Saturday, December 29, 2018

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 56

Psalm 56:1-13

56:1-2 Without God, the world would easily swallow us up. Psalmist from ancient days wrote about fears and weariness we experience today. Then and now, we have a God who enables us to persevere and find freedom.

56:3-4 "Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You. In God (I will praise His word), In God I have put my trust I will not fear." Put your fear in perspective by placing it next to your God. Our fears are rendered powerless when we exert our trust in God. We all fear, and our fears vary, but ultimately, God covers all who call on Him. 

56:5-7 While the enemy and fear that restrict us prey and pounce, God loves us fiercely. Intricately. No fear or enemy can come against the ferocity of His love and protection. 

56:8-11 God knows where you are, precisely: Emotionally, Physically. Our steps and tears are counted, saved. Our prayers are heard and their sound turns our enemies away. The Psalmist trusted these truths because he remembered that God is for His child.

As the Psalmist did, repeat the statement in your heart: In God I have put my trust, I will not be afraid. Put your fear into perspective by placing it next to the endless might and grace and compassion of your God. Who can be against you, if God is for you? (Romans 8:31)

56:12-13 Pray to God and praise Him. Consistently. Simultaneously. Express gratitude as He delivers you into peace. As He supports you even when the floors fall in. God enables you to continue to walk in strength and peace; His light is a hearth and guide.

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 55

Psalm 55:1-23

55:1-3 Plagued with pain and fear and desperation, surrounded by enemies and oppression, pray. Communication with God is your tunnel out of any place. It is also your tunnel into peace. The Psalmist was restless and afraid but knew that freedom from those things came through his relationship with God. 

55:4-8 When you need wings, when you need escape, you have flight in faith

55:9-11 Pray for God to divide and conquer the establishments, the people who harm you. God's wisdom and power have more authority over the situation than you ever will have. 

55:12-15 No matter the source of the pain, the symptom of the problem, God is able to help you bear it. He is able to thwart what is against you.

55:16-17 Though others may neglect or abandon Him, but we will call upon God. We know that He will hear and care and answer in action. Throughout the day, throughout the night if sleep evades, pray. Without ceasing. Keep to connection of communicate alive and honest. 

55:18-19 Our soul is adopted, submerged into redemption and peace though the battle wishes to continue to rage. Pray, give God permission to take over your battle. You cannot bear it without Him; He will instantly win. He will steadily lead you out of the war zone. He will be the balm and map as you walk out of it. 

55:20-21 Unrighteousness cannot expect to maintain a relationship with God. God knows each person's heart; He knows our truest thoughts and intentions and if they are not good, they are against God. That which is against God fails.

55:22 God will sustain you. He can carry the load for you. When you are weak, because of His strength, you are strong (2 Corinthians 12:10). 

55:23 No matter what your sadness or barrier or oppression, remember that God will cause to crumble the house of the wicked and all of its dwellers. End every thought and prayer as this Psalmist did: But I will trust in You. Pray for things and people and places but ultimately, give God's will authority over every prayer. Every element of your life. He knows best and acts, inevitably, in righteousness. Trust. 

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 54

Psalm 54:1-7

54:1-3 Whatever you need to be rescued from, appoint God as your rescuer. For only He is able. He hears and has the strength to answer in action. The Psalmist felt targeted, trapped... yet believed that even in an impossible situation, God could change the circumstances. The Psalmist knew that those against God, could never prevail against God's child.

54:4-5 Make the declaration over your life and in your soul: God is my helper. Trust in Him, remind yourself. God will support those who support you and disable those who do not. Your trust initiates His power over your precise position within the situation.

54:6-7 Willingly, freely, faithfully devote yourself to God. He devotes Himself and His whole, holy arsenal to you. Praise Him for He is good every day, in every place. He is our helper and hero. He pulls us out of trouble and places us in peace, even when the enemy (the pain, the oppression, the fear) seems to hold us in their sight.

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 53

Psalm 53:1-6

53:1 It would be foolish of us to overlook the order in nature. God has orchestrated a efficient, natural system we can observe from the precision of the earth and flora and fauna within it. It would be foolish to ignore the order of righteousness, the law of goodness and mercy. It would be harmful for us to reject it, to deprive the world of our best behavior and intention.

53:2-3 From His place God searches for loyalty and obedience to righteousness. God searches for those who understand the natural righteous order. With those people, He changes lives, families, communities, and nations. God seeks those who seek God; to be found by God is to be rescued, positioned, protection, sustained, established and sent forth. To be found by God is to be blessed, so seek Him.

53:4-5 There were times in history, and there are places and people now, that have no loyalty to God. Without agents of good will, the world suffers. So call upon God, elect to work with Him, for Him. God protects His family, His people; He scatters our enemies as well as our fear. 

53:6 We await God's return, to be gathered back to Him. We rejoice now at the prospect and will rejoice then at the reality.

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 52

Psalm 51:1-9

52:1-4 It is fruitless for the oppressor or wicked man to celebrate his wealth and authority. The Psalmist reminds us that the goodness of God endures continually; we can rely on God to inevitably dismantle the kingdoms and institutions of the evil. Because of God, we know we can persist within their temporary reign.

