Thursday, February 16, 2017

OT: The Book of Genesis, Chapter 45

Genesis 45:1-28

45:1 The sincerity and love in Judah's pleading is enough to finally break Joseph. Everyone except for Joseph's brothers depart from the room.

45:2 Joseph wept so loudly that everyone could hear him, even those outside of the room. Even though Joseph will express this shortly in his own words, consider his situation: It's an emotionally overwhelming moment. After years of being separated from his family, Joseph must have contemplated the circumstances which led him to Egypt endlessly. Suddenly the full picture of God's plan illuminated him: God sent Joseph on this journey. He foretold Joseph of this in symbols through dreams many years ago. Everything God predicted has come true and finally in this sweet moment, the reason why comes together.

45:3 Joseph shocks his brothers by revealing who he truly is; again, he inquires after his father's health. His brothers are stunned, they do not know how to react or proceed. They never truly knew Joseph's kind character and likely they expected anger from this now very powerful man.

45:4 Instead, Joseph calls his brothers to come closer to him. He loves them. He has missed them. He has forgiven them.

45:5-6 Joseph has come to terms with his circumstances, and likely quite a long time ago. As a faithful child of God, Joseph has always trusted in God's will and leaned into his love and comfort. He has always listened to and valued God's wisdom. Overtime, Joseph has come to understand that his life was planned by God. He was removed from his family and it was traumatic but it led to uncountable blessings. Joseph was able to save thousands of people from famine. He found a wife and started a family with her. His family was cared for in his absence because of God; his father is in good health and now he has been given the opportunity to unite with his brothers. His brothers have been given the opportunity to sincerely change and grow in compassion. They once betrayed a brother but when another opportunity came to do the same, they changed their heart and pleaded for his life.

45:7-8 Not only was Joseph able to save thousands of strangers, God arranged for him to be able to save his own family. Something he could not have done had he remained in Canaan. Joseph forgives his brothers not only because they have changed but also because he now understands that God has wielded his life. God sent Joseph to Egypt: to exactly where he needed to be to do the most God. 

When we agree to be workers with God, he sends us, also, to precisely the place we need to be to do the most good. Joseph understands this and accepts this. The spiritual growth pains were undoubtedly sharp, Joseph's heart must have been broken to be away from his family and in a strange place. Full and fierce faith propelled Joseph through his life and now delivered him to well-rounded happiness. That is the way our God works.

45:9 Joseph has another directive for his brothers: Go tell Jacob that his son Joseph is alive  and well, a great authority in Egypt. He requests that his brothers bring Jacob back to him.

45:10 Joseph gifts his brothers land: Goshen. He arranges for the family to be brought together again. He tells his brothers to bring the entire family, the children, the flocks, and the herds of animals.

45:11 He promises to provide for the entire family. This is an arrangement God made many years before... and now He brings it into fruition. Had Joseph remained in Canaan as a boy, his family would have all perished in this famine. Because of God's orchestrated, not only will the family live but will thrive.

45:12-13 Joseph expresses his sincerity. This is sudden and unexpected... to say the least, for the brothers. In just a few moments they are reunited with the brother they betrayed, they are forgiven and they are offered safe haven for their entire families! Joseph explains that he is being honest with them, they can trust him, everything he has offered is theirs.

Realize that God did not just take care of Joseph, who was consistently good and faithful. Joseph was mocked and weak and yet God chose him because his heart and soul was strong. He also took care of the people who made mistakes, huge mistakes. He offered them not only opportunity to grow, learn and receive forgiveness but also the opportunity to have joy and safety and love. 

No matter how downtrodden you are, no matter how many mistakes you've made, God has a plan for you. When you accept His hand in your life, He will lead you out of darkness and into light. He will provide you the materials to change and improve not just your life but also the lives of those you love.

45:14-15 After speaking with them, Joseph expresses his love for them, his joy at their reunion. He hugs each of them and weeps. God's love is incredible, indescribably... it completely reduces us to tears of joy. In human form, there is no adequate way to express how powerful and wise God's love is.

Joseph takes these moments to be with his brothers, to get to know them again. To catch up with them and hear about their lives, their families... their experiences. Likewise, they get to know his story: from bullied boy to master of Egypt.

45:16 The truth was out and Pharaoh and all his house were pleased to see Joseph reunited with his family. Joseph was genuinely loved in Egypt. He entered as a slave and stranger but came to be embraced and highly regarded by them. Joseph was respected and trusted from the beginning; the Egyptians perceived his honest and wise and faithful character early on. He was accepted in a way that he hadn't been by his brothers.

45:17-20 Through God, Joseph has developed such a reputation in Egypt that even Pharaoh offers his extended family stay in Egypt. Pharaoh offers Joseph the best that Egypt has and welcomes them with open-arms. Joseph is loved by his adopted country: he came to be so loved by always being honest and kind, by following the wisdom of God in all situations, by trusting in His will and relying on His strength.

45:21-22 The sons of Israel/Jacob accepted the gracious offer. Joseph provided them carts and food for the journey. He gave them new clothes and to Benjamin he gave extra clothes and money. Joseph has a special place in his heart for his young brother.

45:23 Joseph arranged for his father, Jacob/Israel, to be sent male donkeys loaded with goods, and female donkeys loaded with grain, bread and other food.

45:24 Joseph wishes them well on their journey back to their father. He encourages them to remember his promises and to release any anxieties they might have or develop once they are away from him.

45:25-26 Jacob's sons reach him and explain the events of their trip, most importantly: his son is alive. Joseph is dumbfounded. He is unable to believe their news: he has believed Joseph to be dead for many years now. His son's supposed death changed his life... and now this truth feels too good to be true.

Funnily, this is how good all of God's blessings are. We look around our lives in gratitude, flabbergasted because we cannot believe how good God has been to us. He blesses His children abundantly when we allow him to do so. 

Understand that Joseph's life was a journey of faith. God blessed him along the way but patience and faith were always necessary. Joseph had to trust God. He had to wait patiently for God to arrange all of the circumstances and factors and people involved in order to create the best possible outcome. God took care of him along the way; he never left him. God will take care of you along your journey as well. He will never leave you. Deuteronomy 31:8 And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” Walk with Him through life... to walk with Him is to walk toward your greatest happiness.

45:27 "... their father was revived." God revived Jacob's spirit. Allow Him to revive yours. 

Jacob sees the proof of his sons words: Joseph has indeed supplied God's blessings to them. Cart-fulls of goods and the promise of good and fertile land, a home.

45:28 Jacob has all of the material things around him but the news that his son is alive is enough. Enough to revive him. Enough encouragement to move from his lifelong home. Because love and God are Jacob's true home. His son is Jacob's love manifested as life. It is enough for Jacob to be with God and love. Nothing else matters. Jacob's soul would be been revived even without all of the material things... what brought him joy, what brought him back to life was love not money, not power or possession.