5:1 While teaching, Jesus keeps in mind His second purpose: to teach disciples to teach the word of God. He is about to choose 12 disciples.
5:2 Jesus sees two unused boats by the lake and the fisherman of them beside it. Let's follow this exciting metaphor...We become successful and happy in life when we devote ourselves to all that God represents and encourages: justice, compassion, truth. This is not simply a story about fish, it's important to understand that -- and we will explore the reasoning in the following verses.
5:3 Jesus climbs into the boat, puts it in use and begins to teach from it -- making Himself more visible and audible to the crowd. The boat becomes a platform on which to teach.
Let's not read over the fact that Jesus sat down. Jesus taught as a friend... as a kind and loving fellow-soul. Jesus was not arrogant or controlling. He was compassionate, He sits and by doing this His humility is revealed. Jesus wanted to have an open, compassionate, wise conversation with everyone.
5:4 The metaphor moves forward, Jesus asks Simon to launch the boat deeper into the water to fish.
5:5 Simon is disheartened -- he tells Jesus of the fishermen's failure to catch anything at all. However, trusting Jesus, Simon launched the boat into the water.
5:6 With Jesus, they caught so much their previously-empty nets were bursting with success and abundance.
5:7 Quickly they filled two boats and needed to recruit extra help... their journey was so successful the boats were not even built big enough to hold the fish.
Now we delve into the metaphor: Jesus is our ultimate fishermen. Jesus comes into the world (the sea) and gathers souls into God's compassionate net. Jesus' platform, His vessel for successfully reaching so many is God (the boat). When we work hard and humbly as fishermen (teachers and examples of the word of God) God provides us the material and the platform (the boat) through which to reach His children (the other fish).
5:8 Simon Peter falls down in shame at Jesus' knees... he feels unworthy. Jesus exudes kindness and purity and His presence often inspires introspection in the people around Him. They begin to examine themselves in comparison to the living example of faith and compassion that He is. We can all work to be our best selves and this realization was enough to humble Simon Peter. Simon Peter did not fall to his knees because Jesus is a forceful, controlling leader... he fells to his knees because Jesus is the opposite -- Jesus is a compassionate friend, a brother and His love makes others want to be better.
Simon Peter understands that this display of fish is more than just about fish. Simon Peter sees the potential in all humans, given by God, when they are focused and kind and it amazes him.
5:9 People were astonished. Here was Jesus inspiring both the nature of the world and the nature of our souls. Teaching a brilliant message about possibility and hope.
5:10 Jesus solidifies the point of the metaphor: from now on, these first 3 disciples will be fishers of men. These men will become children of God who work to gather God's other children into His wing. They begin their lesson and learning with Jesus... there is so much for them to learn (and us!). Jesus' disciples were not perfect and that's the beauty of the scripture. Jesus came to aid and teach those who needed God to realign their lives. Jesus came to heal the sick recall from many places in the Bible, specifically Mark 2:17. Jesus associates with all of God's children without discrimination. He comes to those who desperately need Him; all are worthy of hearing the word.
5:11 They forsook all and followed Him. This statement informs us that these men rejected their old, corrupted ways and gave themselves to Jesus' instruction. They began to form their souls -- we all have this opportunity (at any time in our lives), to create who we are based on the ideals of our beliefs and abandon our old ways -- old ways which failed to bring us happiness and understanding.
They adopted this notion of selflessness, empathy, just work and it would truly envelope them in love and prosperity.
5:12 This man with leprosy, a bacterial infection, showed His faith in Jesus and faithfully asked Him to heal the ailment. When we ask God for anything, it's important that we (from deep down in our core) believe Him capable of accomplishing it. The more trust you give to God, the further and deeper you invite Him into your life.
We should not ask anything for selfish reasons, God does not work with selfishness. God answers the prayers we ask when we ask them in order to use our faith to reach others. By truly believing in God, this man knows that Jesus can heal Him if only He is asked.
5:13 Jesus, and God, are always willing. They are always bursting with love and excitement to enter you life (upon receiving permission given by your love) to heal and fix and guide.
5:14 Jesus did not want fame or accolade for what He had done -- He simply wanted to man to go back into his life and to live it as a testimony of all that God is. He wanted the man to use his healing in the service of bringing understanding and compassion to others. God's reward is when we use our love from Him to spread love to others.
5:15 Despite His efforts to remain modestly known, reports of Jesus flew throughout cities. Multitudes of people came to hear and to be healed of their infirmities. The Word itself is healing -- it clears the chaotic cobwebs that previously existed in our minds by bringing light and truth and purpose. Most important: people came to hear. People listened to Jesus' advice. We must listen, actively in search for truth.
5:16 Jesus always makes time for communication with God. To retain our own clarity and purpose we should also frequently, endlessly, communicate with our God. He's always listening and He's always responding in His own miraculous ways... when we are paying attention to Him.
5:17 As we know from previous chapters and The Book of Matthew and Mark, the Pharisees and teachers of the law are Jesus' adversaries. They are both corrupted groups who control people with deceptive and greedy power. Jesus' mission was the free people from these types of people... and they were not happy about it.
