II Peter 1:1-21
1:1 A greeting from Peter to "those who have obtained" this precious faith.
1:2 Peter wishes for each of us to endeavor toward continual growth within this philosophy of life.
1:3 For from our faith we derive the creator's wisdom and essence of life; we receive our life's purpose and potential.
1:4 For from our faith we are given ever-increasing direction, motivation, protection and love. Peter's prayer for us is that we continue to be partakers of this compassionate philosophy, separate from the corruption within the world.
1:5 For the growth and development of our faith to be substantial, it is necessary for us to be diligent in every moment. Giving every person and circumstance our greatest and most compassionate effort. The first virtue of our faith being: our ability to grow in knowledge. We must become contemplative, observant and listening humans with inquisitive minds and souls.
1:6 Through our wisdom comes our ability to create and retain self-control. With a broader understanding of our complex world, we learn of our capability keeping ourselves tethered to our values (now known through our journey for wisdom). Our measured self-control allows us to persevere, to endure the tribulations, relationships and circumstances within our lives. Our perseverance enables our ability to commit to our faith and to remain steadfast in our faithful nature.
1:7 Our faithfulness inspires our empathy for humanity around us. Empathy expands our capacity for impartial and vibrant love.
1:8 These gifts are created within us by our loving God, divinity, the manifestation of love and life. These gifts are given to us; they are ours to utilize and claim. These gifts abound: they even continually reproduce themselves. In this truth we find assurance that in our faith we will always be fruitful, impactful, purposeful.
1:9 The one who retains the wisdom within this faith never lacks and is never short-sighted. For short-nearsightedness neglects to consider and appreciate all of the manifested life around us. In walking with this faith, continually in every moment and day of our lives, we always remember our growth. Our developed wisdom disallows us of falling victim to our past mistakes and shortcomings.
1:10 Be diligent in the acknowledge and acceptance of your call and election: for you were chosen and entrusted to be impactful here. If we follow the guidance of our faith, we never stumble... we never meet a roadblock we cannot diminish from our path.
1:11 For to join in with this divine current of life is the receive all of the benefits of its power and flow. Your faith will construct constant not escapes but rather entrances into new and better ways of life. Our creator gives with abundance eternally.
1:12-13 Because our purpose and potential here is so important, Peter does not hesitate to stress the truth of these concepts. Even to those already established in faith, he implores us to remain and retain our focus.
1:14-15 While he had this platform, Peter displayed his impassioned beliefs. God's children have work to do and journeys to partake on but they (and God) always ensure that this faith remains with us as well. Guiding, supporting and defending us when we require it (and even when we're chugging right along in faith and focus).
1:16 This philosophy was (is) meaningful to the apostles and disciples and souls who contributed to this scripture. Their passion came from personal experience... and such is the only way truth can be taught, from those who have observed and experienced the love and guidance of this faith.
1:17-18 Peter is not wasting his own time and he certainly is not wasting ours. He writes these words because he feels it is vital that they reach humanities eyes. Peter knows that not many were able to experience compassion and divinity manifested and therefore it becomes his life mission to proclaim its truth and profound impact.
1:19-21 Remember always that our God loves without preference or requirement. He is a light hoping to illuminate every crevice of darkness that will have Him. Peter reminds us to be generous with out faith, to be generous through our faith. All gifts and lives are from God, and because God has given freely and abundantly... it becomes our duty to follow and give in like manner.