36:1 When we establish our purpose with God, He then builds us. He tailors us to our purpose; from Him we receive the wisdom and understanding we need to accomplish our works as artisans. Our gifts from God vary because there are multitudes of ways an individual can bring His beauty into the world. Yet no matter what our "art" is, if we make Him our muse and source of inspiration and material, what we do becomes a masterpiece.
36:2-5 The artists, these humans gifted by God, are so awed and grateful for His gifts that they begin to offer to Him more than was suggested. They are pouring their gratitude out to Him.
36:6-7 There was so much material offered that very quickly, the artists had everything they needed to fulfill God's instructions for the building of the tabernacle. This is how God provides. Abundantly and without delay. The brilliance and strength of His love inspires His children to be like Him: readily generous. When they set out on a task in His name, it is done with exuberance.
36:8-37 Listed are the details of the tabernacle.