Luke 7:1-50
7:1 Jesus finished teaching those very valuable pieces of wisdom we covered in Chapter 6 and then He continued to move throughout the cities with purpose on God's mission.
7:2-3 A just man brings his concern to Jesus over one of his servants. We can deduce that this man was a fair and compassionate man, extending his love and attention to his servants. He desperately wants to save this man and so clearly he loves and values him.
7:4 They are earnest in asking for this man's healing... they promise Jesus the man is deserving. This is an entirely selfless act, they come on the man's behalf because he is too sick to do so himself. They do not ask for anything for themselves... only for the help of another, this behavior delights God.
7:5 The man is an upright citizen as well as a faithful child of God.
7:6 This man is humble even though he is clearly very wealthy; he loves God and he understands all of what Jesus is. He feels unworthy. In the presence of such perfect humility and compassion, it's only natural that one would feel this way.
7:7 If not for the love he had for his servant, this man likely would not have asked Jesus for anything... that Jesus would travel specifically to his house is amazing to him, he does not feel important enough for such a visit. However, because the servant is so loved and deserving the man's faith asks Jesus to even just say the words in order to heal him. His faith is strong!
7:8 The man explains his position in society; he has a lot of authority, a multitude of servants... but he deals fairly with all of them, they are like his family. He goes out of his way to protect them -- Jesus of course can relate to this.
It's a grand responsibility to have authority. To remain humble and fair is a task many men in positions of authority have failed at. This particular man, however, has succeeded.
7:9 Jesus is marveled by this display of faith. He says that even in the city which claims to be so devout, there is no faith as strong as thing man's.
7:10 Upon returning, they find that Jesus' love has healed the man... even from afar. Our faith heals us, it truly does. God reaches His mighty hand into our lives, organizes and heals all of our troubles.
7:11-12 Jesus and some of His disciples come across a woman who has just lost her son.
7:13 Jesus saw her and had compassion on her. God is focused and present in our everyday lives; He feels our emotions with us. We are so precious to Him, what happens to us affects Him personally.
7:14 Jesus is exemplifying to us an important message: there is no death when you love God. Upon earthly "death" we immediately rise with God --2 Corinthians 5:8. Jesus brought this boy back to His mother but most importantly, He showed her (and us!) that death does not mean "gone." He helps us to deal with the passing of our relatives because He enables us to see that they are very much alive and well and accessible to us through God.
7:15 Easy. It's so easy for God to put life into our souls... it's His joy. The boy rises and he's well. If this story is difficult for you, understand it at least metaphorically. There is life after this one... there is always life with God.
7:16 This word "fear" is originally translated "fear" OR "revere"... these people were amazed. They recognized Jesus as an exquisite prophet.
God is constantly "visiting" us. He is with us in our lives when we acknowledge and love Him.
7:17 Word of Jesus continued to spread worldwide.
7:18 John is simultaneously doing his work as Jesus does His. They were both on purposeful, busy missions... they had a lot to accomplish in different places. News of Jesus reaches John and he sends his own disciples to reach Jesus -- it would be a lesson for them, an experience to meet the manifestation of God they loved and learned of from God. John makes a communication connection with Jesus.
7:19-20 John's disciples want to know if this is Jesus come as prophet or king beside God (as He will return in the "end" days).
7:21 Jesus healed many people in their sight so that they could become witnesses, strong and faithful teachers and spreaders of the word of God -- everything that John had spoken of and taught them was proven before their eyes.
7:22 John was to be informed that his disciples had reached the true Jesus and had received miraculous instruction from Him.
7:23 Blessed are those who do not work contrary to what Jesus stood for: justice, truth, kindness. When we find agreement with Jesus, we bring and support those qualities in the world.
7:24 Jesus began to teach the multitude about John as a prophet of God:
7:25 Jesus does not want them (or us) to be confused or influenced by appearance. Jesus wants us to know that workers of God come as hard, faithful workers... He wants us to understand that God does not send prophets to exude wealth or power... the opposite, God loves the humble and modest. Jesus does not want us to be controlled or awed over people who come in fancy clothing or high places in churches... God does not send people to impress us... He sends people who are willing to WORK and DENY riches/fame of the world.
7:26 Jesus is saying: John may not appear like a prophet you picture in your head... but He is a worker of God, a beautiful, beloved prophet... the prophet of all prophets... a brilliant, dutiful soul and worker of God.
7:27 John's impact on the world would be so great, he was even mentioned, foretold about in the Old Testament (long before his birth).
God has always sent prophets to lead and help His children. Be able to identify them (if we are so lucky to be alive when they are!). Do not me impressed by people who appear to be important... God works with those who do not care about gorgeous or fancy clothes or positions... those things do not matter to God at all.
