44:1-2 As this Psalmist does, we should consistently refer to and contemplate scripture which describes Who our Father is and what He has done for humanity, for His people. He plans and leads, rescues and establishes. He always has. He will always lead, if we will always follow.
44:3 Because of God, we may live a peaceful life. He fights on our behalf; He makes the decisions and orchestrates the outcome. And when we receive His abundant blessings, we must remember that they came from the work of His hands and not our own.
44:4-8 The Psalmist chose God as the authority in his life. He knew that God's presence and power established his life and precipitate the destruction of his enemies and fears. This psalmist placed his trust in God. And as God proved worthy of that trust, he praised; he boasted in the goodness not of himself but of God.
44:9-12 The Psalmist revealed that he was in a season of discipline; he and his people had gone the wrong way. But he began the path to redemption when he accepted God's discipline and trusted that the process of redemption would be restorative.
44:13-19 The Psalmist did not understand the conditions of his life at the time but he remained with God. He trusted in God's plan. In our seasons of confusion, rather than doubt, we also should be able to sincerely say: I have not forgotten You; nor have I dealt falsely with your covenant; my heart is not turned back; my steps have not departed from Your way.
The outcome of every situation, and inevitably our life, will benefit from those convictions. Steadfast faith in God will preserve us through every, any wilderness.
44:20-26 We never need to mistake God's patience, His precise timing, for silence or inaction. God is always vigilant, watching over us and the earth. He is always active with His plan for humanity and the Kingdom. But in the moments when we forget that, we must pray. We must pray and praise until we remember Who our God is and what He has done. We must remember that He has plans and He will fulfill them.