Nevertheless, the Spirit and Power of God remained with Jesus to heal all who would listen, learn and love.
5:18-19 Several kind men bring a paralyzed man to Jesus to be healed. This is an act of compassion for sure. To undertake a journey in the effort to help another is always seen by God.
5:20 When He saw their faith He forgave all sins. There are two components to explore in this verse: 1) When He saw their faith: your faith propels you through life. Your faith inspires your compassion and your success. Your faith is your evolving wisdom. Your faith identifies you, to God, as someone who is worthy of His support and guidance... what makes you worthy is the intention behind what you do with what you receive. We receive from God and give it to others. 2) When Jesus or God forgives our sins, they mean to imply that the bad or confused decisions we made in the past do not need to bind us. They mean to free us from our own mistakes so that we learn to love and appreciate ourselves (and then can therefore spread that love and appreciation to others).
5:21 The Pharisees are angry -- what we need to realize about the Pharisees (who represent a type of people who still exist today) is that instead of paying attention to reality, logic and common sense, they obsess over rules and law in order to maintain rigid control (rather than promote wisdom and health). They complete ignore Jesus' kind, selfless message and instead focus on arguing His authenticity. Our actions reveal our true selves and Jesus' actions were humble, instructive and kind. The Pharisees completely ignore this.
5:22 Jesus perceived their thoughts -- Jesus and God understand the specifics of each of our souls and the thoughts we have. They know who our authentic selves are. Jesus perceives that these men are way off track, looking for an argument rather than kindness.
Perception will help to guide us through the world. Be observant: listen and watch so that you may develop clear and informed thoughts.
5:23 Jesus is calling their bluff -- they want people to believe that He is all words no actions -- He proves them wrong by performing a miracle in plain view.
5:24 Jesus says: in order for you to understand that I am Who I say I am, I will do the seemingly impossible: I will heal this paralyzed man. And He does, instantly.
5:25 The man rises immediately and does not forget to acknowledge and love God! Be aware and grateful for all that is in your life, God cultivates it. Do not forget Him... He never forgets you.
5:26 The crowd was amazed. Jesus walked the walked, so to speak. Jesus' word perfectly and accurately reflected His action. We should be this way also: we should mean what we say and we should be living examples of the beliefs we have. Do not be a hypocrite. Your life is your best testimony of all that God can do.
5:27-28 Jesus continues to gather disciples. These men will lead purposeful lives after Jesus crucifixion, their journey of learning is just beginning. Jesus has much to prepare them for... and He will be successful.
5:29 Levi celebrated. This is a blessed opportunity -- to be with and taught by Jesus, the manifestation of truth and compassion. Levi gathers many people to celebrate with him and Jesus.
5:30 The scribes and Pharisees complain again -- they have distaste for Jesus because Jesus associates with people they do not respect. We know, however, that Jesus is a friend to all people and came to teach and guide those who needed teaching and guidance.
5:31 We spoke of this verse previously, Jesus came for the sick, to be their doctor. There are many kinds of sickness: physical and mental ailments, but also our ways of life can be sick. Jesus leads us to a lighted path of purpose.
5:32 Jesus came to gather those who were previously lost. He came to expand the population of God's house. He wanted to create an opportunity for ALL people and therefore He worked through humility and compassion to reach people who were ignored and condemned by humanity.
5:33 The adversaries are back to use rule and law to overshadow common sense and compassion -- they want to know why people feast in Jesus' presence instead of fast.
5:34 Jesus explains that people celebrate because they are aware of the blessed opportunity they have -- to be WITH Him. They do not fast in remembrance of Him because He is with them.
We are also reminded of Jesus' humility. Jesus is a friend, a brother... He did not come to make people bow to Him... He came to be a support, a light and He happily celebrates both His opportunity to help and our opportunity to learn.
5:35 Jesus speaks of His crucifixion -- Jesus knows that the world will experience a lengthy amount of time without His physical presence and He knows that there will be plenty of time to fast... then was the time to celebrate and soak in the experience.
However we still celebrate and fast. We still devote our love and discipline to remaining kind and compassionate and grateful for Jesus' teachings which read us now so many years later.
5:36 Jesus explains through metaphor that His presence is new to the Earth, a new example and representation of God... spirituality and our relationship with God shifted from how it was before. There was cause and reason to celebrate this new spirituality because it would extend and offer to all corners of the world.
5:37 This was a time of spiritual enlightenment, Jesus was there to realign thought and order in the world with God's instructive word. God's word is not rigid and controlling, instead it's freeing and inspiring of creation and compassion. God wants our minds to be healthy and kind... capable of so much good in the world.
5:38 The word of God taught to Abraham in the beginning of the book... is tethered by the word of God brought my Jesus -- He acknowledges and respects them both for being the same thing. People deterred from the word and created their own corrupt systems... Jesus wants us to respect that God's word has always remained the same.. and yet to grow and develop our faith and celebrate it for its newness within us.
5:39 God's word has been the same forever. Jesus presents it in a new and contemporary way but the message of compassion is the same. Develop your faith, over time it strengthens, deepens and becomes capable of so much more.