Thursday, February 16, 2017

OT: The Book of Genesis, Chapter 46

Genesis 46:1-34

46:1 So Israel packs up his life; God called him and he answered. Israel uproots and moves his entire life because God is his life, and wherever God goes he follows. When God is our home, we do not have to fear the journey or any relocation, actual or figurative. 

Israel is moved by love and faith; before beginning the journey he worships God. To worship God is to do the following:
  • Acknowledge His Presence: communicate and tangibly feel His spirit alive and active within and around us.
  • Experience and Express Gratitude: to contemplate the change and improvement He implemented carefully and abundantly into your life.
  • Experience and Express Wonder: to reserve space and time to be awed by Him, Who He is and all that He does.
  • Solemnly Prepare to Submit to His Will: to realize and accept that His guidance is the wisest counsel you will ever receive, pure and selfless.
  • Live By Zealous Faith: remain steadfast in fierce trust in the direction He directs you, trusting that His love will work tirelessly toward your betterment. 
46:2 Israel (interchangeably referred to as Jacob) again dreams a vision of God. God calls to him and Jacob answers: Here I am. Answer God in the same manner; When he's reaching out to you tell him "God, I am here. I am here with you always." When God calls to you let it not be a journey to reach His side. Stay near to Him.

46:3 God delivers Jacob reassurance. He reiterates the promises Jacob gave his brothers on God's behalf: I will make you a great nation in this new place. God reveals to us, if we did not yet know, that He is behind this plan. He's the driving force. He has prepared a place for this faithful man and his family.

46:4 God promises to remain with Jacob and assures him that he has nothing to fear. God is going to unite father and son for the first time in many years. God promises to lift Jacob up and have Joseph's hands placed on him.

46:5 Jacob is advancing in age, his sons ensure that he, along with their wives and children are comfortable for the journey in carts. These carts and materials were provided by Egypt, by Pharaoh and Joseph through God. God has gone over every detail. Provided every provision. They are entirely equipped for the journey and figuratively, so are you. Let God supply you with all that you need.

46:6-7 This family packed up all that they had, for God had provided for them also while Joseph was away. He is the ultimate at multitasking. He is able to give His undivided attention to each of His children as if they were His only one. He is so devoted to you as if you are His only child.

46:8 A reminder of the names of Israel/Jacob's sons: Reuben, the first born.

46:9 The sons of Reuben are Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi.

46:10 The sons of Simeon are Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad, Jachin, Zohar, and Shaul (son of a Canaanite woman).

46:11 The sons of Levi are Gershon, Kohath, and Merari.

46:12 The sons of Judah are Er, Onan, Shelah, Perez and Zerah (Er and Onan passed away in Canaan). The sons of Perez were Hezron and Hamul.

46:13 The sons of Issachar are Tola, Puvah, Job and Shimron.

46:14 The sons of Zebulun are Sered, Elon and Jahleel.

46:15 The sons of Leah and Dinah, her daughter and their offspring equaled thirty three people.

46:16 The sons of Gad are Ziphion, Haggi, Shuni, Ebon, Eri, Arodi, and Areli.

46:17 The children of Asher are Jimnah, Ishuah, Isui, Beriah, and Serah their sister. The sons of Beriah are Heber and Malchiel.

46:18 The sons of Zilpah, Leah's maid, and their sons totaled sixteen people.

46:19 The sons of Rachel are Joseph and Benjamin.

46:20 The sons of Joseph in Egypt are Manasseh and Ephraim (their mother: Asenath).

46:21 The sons of Benjamin are Belah, Becher, Ashbel, Gera, Naaman, Ehi, Rosh, Muppim, Huppim, and Ard.

46:22 The sons of Rachel and their offspring totaled fourteen people.

46:23 The son of Dan is Hushim.

46:24 The sons of Naphtali are Jahzeel, Guni, Jezer and Shillem.

46:25 The sons of Bilhah (Rachel's maid) and their offspring total seven.

46:26 All of the people who were direct descendants of Jacob totaled sixty-six.

46:27 Including Jacob, Joseph and his two sons, the house of Jacob in Egypt equaled seventy.

46:28 Judah led the way to Joseph in Egypt. They reached Goshen.

46:29 Joseph prepared himself for travel and met his family in Goshen. The two embraced and wept for a long time. Father and son reunited after so long in such a beautiful and spiritual way, surrounded by God's abundance.

46:30 Jacob, in his old age, finds peace and is ready to move on from the Earth. His family is safe, healthy and reunited under God.

46:31-33 Joseph tells his family that he will inform Pharaoh that his family has arrived from Canaan. He will also explain to Pharaoh that his family are shepherds as an occupation. He prepares his family to tell Pharaoh that their contribution will be their lifelong work. 

Truly God's children are shepherds. We are figurative shepherds... gatherers and caretakers of innocent people rather than actual sheep. Children of God lead his lost children to safe havens, to His living water of life.

46:34 Joseph prepares the way for his family to peacefully continue their occupation as shepherds. Shepherds were not well regarded by Egyptians but God ensures that this family will not have to change who they are. In other words, this family of God will not be required to abandon their lifestyle of their faith even though they reside in Egypt. God prepares the circumstances and space for you to be exactly who you are naturally; you do not have to conform to anybody.