Thursday, December 15, 2016

NT: The First Book of Peter, Chapter 3

I Peter 3:1-22

3:1 The translation of what this verse actually means is this: be faithful and committed to your spouse's faith. It is a continuation of the concept of being a focused influence in the world... simply applied now to the family.

3:2 The advice is the same for any social relationship or interaction: let your humility and faith lead as a living example to others. In the previous chapter, we discussed honorable conduct in various situations of life; having that same honorable conduct is adventurous within the family as well.

3:3 Scripture encourages each soul to develop, edify and enhance itself rather than the vessel which carries it. Spiritual development enables us to become a valuable force among humanity. Through our patience, compassion, wisdom and sincerity our beauty is revealed and utilized to its fullest potential.

3:4 A gentle and quiet spirit, a generous and contemplative soul, is an incorruptible manifestation of beauty. Our God is a god of light and light (spirit, wisdom, truth) is the beautiful of all life. When you become a beacon of light, your beauty becomes precious and truly timeless. Do not let outward, empty beauty define yourself or anything else as valuable.

3:5-6 Sarah was equally firm in her faith alongside Abraham. They worked together in faith. Sarah being just as courageous and trusting in God as Abraham. The submission spoken of in these verses is a submission (a respectful commitment) to faith, to your own and to the betterment of the faith of the people around you. A joint effort.

3:7 The same imploration for compassion within familial relationships is given also to husbands. As we know, God has no partiality. Husbands, ensure that you have honorable conduct, too. Sarah contributed to Abraham's acts of faith. Perhaps "obey" is the wrong word to be used. Instead, she joined in a mutual effort with Abraham; because she also believed, she did not oppose or hinder his work in faith.

3:8 Finally, Peter begins the upshot of his advice in this chapter:
  • All of you be of one mind: Have empathy as you journey through this shared experience of life on earth. Maintain a conscious effort to improve the quality of life for all humans. Every family in every country is striving toward the same hopes: safety, happiness and health. We are already of one mind, we only need to realize it.
  • Having compassion for one another: Protect and ensure the justice and health for each person you interact with. Whether we are privy to the circumstances or not, each life is driven and inspired, impeded upon and influenced by external factors. Understand that life is often more complicated, filled with more grey areas than perfectly defined black and white ones. At the very least, give to all people the benefit of your honorable conduct.
  • Love as brothers: Love is our most prominent guide, leading us back to our natural state: although geopolitical divisions convince us that our bodies have different origins, our souls come from the same creator and our spiritual kin.
  • Be tenderhearted: Be gentle and compassionate, considerate and kind. Give your eyes, ears and hands to the causes of less fortunate individuals, animals and all forms of life.
  • Be courteous + Humble: Do not be pretentious. Do not make it your life's mission (or even an aspect of your life) to display whatever fortune you have to people who have none of less. If you have an insecurity, fix the problem within yourself. Nothing external can heal you.
  • Do not be vengeful: The universe is going to return the energy you put into it; it is the natural way of the earth and spirit. The universe, God (however you conceive of divinity) is going to fix what is broken in your life, you do not need to do any dirty work. You simply continue to produce goodness and goodness will ensure that it finds its way back to you. You already have a defender: God. Be compassionate and productive and never let unkindness deter you from that.
  • Re-gift blessings: Spread and share your blessings; blessings are meant to abound: we are given to in order that we may give. When we share, we grow our happiness and our wealth (in whatever it may be). A greedy spirit does not understand that concept. When God finds a productive source through which to deliver blessings to the people of the earth, He's going to flood that tunnel, that source, with blessings. An uncountable amount... because there is so much to go around, and so much that is needed.
  • Inherit your blessings: Acknowledge, understand, trust and then accept your blessings. God created this life for you; tailored this body and this planet to sustain you. He offers so much but not enough people accept Him and His offerings. Give Him permission to enter your life, to edify your life, to guide, to inspire, to enhance and protect your life.

3:10-11 Here is how to be in love with life (from Psalm 34:12-16):
  • Keep evil thoughts out of your mind. Keep evil words out of your mouth. Keep evil actions out of your hands.
  • Do not lie, manipulate or deceive. Instead, be sincere and honest.
3:12 God's love and protection are focused on His children, the fellow-workers of justice. Their prayers go directly to Him, with speed and prominence. Those who commit evil acts have none of the benefits that you do... therefore, take advantage of your blessings! Utilize them! You are equip with so much purpose and potential. You are able to accomplish so much.

3:13 Fall in love with truth of this question: Who is capable of harming you when you stand with God? Absolutely nobody.

3:14 You have nothing to fear when you join into God's army? Justice and compassion, in order to be what they are, must confront injustice and evil. Find honor in this battle. God wants you to know that even in tribulation, soldiering for the side of justice ensures your inevitable victory. Fear nothing and no person: nobody can take away your spiritual life. This life on earth is a wisp but your spirit is bold and cannot be defeated. 

3:15 Represent your faith. Enable others to understand the origin of your courage, humility and hope.

3:16 If you life with consistent honorable conduct, those who oppose you only construct their own shame. Inevitable, they will be forced to confront their shame.

3:17 There is tribulation in life, that fact cannot be denied. Peter's logic here explains to us that if we are going to experience tribulation either way, it may as well be for a compassionate and productive reason.

3:18 Our purpose and potential in life was exemplified to us; our lives on earth can become a journey toward spiritual life.

3:19-20 Jesus interacted with all people. This philosophy, this faith was (and is) offered to all people without preference or exclusivity. Jesus was not too good or too proud to converse with the impoverished and the imprisoned. Mark 2:17 When Jesus heard it, He said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.
3:21-22 Baptism is symbolic of an internal change and effort within us: a cleansing of the soul caused by faithful focus and compassionate intention. It is a commitment to the manifestation of spirit, wisdom, justice and truth.