13:1-2 Jesus is told of people who had been killed for their transgressions... Jesus wants the people to realize that God determines His own judgement regardless of the judgments or punishments we received on Earth. God has is own opinion of us, independent of how we were labelled on during our lives here.
12:3 Everything comes down to our ability to take ownership of our own behavior, good and bad. We need to be sincere about the things we do and to take responsibility for what we do and say. If you've done wrong, being sincerely apologetic for it will work in your favor and progress you as a person.
12:4-5 Regardless of whether people are aware of your actions of wrong-doing, God is aware. He wants the evil of the world to know that even if they aren't "caught" or "realized" on Earth, God is aware of who they truly are.
A person cannot enter God's house without compassion.
In the next few verses are a metaphor explaining the prominence of evil on Earth before prophets were sent to heal and realign it with God.
13:6 The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree: Earth was created to exist in God's multi-verse, when observed, there were no good, compassion people (no fruit) within it.
13:7 The Earth was not producing good people (fruit) and therefore was not contributing to God's compassionate world.
13:8 Rather than rid the universe of the Earth, God sent Jesus to "dig and fertilize," to create opportunity for good to be inspired and grow and survive against adversity and temptation.
13:9 Earth is given a chance to redeem itself. Those who continue not to bear fruit (the evil) will be cut down and those who do produce fruit (compassion), all is well for them.
13:10 Jesus was teaching on a Sabbath day. Culturally, this was a day which was meant to be set aside for God... but at the time it was done hypocritically. Instead of having a day devoted entirely to working for and celebrating God, corrupt leaders used it as a day to punish people (thereby getting to exercise their authority) if they did anything they did not agree with.
Jesus always does the right thing, regardless of any hypocritical law or rule. This does not mean to become an anarchist, it simply means that when the right thing is called for, utilize your common sense into standing up for it.
13:11-12 Jesus efficiently heals this woman suffering a physical infliction. Always think of these ailments metaphorically as well, this woman was essentially (and metaphorically remember)... "bent," Jesus realigned her path with God... He helped her to develop her faith.
13:13 She was made straight and glorified God. Thank God when He straightens you.
13:14 Here comes the enforcement of a ridiculous rule. This man, who claimed to be holy, tried to force Jesus not to heal on this specific day, devoted to God. These institutions still exist today: there are religions and spirituality which have oppressive, senseless rules and entrap people into their chaos with fear and control.
This is why it is so important to foster your own thought. You must be perceptive, and observant. You always need to know your own personal thoughts and feelings about a thing, person or idea because you never want to be confused to tricked by anyone. You always want to be able to depend on the health of your own thought.
13:15 This is a metaphor: Jesus is explaining that even a Sabbath day we should take care of the things and people around us. By healing this woman, Jesus is leading her to God's fountain of light, wisdom and love.
13:16 Jesus makes clear the common sense of the situation: shouldn't this woman who suffered for most of her life deserve to be healed right in the moment she met Jesus? It's always the right time to help and heal yourself or another person. If you have the opportunity to help, do not procrastinate for any reason.
13:17 His adversaries were put to shame because one cannot accurately or effectively argue against logic. They were put to shame because by disagreeing with Jesus, they would have identified themselves as cruel and senseless people.
Do not assume that just because someone works in a church or has a title in a church that they are good, wise people. Remember that God always worked with and blessed the humble. You are as loved and celebrated by God as anyone else...even if you have never been in a church. God loves you for how you treat others... your position in society is irrelevant.
13:18 The Parable of the Mustard Seed: someone asks Jesus what the kingdom, the power of God is like., what it can do for a person. They ask for an example so that they might understand.
13:19 God takes the very smallest light within us and when we devote that light inside of us to faith and compassion, we grow and flourish into a strong and mighty tree, a producer of goodness and become a safe home to others.
13:20 The Parable of the Leaven: Again, someone wants to know what the kingdom of God is like.
13:21 God's kingdom is patient and grows healthily during that time of patience.
13:22 Jesus continued to journey through the cities and villages teaching. He always remained so productive and focused on His mission. We are so important to Jesus and to God, they devote themselves to our happiness if only we will listen and accept it.
13:23 This person has a question regarding the entrance of heaven...
13:24 We should strive to enter into God house with compassion, for there are many who claim to have a space in God's house but actually do not because they are not kind people.
13:25 When God gathers the compassionate children with Him in His house, unkind people will be jealous and will want a place inside... but they rejected their place. God explains that an evil person has no relationship with Him, even if they pretend they do. Develop your relationship with Him, you want to recognize Him when He comes with open arms.
13:26 Certain people will try to appear as though they remained faithful in their lives, but they will not be able to fool God.
13:27 Jesus shows us in this verse that He is speaking to "workers of iniquity," the people who brought pain and suffering to others on Earth. There are different types of people who can fit this label but for an example, think of the arrogant, hypocritical teaches in church. They spend their entire lives enforcing rules and punished, judging people instead of helping, being selfless and kind.
Some churches are filled with beautiful, compassionate people but always remember that a corrupt person can exist anywhere. You can identify a corrupt person by someone who lies to retain their own wealth and power. Always back up what anyone says to you with your own common sense also with the Bible.
13:28 Prophets and compassionate people from the very beginning will be gathered together as God's family and the evil people who rejected that family will be angry and frustrated.
13:29 Everyone, from any coast or direction in the world, is invited to reside with God if they will be faithful and kind.
13:30 The people who remained kind despite being disregarded as unimportant by others (bullies) on Earth, will be first in God's house. God loves the selfless and humble... He loves the people who do not celebrate themselves or desire to rank high in position. It's sort of like the story of the turtle and the hare, the patient and persistent will always win no matter the odds against them.
13:31 The Pharisees try to banish Jesus... Jesus is hated by many even though His message is of peace. Jesus' message threatened the power and wealth of the men in positions of authority and they sought to protect their rule no matter what.
13:32 Jesus explains that He will continue to teach and fulfill His mission... and He even references His own crucifixion, that He will be made perfect after His time teaching on Earth by transfiguring and joined God in the spiritual dimension.
13:33 Jesus knew of the events which were to take place and He also knew where. He knew where He needed to teach and where He needed to end up when He had completed His mission -- Jerusalem. He never loses focus and He is made so wise by God.
13:34 Jesus speaks collectively of the people who were offered the love and wisdom of God but rejected it. So many times God and Jesus have desired for all people to live under their wing but they are rejected time and again because those people were not willing to abandon their wrongdoing, their selfish greed for control and wealth.
13:35 Their lives are desolate -- nothing good or comforting comes to them because they reject the way of life which brings goodness and comfort. Jesus explains that they will not be able to enter God's house until they accept and love the word of God. They will remain separate from God for as long as they remain separate from the way of life He represents.