52:5-7 The Psalmist writes to that crooked person as an admonition. The evil can expect destruction, though they are often too proud or stubborn to realize. But as God's child, be aware, remember that evil has been sentenced to death. Shame will overtake the arrogant.

52:8 Those who trust in God, however, thrive. The oil, the love and anointed the righteous receive from God, retains and sustains their life. They grow in wisdom and strength and righteousness. 

52:9 Praise God for His protection and plans over your life. Wait on God for He is good.

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 51

Psalm 51:1-19

51:1-4 Take time to request God's abundant mercy. For though He deserves perfection, He chooses the imperfect. He chooses us. The more aware we are of how magnanimous our God, the more aware we are of the elements of ourselves we can improve on. The more aware we are of the elements we can improve on, the more capable we become within God's plan for us.

51:5-6 In 1 Corinthians 15, this idea of being born into iniquity is explored further. The vessels (our bodies) we exist in on earth have tendencies toward selfishness and desire; the psalmist admits that fact. Honestly is our first step with God; admitting our weakness in the rawest, deepest parts of us exposed to God allows Him to change those places with wisdom.

51:7-11 We do not claim perfect; in fact we admit our imperfection and welcome God's grace and discipline into those places. We seek His presence not because we deserve it but because we thrive in His love, are amended by it.

51:12-13 Restoration. Joy. Salvation. Support. Generosity. Instruction. Conversion. An obedient, loyal child of God is a construction zone and He is doing a mighty work. He provides so many tools and scaffolding. We must commit to the work. We must be accept the change and renovation. We must allow Him to rework our lives and lifestyles. 

51:14-17 In Isaiah 1:11 and Hosea 6:6 God made it clear that He does not desire blood sacrifice. He hopes for us to sacrifice our agenda for His. 

The Psalmist speaks of praise and praise shall ever be on our lips because of God's righteousness working in our lives. A child commitment to God will see His hand in the details of their life. 

51:18-19 The Psalmist hoped for God's children to live in harmony with His principles, for a life of gratitude and praise, persistence and loyalty. These details of the Psalms are important applications to our own lives. It is easy to become distracted and even dismayed. But steadfast commitment and hope and praise to God will keep us tethered and afloat. 

Thursday, December 27, 2018

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 50

Psalm 50:1-23

50:1-2 Our God is mighty because from Him we can except light in darkness and strength in weakness. Only His spirit provides such impossible restoration and perseverance. Our God is present and reliable; He is, consistently, all of the qualities we need to survive and hope and love. 

50:3 He has made declarations and promises and He follows through with all of them; a hearth to His children and an incinerator of evil.

50:4-6 His return is a reunion and also a new union with His people. Those who dedicate their lives to righteousness will be gathered with Him.

50:7-11 Our righteous lifestyle pleases God; our best sacrifice to Him are the sacrifices of time and resources we make for Him to assist and His children. In ancient generations, people sacrificed animals but Jesus showed us how to sacrifice properly. He taught us to share our blessings, to let God's goodness abound through us.

50:12-15 Since our God is the creator, everything created is His. He does not rely on us for sustenance, we need Him. He chooses to deliver us and for that, we choose to glorify Him.

50:16-21 God has no patience for hypocrites, authoritarians or oppressors. He cannot help the stubborn or proud because of their own resistance to constructive criticism, disciple or training. God does not approve of thieves or liars or slanderers. But rebuke will come to them and God will establish order before them in the place where they once stood.

50:22-23 We do not have to live life by ourselves; we have a powerful, loving Father in God. Praise and glorify, align your life with His principles and salvation will transform your life.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 49

Psalm 49:1-20

49:1-4 The Psalmist called for our attention as he spoke of what he learned from meditation on faith in God.

49:5-9 It would be fruitless to live a life with trust in money or man. It is only the Lord who can save, truly save and establish.

49:10-12 It is senseless to believe in one's own wisdom above God's wisdom. So many people throughout history and in present time live as though this life is it. God has invited His children into an eternal covenant, what we sow everyday establishes that future.

49:13-15 The righteous have dominion over the world because they rely on the strength and wisdom of God. The arrogant and faithless are spiritual dead. They require awakening in order to find purpose and understanding.

49:16-20 We should not be jealous or worried about wealth; wealth is not our source of eternal life. Our true wealth is our faith, for our relationship with God purchases life, love and blessing. The things of this world all end but God's children live forever, loved forever.

Monday, December 17, 2018

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 48

Psalm 48:1-14

48:1-3 A Psalm of praise. It is a blessing to the whole earth this faith which began in many ways on Mount Zion. God's presence on earth is our refuge.

48:4-7 Earth marvels at the kingdom of God and the proponents of it.

48:8-11 Meditate on scripture; the presence of the Holy Spirit becomes apparent. The establishment of righteousness, from a Spirit of love and power. Rejoice.

