5:1 A person, if they know and have witnessed the truth, must always speak it.
5:2-3 These are health laws: people are not meant to touch unclean things, human or animal.
5:4 People are meant to take their oaths seriously. When we make a promise or a commitment, we must keep it.
5:5-6 We must take responsibility for our actions. We must also take action toward correcting our mistakes and growing from them (atonement).
5:7-13 Specifics of offerings are given. These are defunct for us: Hosea 6:6 God explains that He does not want out "burnt offerings."
5:14-16 When we make mistakes unintentionally, we must still acknowledge them in order to grow from them.
17:-19 Even when a person does not realize they are breaking commandments, they are still responsible for the destruction caused. The good news it, God helps us to rebuild!