8:1-2 In the continuation of the message from chapter seven, we are given the upshot: our creator exceeds the limits of the life we currently know. All of the ways humanity fails us, being at times weak and selfish and at all times fallible, are qualities of humankind yes, but not our God.
8:3 It is the blessed duty of a worker of God to present humanity with gifts of kindness and sacrifice on others' behalf (sharing what we have with people who have none: our time, our listening ear, our shoulder for lean, our smile, our friendship...). Similarly, Jesus, the manifestation of compassion is a giver.
8:4-6 God has generously distributed the compassionate work here to be done to the children who are willing. Throughout history, humans are worked with God and through His philosophy to accomplish amazing things for humanity.
8:6 As God has incorporated all of His children in this blessed purpose and mission, Jesus was made available to stand in another position as a beacon, a Mediator between earth and the spiritual life. He is able to inspire and provide blessings. A king on earth as Melchizedek, He might have been bound to the limits of the human body. As a Spirit, He has access and ability to the miracles and love of spiritual life.
8:7 New promises were made to humanity as they awakened out of a slumber and into the idea of a compassionate and spiritual life. If life had been perfect for humanity, God would have allowed us to remain as we were. But He sensed a disrupt, a need. In order to care for us as best as He can, He developed new promises.
8:8 Through the new promises, we were given freedom and the ability to seek and gain infinite knowledge and wisdom, experience and opportunity. We were invited to join God as fellow-workers of compassion. We were given purpose and potential.
8:9 With the new covenant, He was to take into consideration the coming generations (us). He sought a new, clean and different relationship with the souls-to-be. He gave us the gift of awakening, an ability to perceive deeper... to become philosophers, to enlighten to a broader picture. To be and realize our dynamic ability, influencing and impacting humanity and life around us.
8:10 Without partiality, God made Himself available to each individual soul. The blessing of an eternal lifetime. Instead of following one man in communication with Spirit, we were all welcomed to join in conversation with Him.
8:11 We were given the ability to perceive and develop a personal relationship with spirituality, with our creator in the vast and diverse, subtle and bold ways He speaks to and through us. The New Testament firmly establishes our right and access to Him.
8:12 Having a personal relationship with each soul, God enabled Himself to know us each, intimately. To understand us as individuals rather than a collective. To know the causes and reasons of our weaknesses and joys. Enabled Him to develop specific and specialized support for each of us. To each of us He distributes His complete attention and love, guidance and wisdom. He is intricately involved in each moment of our lives... when we invite Him to be. When we accept the promises and hold the philosophy close to our hearts and minds and souls.
8:13 Although He was frustrated with humanity, instead of washing His hands of us (instead of letting our sometimes frustrating and heartbreaking behavior ultimately destroy ourselves) He thought of a new plan. He set in place an opportunity for us to redeem ourselves as a collective but also as individuals. Each of us receives the gift of continual renewal... meaning that as long as we aspire and work to grow in wisdom and character and compassion, He is there to help and lead and forgive our selfish mistakes.