39:1 We return to Joseph who had been sold by his brothers and brought to Egypt. Joseph is being held captive by Potiphar, an officer of the Pharaoh but his father believes him to be dead.
39:2 Although Joseph experienced a terrible betrayal by his brothers, God was with him. Joseph, even though he had been sold as a slave became a successful man and lived in the house of his master.
39:3 It was obvious to his master that God was with Joseph. He observed as God ensured that Joseph prospered in every endeavor. Likely, Joseph's brothers realized the same thing but they resented him for it.
39:4 Therefore, the master found Joseph useful and appointed him overseer of the household. Even though Joseph was sold as a slave, he had much authority in his new surroundings. It is beautiful to see how God transforms tribulation into blessings.
39:5 The Egyptians were kind to Joseph and therefore reaped the rewards of Joseph's faith and relationship with God. They prospered because of God, through Joseph.
39:6 The master completely trusts Joseph with all that he owns. Joseph has free reign and full control. Joseph is recognized as a blessed child of God but also for his kind and honest nature. He is trustworthy. He has a good soul and it is for this very reason that he was chosen by God and alerted of this through dreams.
39:7 The master's wife falls in love with Joseph and asks him to copulate with her.
39:8 Joseph refuses. He respects his master and he respects all of the responsibilities that have been given to him. Joseph experienced the sting of betrayal and he refuses to participate in it.
39:9 Joseph explains to her that his master has been generous and the least he could do for him is to not be with his wife. Moreover, Joseph explains that it is against his own values.
39:10 The wife persists but Joseph consistently refuses.
39:11-12 One day, Joseph comes into the house and the wife grabs him, pulling off his a piece of his clothing. Trying to be careful not to encourage or allow her to continue, Joseph flees without the piece she took from him.
39:13-15 Embarrassed and angered by his rejection, the master's wife plots against Joseph. She claims that he pursued her and that she refused.
39:16-18 As false proof of her deception, the master's wife offers the piece of Jacob's clothing to her husband. She retells the false story to her husband.
39:19 The master is angered by the wife's account and imprisons Joseph.
39:20-21 Although many humans continued not to treat Joseph fairly, God never left his side. God ensured that there was a person in the prison who found favor with Joseph and took care of him.
39:22-23 Joseph is given authority within the prison; he's allowed to do whatever he wants. God blasts our barriers. He restores our power when others try to take it away. He ensures that out efforts are fruitful and successful because He knows that everything we do is done with the intention of honesty and compassion.