22:1-3 God is bringing a new concept to the earth and humanity: compassionate societal order. It is a grand idea but an even more beautiful truth. It is important that the children of Israel are able to separate earthly things from God Himself. Without the separation, they kept falling into the practice of polytheism and idol worship of inanimate objects.
22:4-9 Here is a reiteration of the health and cleanliness laws (an introduction to germ theory!).
22:10-16 A continuation of the separation between what is holy and what is earthly. As a species, we need(ed) to grasp this concept of separation between earth and spiritual. These were the elementary stages of that understanding.
22:17-33 Sacrificial offerings are now a God-proclaimed defunct practice: Isaiah 1:11 and Hosea 6:6. The offerings we now make to God are actions of compassion. We offer Him our time and our effort. Our heart and soul. On behalf of Him and through Him, we bring love and justice into the world instead of focusing on selfish lifestyles.