Leviticus 10:1-20
10:1-2 Nadab and Abihu make the mistake of profaning the faith. Since we know that the extend of God's mercy is boundless for His faithful children, we can deduce that Nadab and Abihu's mistake was in opposition to God.
10:3 Moses asks God about Aaron's sons and God replies that all of His children and partakers of His faith must respect Who He is: justice, compassion, selflessness.
10:4-7 Moses calls Mishael and Elzaphan, family of Aaron's, to him. Moses gives them the tabernacle requirements and insists that they must adhere to God' will. In order for this faith to flourish, God needed a body of faithful people willing to follow His will. We know how easily distracted humans can be (even, maybe especially, in our own generation) and therefore we can understand the importance of God's strict establishment of this faith as it began.
10:8 The Lord speaks to Aaron and delivers the conduct which must be followed by teachers of His faith: no alcohol in the tabernacle. We are encouraged away from alcohol throughout the Bible, for example: Proverbs 20:1.
10:9-10-11 In abstaining from alcohol, humans are better able to distinguish truth from deception, justice from injustice, right from wrong. God knows that a sober and focused mind is more beneficially productive and effective.
10:12-20 The ability to follow these routines is important in establishing solidity in faith. Humanity needs to start small and work their way up to a more existential understanding of God. In our own time, we have graduated from these rudimentary principles and therefore we will not spend much time on them.