unable to curse anyone whom God as blessed. Balaam cannot denounce anyone whom God has not denounced. The children of Israel are known and loved by God and are therefore unstoppable. Balaam finishes the prophecy saying that he even prays that he might die with the same promises the children of Israel will die with.
23:11 Balak is infuriated by the message. It is the opposite of what he wanted to hear. Balak wanted the children of Israel to be cursed... instead, Balaam has foretold of their endless blessing.
23:12 Balaam attempts to defend himself by saying that he has to speak what the Lord has placed in his mouth. Balaam's arrogance is certainly under distress: he is continually having to admit his powerlessness. Allow God to correct you the first time so that you do not have to continue to suffer the same consequences over and over again.
23:13-14 Desperate, Balak asks Balaam to prophesy over the children of Israel from another angle. Balak's hope is that at least some of the children of Israel might be able to be cursed. This is a common mistake of our enemies: they forget that God acknowledges and loves each one of His children, regardless of where they stand. There is no sneaky or clever vantage point from which to get past our protecting God.
23:15 Again, Balaam says that we will converse with God.
23:16-17 Balaam returns with a message from God for Balak.
23:18 The message from God unfolds in the following six verses. God says: straighten up and listen intently.
23:19 God tells Balak, through Balaam, that He is not a man. He is not a liar. He is not apologetic for His will or prophecy. What He says, He does. He will always make good on His promises and no amount of power or money can change or deter His plan or blessing.
23:20 Balaam explains that the children of Israel are blessed and will remain so.
23:21 The children of Israel are living justly and compassionately and for that, God will remain with them. The shout of a King (Him) is with them, His power and authority reigns over them and their enemies.
23:22 God has brought them out of Egypt and remains as strong and capable.
23:23 God explains through Balaam that no sorcery or divination can be done against His people. Everything that happens to them is ordained and allowed by God.
23:24 The children of Israel are described to be risers, as graceful and lithe as a lioness and as strong and spiritually formidable as a lion. Rather than prey, God's children are the top of the food chain. Able to devour any and every enemy.
23:25-26 Again, Balak is furious. The children of Israel continue to be blessed by God. Balaam again admits that his only ability is to relay the message God has ordained and sent through him.
23:27-30 Balaam and Balak work together again against another portion of the children of Israel, over a wasteland. The built and altar and offer sacrifices in the hope that they might be able to curse this portion of God's children. As we already know, God will not allow that to happen.
God loves His children. When they (we) are weak, He is strong, 2 Corinthians 12:10. We they (we) are meek, He gives to them the entire earth, Matthew 5:5. Whether the children of Israel are in the wilderness, a utopia, a desert or a wasteland, God is with them. No matter where you are, God is present, power and authority.