In fact, while millions of God's children are impoverished... without food, safety or shelter, wealth disgusts God... it makes Him so sad to see money, time and energy wasted on frivolous things when it could be saving people.
7:28 Jesus wants us to understand that John, modest as he is, is the most beautiful soul to enter onto the Earth. Jesus also wants us to understand how much EVEN MORE pure and compassionate those in heaven are. God's dimension, the space in which He exists and we gather with Him is unimaginably luminous and empathetic. We have that place to look forward to -- and we can take comfort that our loved ones are there, comforted and safe and loved.
7:29 Everyone listens to and loves the message Jesus gives -- for this is most important. Baptism is a representation of our beliefs but our beliefs must be true within our hearts or our baptism does not count.
7:30 Despite Jesus' best, selfless teaching, the Pharisees still defend their power and wealth and reject God's teaching.
7:31 This upset Jesus, He gave us an explanation of these types of people... they are like ignorant children.
7:32 They constantly whine and throw tantrums for attention. They contradict themselves, their selfish argument makes no sense:
7:33 They reject John because he came constantly working hard teaching and baptizing...they reject him as a prophet because he does not look the glamorous part they have in their heads... and yet...
7:34 They reject Jesus for teaching, eating and drinking (enjoying relaxed, celebratory moments) with the people (children of God). They reject Jesus for doing the things they rejected John for NOT doing... bizarre, illogical arguments.
7:35 Wisdom is justified by her children: God finds comfort, and wants us to find comfort and peace in the fact that ultimately, compassion and wisdom is justified, is solidified, is realigned by the children of wisdom -- the people who defend it, live it, support it in their every day lives.
7:36 Jesus sits with everyone -- even, especially, His adversaries... He wants to reach them. God's love is inclusive, offered to everyone. Jesus practices what He preaches (Luke 6:27-36).
7:37 A woman, who has no been her best... she has made mistakes (as we all have) finds out that Jesus is near her... she brings a precious oil to Him to show Him her love.
7:38 This woman is overcome with love for Jesus... she is overcome with sorrow for the mistakes she has made (His presence exemplifies for her how great we can aspire to be) and she gives Him her love and attention and faith... she gives her whole self to Him... that is what HE gives to us -- everything, all of Him.
7:39 These are not just stories! These are lessons we can learn from: the Pharisees hate this woman, they reject her. They look at Jesus with disbelief and disfavor because He has compassion for her. This shows us what type of people they are -- cruel!
7:40 Jesus accepts and uses this as an opportunity to teach a message dear to His heart:
(Side note: it's difficult to remain calm and organized when we are upset. Jesus loved this woman, it hurt Him to see her treated so cruelly and unfairly... He needed to remain composed, despite His sorrow, in order to make the moment useful) We also can be much more productive and insightful when we are able to compose ourselves -- we can do so much good when we do not immediately react with anger and neglect to solve the issue head on.)
Jesus has a's a metaphor!
7:41 A man loans two people money. To one person he loans a little... and to another he loans a lot.
Metaphor: God gives to all of us -- Forgiveness. To some of us He gives more than others because those people require more.
7:42 Neither person can repay the man. The man understands. Which person is more grateful?
Metaphor: It's difficult to repay forgiveness... it increases in difficulty the bigger the transgression.
7:43 The person who is forgiven for more ( for worse behavior) is more grateful because their gift was all the more generous, they felt less deserving but received so much.
7:44-45 Jesus highlights the love, faith and compassion the woman had compared to the people who invited Jesus. He wants them (and us!) to understand that God values compassion, love and faith and this woman made a great, sincere display of it... without ceasing.
7:46 Sincerity always counts with God. This woman wanted to show, do, work with her faith.
7:47 It's precious to God when one of His children who was wicked turns their heart, changes their ways and becomes kind. He loves them so much for experiencing the pull of evil and then rejecting it! They climb from such a deep, dark place into the light and God is proud of the effort.
7:48 He forgives her of everything -- because she is sincere in wanting to be better, kinder, more compassionate. Jesus, through God, forgives us of everything when we ask because that forgiveness gifts us with love and appreciation for ourselves... forgiveness from ourselves so that we trust ourselves and believe in ourselves to be better (rather than focusing on our short-comings and being held down by the reminder of them).
7:49 The haughty adversaries completely ignore the message and continue to focus on their rejection of Jesus.
7:50 Your faith has saved YOU. Your faith saves you because it gives you purpose. Along with purpose, your faith gives you the courage to accomplish so much in the name of compassion for others. Additionally, it gives you the love and comfort from God to heal from and then share with others. Your faith saves you because God opens your heart and mind to instruction and you become wise, determined and motivated. You see and perceive clearly and fully and that enables you to navigate the chaotic world.
Go, truly in peace, because God has filled you with happiness, taught you to cultivate it. You have an endless supply of His complete love.