27:1-34 We have reached the end of Leviticus. It can be a difficult book of the Bible to relate to because many of the practices have been made defunct by God. We are many, many generations beyond when this was written, so God created the New Testament to relate to us in a more modern way (Hallelujah!).
The main take-away(s) from this chapter:
- Sacrificial Offering has been cancelled by God: Isaiah 1:11 and Hosea 6:6.
- Compassion reigns over vengeance: Matthew 5:38.
- The separation of corrupt and pure (all of the children of Israel's efforts were to understand that concept). 1 Corinthians 15:50.
- We no longer need a spokesperson; we are enabled by God to communicate with Him directly, Psalm 34:17-19.
- Even though we frequently stray away from Him, He will always welcome us back. Leviticus 26:44-45.