Luke 2:1-52
2:1-3 The leader of the time wanted to take a census (account for every person). Each registered in their city of birth.
2:4-5 Joseph and Mary begin their journey to register themselves.
2:6 Mary reaches full term in her pregnancy while travelling.
2:7 Mary gives birth to Jesus in a manger. Jesus had humble beginnings but He was rich with the spirit of Lord -- the true wealth of this world and every eternity. It's inspiring for us that a soul so gentle and kind accomplished so much with a seeming so little. We learn from Jesus, even in His birth, that with God we have everything we need to change the world.
2:8 This could be a metaphor -- shepherds watch their flock during the night. There were some good people who took care of others, especially in difficult times. A shepherd protects his flock, leads them to food and water and survival. A shepherd of God protects God's flock... leads them to the health and care of God.
2:9 An angel appears before them, lit up in God's beautiful light... and they were astonished. Of course it would be astonishing to see an angel of God, a messenger of God in all of His brilliance.
2:10-12 The message is of Jesus' birth. Likely those residing in Heaven at the time were overjoyed to share the news with the people of the world. God always wants us to know that He is with us, supporting us and guiding us and He makes sure His children know that... when they are listening for His voice.
2:13-14 A whole host of souls from Heaven are rejoicing Jesus' birth. Jesus' life was about to change the world forever... His life would influence billions of people, including yours and mine. Glory to God indeed.
2:15 There was no doubt. These shepherds were fully informed and their belief was rock solid... they wanted to witness this wonderful moment.
2:16 They went quickly and reached Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus.
2:17 They were not afraid or shy or quiet... they quickly, proudly spoke of what had been revealed to them by the angels: this was a special soul.
2:18 The pronouncement marveled people -- of course it would. So many miracles were taking place during this time, so many wonders were being spoken of.
2:19 Mary never boasted. Mary remembered the message from God and she knew and believed in the miracle of this child, Jesus, sent directly from God. She knew that His life would be a testimony to all that the shepherd's were saying, she did not need to try to convince people.
2:20 If you have opened your heart and your ears to God, always thank Him for the many ways He fills us up with His light, love and guidance. Never forget to include Him in every moment of your life, He loves to journey through it with you.
2:21 Following cultural health customs, the Baby was circumcised and named. The name was given to Him before His conception. Jesus comes from the Hebrew word Yeshua, which means Salvation: We also know that Jesus is our salvation because He lived His entire life in service of bringing and inspiring compassion, humility, truth, faith and hope.
2:22 They did not travel again until Mary was back to health after pregnancy and delivery. They wanted to celebrate Jesus' birth and give gratitude for God for all that He would continue to teach and bring.
2:23 In Exodus 13:2 God proclaims that all living things, born through the womb belong to Him... and there is no entity we would rather belong to. He created us and loves us so uniquely.
2:24 In these ancient times, it had been customary to sacrifice animals but God does not wish for us to do this. He tells us so in Hosea 6:6 "For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, And the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings."
To show God our love, all we have to do is be merciful with each other and to get to know Him during our lives. Something was confused during humanity's time here on Earth (which happens a lot!) because God does not want us to sacrifice anything. He wants us to be kind and wise in His word.
2:25-26 God reveals His plan to this man, Simeon. God shares all knowledge with the just and the devout -- but do not get confused about what "devout" means. When you live a life that is fair and compassionate, you are devout. You do not need any person or church member to call you devout. Your relationship with God, however private you keep it, makes you devout.
2:27 God is with Jesus all of His life. Likewise God is with us in Spirit. As you develop your relationship with Him, He will become more and more familiar to you.
2:28 Simeon, Mary and Joseph and thanking God for this beautiful Child, this amazing opportunity to teach and spread kindness around the world.
2:29 They thank God for caring enough to send and share this soul which is Jesus to Earth to heal so many of humanity's wounds.
2:30 He's saying to God: I see and understand Who You are and it is brilliant and perfect and kind. I have seen the reason behind Your mission with Jesus -- to save humanity from itself.
2:31 He continues: You have given this opportunity for wisdom to all people without discrimination. You love all people and give equal chance to each of Your children.
2:32 God and Jesus, a light to bring understanding and meaning to the people who did/do not know God.
2:33 Jesus' earth-parents (sort of adopted parents) loved Jesus so much and were inspired and excited all at that His life would be. They were humble and modest... they were so awed that they had a part in God's massive plan for the world.
When you do any work with God, remember to be grateful and remember that He is the source of all of our success. Remain humble -- He is the brains behind the operation, not us.
2:34-35 Simeon is giving this advice and forewarning to Mary but he received it first from God. Jesus' life was going to reveal people's true character, because of His work it would be made clear who loved God and was compassionate and who loved wealth and power and was selfish. We know that this is true from our studies in The Books of Matthew and Mark (and also from living in the world today!).
This is a metaphorical sword -- The sword of the Lord. God's "sword" tests all people to find the true and to find the deceptive. Nothing can kill a true heart (for even in death on Earth we come alive with God for eternity).
2:36-37 Here is Anna, a kind and faithful woman.
2:38 This woman understood the meaning of Jesus' life (she was informed -- as all students of God are) and happily shared to all people the blessing that was among them.
2:39 Joseph and Mary returned home.
2:40 Jesus grew and became strong in spirit. We almost must become strong in spirit as we grow. To do this, we take into ourselves wisdom and guidance from God. We become courageous in defending and inspiring truth and compassion always. The Grace of God is upon all of God's compassionate children... indeed He fills us all with wisdom when we ask for it and use it wisely.
2:41-42 Mary and Joseph remained faithful to God, they always devoted their time to showing Him thanks and following Him.
2:43-44 Mary and Joseph trusted Jesus to wander about a little bit. Jesus was a soul on a mission and not a day of His life was wasted. They knew that His life was extraordinary and they also knew that He was safe in world (because of God)... especially among their friends and family.
2:45 They came back from a journey and looked for Jesus.
2:46 They found Him sitting with the educators of the time, conversing with them and asking questions -- likely Jesus knew the answers to His own questions... Jesus was the ultimate teacher and He knew how to create wisdom and intelligence in people. Jesus' mission was to create many, many teachers on the Earth so that God's message would reach around the globe for generations.
2:47 People were amazed by how wise and purposeful Jesus was, especially at such a young age but we know that God prepared Him well and sent His kindest, wisest soul to Earth.
2:48 Joseph and Mary were a bit worried and there is a lesson in this:
2:49-50 Jesus was helping them to strengthen their faith. Jesus was kindly reminding them that He was on Earth to do God's business (we all are if we accept the blessed job!). Jesus began teaching from day 1 of His birth (with help from the Angels and by the modest beginnings of His time on Earth). Jesus did not wait to begin working with God. We must not wait either, there's so much to be done.
Jesus wanted them to know that He was purposeful, motivated and focused with God. They never had to worry because He had accepted His life (before He even arrived here) and that meant that every second of His time here would be devoted to working with God -- by accepting that life of servitude for humanity, Jesus was protected by God.
We each have the same opportunity when we devote ourselves to God and His children. When we join God's mission, He protects us, strengthens us... loves us so much that we could never possibly fail. Develop your relationship with Him... together you can create and inspire.
2:51-52 Even as a child Jesus' life continued to inspire people and please God. He was true and kind and hardworking -- this made Him strong in God's love and wisdom. If we are also true, kind and hardworking, God will bless us abundantly that we may be at peace and so that we spread and share our abundance with others. God's love only ever increases... He has an infinite amount of love and compassion for us, it grows eternally... the more we give, the more He gives.