Tuesday, December 13, 2016

NT: The First Book of Peter, Chapter 1

1 Peter 1:1-25

1:1-2 Peter writes to God's children scattered abroad; particularly to those who have the foreknowledge of His spiritual philosophy. Peter writes in faith and reverence and hope in spreading this message.

It instructive that the apostles begin and end their epistles with well-wishes in prayer and faith. Peter begins with "Grace to you and peace be multiplied." Imagine if humanity naturally greeted each person during their day with such compassionate energy, with a wholehearted wish for each's well-being.

1:3-5 God reclaimed humanity when we had become lost (and still does so on an individual level. Having lost almost entirely our connection with Spirit, Spirit manifested to us and worked to lead us back home. For humanity chose the way of the world rather than spirit (humility, compassion, wisdom, nature). Jesus (and prophets) created a thread for us to follow, a philosophy through which to re-develop into our natural form of life: spirit. 

1:6-7 Established, unwavering and authentic faith endures through the circumstances of life.

1:8 "Blessed are those who believe and have not seen..." John 20:29. A person who adopts this philosophy of faith into their hearts, minds, souls and lives proves their genuine faith and agreement with its properties. 

Through developed faith, a soul comes to experience the inexpressible joy and glory that is referenced in this verse. In an intimate relationship with Spirit, we come to understand our purpose and potential here. We re-familiarize ourselves with our natural home, life free of these earth vessels which carry us on the earth.

1:9 Through this philosophy, we eventuate toward returning home in spirit. 

1:10-12 Peter explains that the faithful and determined student (and participant) of this philosophy will discover the existential truths of life. Truths that even the angels value. The prophets and apostles worked overtime to ensure that this message came into the earth among humanity and abounded. From beginning to end, the life of humanity on earth and into spirit, the answers are given.

1:13 Through our faith, our character and lives should evolve in holiness:
  • Organize your mind: be observant, attentive and purposeful.
  • Be Sober: foster clarity of perception and analysis, be naturally present.
  • Rest Your Hope in Spirit: rejoice with optimism with trust in creation's motives and intentions.

  • Obedience to humility and selflessness: work, modestly toward the betterment of humanity, trusting that while in the line of duty, spirit will take care of self.
  • Disengage from Ignorance: open your mind to wisdom and contemplation, acceptance and an appreciation for diversity.

1:15-16 Emulate, authentically, your creator... your spiritual origin. Such a lifestyle, such a character of soul will provide you with life and joy, wisdom and compassion. 

1:17 Conduct yourselves with reverence for the divinely manifested life-giving compassion from which your soul came. 

1:18 Being reminded at all times that all healing and saving comes and has come from love and compassion, and never from material gain...

1:19 ...Rather it is the case that our souls are gathered, loved, guided and protected by humility and selflessness. We must contemplate the nature of divinity who requires no throne or money to create and sustain life. Through love and compassion creation wisely constructs and thrives. 

1:20-21 The length of the soul of Jesus is revealed here: He has been around quite some time (spiritually) yet manifested on earth out of love for humanity and compassion for our needs. Before the foundation of this planet, life existed. Meaning that we can presently only conceive of a limited life... yet spirit supersedes the bounds of this life in an infinity (forward and backward).

1:22 Here we are given our most imperative directive: Love one another fervently with a pure heart. Through this philosophy we learn just how and why to do that.

1:23-25 Come to understand that your soul is not bound by the scientific laws of this fallible earth. The entity which created us exists infallibly without corruption or mortality. Develop your faith in order to establish your connection with your soul's natural home.