17:1-5 Each tribe was vying for the position of priest, which Aaron held. God had each tribe assemble, represent themselves with a rod. God would choose a rod, cause it to blossom and the owner of that rod would be chosen by God as leader of the faith ministry. God's plan is for the children of Israel to see that He chooses, rather than men. After all, Aaron did not appoint himself.
17:6-8 Moses, Aaron and the children of Israel do as instructed.
17:9-11 God chooses Aaron's rod. The rod becomes a symbol against dissension. God decides, not men. Anyone who opposes His decisions is cut off. Why? Because God's decisions are always for the well-being of the entire group. Always just. Always wise. To oppose Him is to choose corruption.
17:12-13 The children of Israel become angry because they want to be in charge. Their thoughts are that God is too strict. However God's leadership is lenient, He has so few instructions for us! Be kind and love each other. But the children of Israel are upset because they want to make the rules and carry out the law.