Genesis 2:1-25
1:1-3 Upon the completion of the Earth, it was blessed. Creation rested in serenity.
1:4-6 Life was given to the inanimate Earth in various forms: plants and water.
1:7 Humanity came to the earth and received creation's breath of life. (Adam and Eve are the particular line through would Jesus would come).
1:8 Adam and Eve more than individuals, are a symbol for humanity, particularly at the inception. Their story is a telling of the nature of humanity, a journey we began as souls in spirit. Adam meaning: mankind. Eve meaning: life-giver (as we know women are).
This Garden of Eden is representative of God as a loving provider. Humans lived under His protection, without fallibility and flaw, in innocence. Everything [we] needed was given to us.
1:9 Let's examine these 3 trees mentioned for they are representative of the pillars of our lives on Earth.
- Tree for Food: Our earthly sustenance. The nourishment of our human body, housing our soul.
- Tree of Life: Our spiritual sustenance. The nourishment of our soul, made in the likeness of God. This nourishment is the ability to give and receive love, compassion, and joy.
- Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil: Our free-will. Humans were given perfect conditions with which to live. This type of living was reliant on complete trust in God, in giving creation autonomy over our lives. Humans did not have the ability to even conceive of evil and therefore we could not commit evil.
1:10-14 The geographical location of humanity's inception (modern-day northern Africa).
1:15 So began humanity's sojourn on the Earth, a symbiotic relationship between human and planet.
1:16 Given to humanity in abundance was nourishment. We now understand the chemical mechanisms of our bodies and how to sustain them with our surroundings. (Although it is worth noting that contemporary humans have corrupted much our food sources with pollution and chemical manipulation).
1:17 Our first advice from God: abstain from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. For this tree (entity, even) represents characters who are dissatisfied with the manner of living God first provided. These characters want fame, fortune and the ability to manipulate and deceive to procure and ensure their selfish desires.
This tree is representative of the ability to realize that there can be another option other than goodness. Once we taint ourselves with the ability to know evil, we render ourselves able (and even tempted) to commit it. Adam is warned that he would die if he partook in the "fruit," works, of this tree. For, as we learned in the NT, to partake in evil is to relinquish our right and promise of eternal life.
1:18-19 Humanity's union (acknowledgement and appreciation) with animals. Over ancient generations, humans came to know the earth and the animals on it.
1:20 For humanity on this Earth to truly thrive came the DNA of the female. Remember that Genesis begins a long series of stories (the Old Testament). Although told in story-telling form, these concepts of life are well known and widely taught in classrooms around the globe.
1:21 Rib is an incorrect translation. From the curve, or helix curve that is DNA, came the female. Humans, therefore, male and female are of the same.
1:22-23 The human ability to reproduce.
1:24 The creation of the family unit.
1:25 Humanity (Adam and Eve) was innocent. Unashamed because humans were not aware of evil o any of its manifestations: shame, lust, etc.