55:1-3 Plagued with pain and fear and desperation, surrounded by enemies and oppression, pray. Communication with God is your tunnel out of any place. It is also your tunnel into peace. The Psalmist was restless and afraid but knew that freedom from those things came through his relationship with God.
55:4-8 When you need wings, when you need escape, you have flight in faith.
55:9-11 Pray for God to divide and conquer the establishments, the people who harm you. God's wisdom and power have more authority over the situation than you ever will have.
55:12-15 No matter the source of the pain, the symptom of the problem, God is able to help you bear it. He is able to thwart what is against you.
55:16-17 Though others may neglect or abandon Him, but we will call upon God. We know that He will hear and care and answer in action. Throughout the day, throughout the night if sleep evades, pray. Without ceasing. Keep to connection of communicate alive and honest.
55:18-19 Our soul is adopted, submerged into redemption and peace though the battle wishes to continue to rage. Pray, give God permission to take over your battle. You cannot bear it without Him; He will instantly win. He will steadily lead you out of the war zone. He will be the balm and map as you walk out of it.
55:20-21 Unrighteousness cannot expect to maintain a relationship with God. God knows each person's heart; He knows our truest thoughts and intentions and if they are not good, they are against God. That which is against God fails.
55:22 God will sustain you. He can carry the load for you. When you are weak, because of His strength, you are strong (2 Corinthians 12:10).
55:23 No matter what your sadness or barrier or oppression, remember that God will cause to crumble the house of the wicked and all of its dwellers. End every thought and prayer as this Psalmist did: But I will trust in You. Pray for things and people and places but ultimately, give God's will authority over every prayer. Every element of your life. He knows best and acts, inevitably, in righteousness. Trust.