21:1-9 We have insight that those during the context of Leviticus' writing did not have. We have the insight of Jesus and the New Testament. We know of the conduct God calls us to have... all of us, not just teachers of the faith. We have been called and invited by God to each be participants and propellants of this faith, 1 Corinthians 3:9.
We are called by God to love Him and to love others, to represent Him: 2 Corinthians 10:5. We are called to sync our thoughts, words and actions. Our behavior must reflect our values because we are all examples to others. It is important that we are just and compassionate in every aspect of our lives: who we choose to marry, how we raise our children, how we interact with strangers and friends. We are to teach respect by being respectful individuals.
21:10-15 As representations of God, we are to be beautiful in our simple nature. We do not need design or celebrity to stand out or to be productive in Him. Our ancestors in these books of the Bible are not unlike we are: they too become entangled in prejudice and judgement at times. God loves all people... in fact, He gravitates toward the "lowly" because He knows they (maybe we!) need Him most, Mark 2:17. Nobody is tainted by mistakes in their past. With God, through God, we are each a clean slate... every single time we come to Him, 1 John 1:9.
21:16-24 God loves the meek. The humble. The prejudices and character flaws of the people of this time (not entirely dissimilar to us) leak through here (yet remember how Jesus deals with the people despised by society: John 8:1-11. Remember that Moses himself has a speech impediment and yet God chose him as His spokesperson! Remember that God loves each child and the disabled especially have purpose divined by Him: John 9:1-3. Through humility we enter into His grace! When we allow our faith to disintegrate all of the ways we are arrogant, cruel or ignorant, we make space for miracles to come through us from God.