46:1-3 As children of God, we need to comfort, the truth, that is Psalm 46. God is our refuge and strength; He is present and helpful in our trouble. He is vigilant and active in our turbulent world as mountains, that is: nations, around the world experience war and disparity. For while the grand scheme may be in chaos, God's children are blessed with personal peace.
46:4 God's purpose for His children cannot be altered or thwarted. Symbolically, righteousness is the river in the city of God. A righteous lifestyle will always lead to that city, God's kingdom.
46:5-6 The whole earth may toss in chaos but at God's voice the tumult will cease. He will rejuvenate the earth, and heal the land of the pollution caused by humanity's mismanagement.
46:7 We should carry this declaration with us every day: The Lord is with us and He is our refuge. The world may not provide a safe haven, but God ensures we have one in Him.
46:8-9 Contemplate the power and reach of our God; marvel at His orchestration over global and universal events. We are within the grasp and mind of wisdom and truth, righteousness and love.
46:10 "Be still and know that I am God." God wants us to trust in the knowledge that He is Who He says He is; we can have solemnity even in chaos because our God establishes order.
46:11 And again the Psalmist reminds us: The Lord is with us. God is our refuge.