53:1 It would be foolish of us to overlook the order in nature. God has orchestrated a efficient, natural system we can observe from the precision of the earth and flora and fauna within it. It would be foolish to ignore the order of righteousness, the law of goodness and mercy. It would be harmful for us to reject it, to deprive the world of our best behavior and intention.
53:2-3 From His place God searches for loyalty and obedience to righteousness. God searches for those who understand the natural righteous order. With those people, He changes lives, families, communities, and nations. God seeks those who seek God; to be found by God is to be rescued, positioned, protection, sustained, established and sent forth. To be found by God is to be blessed, so seek Him.
53:4-5 There were times in history, and there are places and people now, that have no loyalty to God. Without agents of good will, the world suffers. So call upon God, elect to work with Him, for Him. God protects His family, His people; He scatters our enemies as well as our fear.
53:6 We await God's return, to be gathered back to Him. We rejoice now at the prospect and will rejoice then at the reality.