48:12-14 As the kingdom continues through generation, so should the children of God continue to the faith. God our guide, even through the process of death on earth into life eternal.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 47

Psalm 47:1-9

9:1-4 The Psalmist praised the dominion of God and our subsequent benefit from it.

9:5-7 With understanding, praise. We are reminded that God has a plan and a power.

47:8-9 God's dominion is over all the nations and the earth and that should bring us great comfort as we survey the failures and faults of humanity's own temporary control over it.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 46

Psalm 46:1-11

46:1-3 As children of God, we need to comfort, the truth, that is Psalm 46. God is our refuge and strength; He is present and helpful in our trouble. He is vigilant and active in our turbulent world as mountains, that is: nations, around the world experience war and disparity. For while the grand scheme may be in chaos, God's children are blessed with personal peace.

46:4 God's purpose for His children cannot be altered or thwarted. Symbolically, righteousness is the river in the city of God. A righteous lifestyle will always lead to that city, God's kingdom.

46:5-6 The whole earth may toss in chaos but at God's voice the tumult will cease. He will rejuvenate the earth, and heal the land of the pollution caused by humanity's mismanagement.

46:7 We should carry this declaration with us every day: The Lord is with us and He is our refuge. The world may not provide a safe haven, but God ensures we have one in Him.

46:8-9 Contemplate the power and reach of our God; marvel at His orchestration over global and universal events. We are within the grasp and mind of wisdom and truth, righteousness and love.

46:10 "Be still and know that I am God." God wants us to trust in the knowledge that He is Who He says He is; we can have solemnity even in chaos because our God establishes order. 

46:11 And again the Psalmist reminds us: The Lord is with us. God is our refuge.

Monday, December 10, 2018

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 45

Psalm 45:1-17

45:1 This Psalm is an expression of adoration for Jesus. The Psalmist was eager and thrilled to express love.

45:2-5 Jesus, unique from any other person. His love for us is differently from anyone else's love for us; He abundantly graces our live with blessing. He and His life are the embodiment of truth, humility and righteousness. His goodness is His majesty.

45:6-9 He is eternal. King of an eternal kingdom. King of righteousness. He has dominion over evil. Jesus has been given dominion over the earth, over the wickedness within it. He is precious and invaluable.

45:10-12 The Psalmist encourages us to spiritually betroth ourselves to the Lord. We are encouraged to reject the secular world's principles and trade them for the wealth that is the philosophy of God written in scripture. 

45:13-15 The spiritually faithful and steadfast shall be like a joyful wife, married to a king in an eternal kingdom. 

45:16-17 God's love for us extends to the good fruit we produce with our lives. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 44

Psalm 44:1-26

44:1-2 As this Psalmist does, we should consistently refer to and contemplate scripture which describes Who our Father is and what He has done for humanity, for His people. He plans and leads, rescues and establishes. He always has. He will always lead, if we will always follow.

44:3 Because of God, we may live a peaceful life. He fights on our behalf; He makes the decisions and orchestrates the outcome. And when we receive His abundant blessings, we must remember that they came from the work of His hands and not our own.

44:4-8 The Psalmist chose God as the authority in his life. He knew that God's presence and power established his life and precipitate the destruction of his enemies and fears. This psalmist placed his trust in God. And as God proved worthy of that trust, he praised; he boasted in the goodness not of himself but of God.

44:9-12 The Psalmist revealed that he was in a season of discipline; he and his people had gone the wrong way. But he began the path to redemption when he accepted God's discipline and trusted that the process of redemption would be restorative. 

44:13-19 The Psalmist did not understand the conditions of his life at the time but he remained with God. He trusted in God's plan. In our seasons of confusion, rather than doubt, we also should be able to sincerely say: I have not forgotten You; nor have I dealt falsely with your covenant; my heart is not turned back; my steps have not departed from Your way.

The outcome of every situation, and inevitably our life, will benefit from those convictions. Steadfast faith in God will preserve us through every, any wilderness.

44:20-26 We never need to mistake God's patience, His precise timing, for silence or inaction. God is always vigilant, watching over us and the earth. He is always active with His plan for humanity and the Kingdom. But in the moments when we forget that, we must pray. We must pray and praise until we remember Who our God is and what He has done. We must remember that He  has plans and He will fulfill them.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 43

Psalm 43:1-5

43:1-2 This plea is made from a place of desperation. The Psalmist prayed for God's presence as well as defense. Many people, in their distress, forget or neglect to realize the steadfast presence and power of God. Pray for God's presence and power in your life and trust that He answers in the affirmative.

43:3-4 To be led by God's light and God's truth is to walk a safe and righteous path. There are so many things in the world that want to lead us but deny them all; let God alone guide you through the decisions and journey of your life. Let your every destination be with the intention of reaching a new, or deeper place of faith. In all things pursue God and praise Him.

43:5 When you are distraught, ask yourself as this Psalmist did: why are you upset? Hope in God. It does not make sense for a child of God to wallow in desperation, He is our hope and the fulfillment of it. He is our hope, our help, our God and for that we always have a reason to rejoice and praise. The more space we give to praise and joy the less ground fear can take.