Luke 1:1-80
The name Luke means The Light Giver or The Bringer of Light. God is Light because He provides a way out of darkness. Certainly Luke brings us to the Light with this gospel.
1:1-4 This is the 3rd Gospel, each told from the perspective of different people (ranging in ages, thoughts and professions). Luke, a physician, explains in the beginning of his account that there is certainty in the existence of Jesus, in the message He brought and in the way of life He inspired. Luke witnesses it for himself, acknowledges that there were many witnesses, and prepares to lead us into our 3rd Gospel as he experienced it. In each Gospel, we learn more and more, we layer on the meaning of the message because each person catches specific details unique to their accounts.
Theophilus means "beloved of God" and therefore Luke writes to this man but metaphorically, he writes to all of us -- for we are all beloved of God and God wishes for all of us to receive this message.
The retelling of the story allows us to grasp the concepts and become familiar with the message. Jesus was an awakening for the world and to understand the scope of what He accomplished, we spend a lot of time involved in it.
1:5 We have Zacharias and Elizabeth who will be the parents of John.
1:6 They were good people. By stating that they walked in all the commandments and ordinances, we can understand that they were compassionate, fair, and humble.
1:7 Zacharias and Elizabeth had not been able to conceive a child -- such is sometimes the circumstance of human physiology. They were older, past the "optimal" child-bearing age of the time.
1:8-10 Zacharias is a priest; he has devoted his life to teaching the word of God. While doing so, performing his duties as were custom to the time, an angel of the Lord appeared to him. Perhaps "Angel of the Lord" sounds mystical to you but remember that an angel is a messenger of God. They deliver advice, support and guidance on God's behalf.
1:11 Angels are in spiritual form -- which means that they are purified by God. This angel has come to speak with Zacharias (and by doing so, begins the journey of preparing Jesus' arrival on Earth).
1:12 Understandably, arriving in this perfect, brilliant form, is foreign and stunning to Zacharias, who is at this point, only familiar with life on Earth.
1:13 The angel is of God and so of course there is nothing to fear. Countless times in the Bible when people are faced with God's voice, or Jesus or even just the completely perfect spirit of God in all of His manifestations... they do not know how to react. It's so beautifully overwhelming for them.
The angel's message to Zacharias is that his wife, Elizabeth will bear a son. Do not overlook that Zacharais and Elizabeth had prayed arduously and faithfully to become parents. They never lost hope or faith in God and their prayers were answered in God's perfect time.
1:14 God's message to us is always complete. The angel informs Zacharias that there will be so much joy over this child's birth and that he will be named John. God knows the plan; he knows every detail before it even happens so you can trust Him in your life to make the best, most informed decisions for you.
1:15 John is going to be a beautiful person with an amazing, faithful soul. John is going to be wise and clear headed and will had godspeed all of his life because of his goodness, even from conception inside of Elizabeth.
1:16 John will be an invaluable, instrumental fellow worker of God. He is going to help and heal and guide so many of God's children with his pure, determined, compassionate heart.
1:17 John is going to have the spiritual motivation and direction of the great prophet Elijah. He's going to prepare people for all that their lives can be with God; with God, he's going to give them the knowledge, wisdom and opportunity to select an eternal life for themselves.
People are so easily confused, misled and distracted at times. John's mission is going to be to help people out of disorder and purposelessness and into the hand of God which is always straight and progressive.
1:18 Zacharias doubts, he's a man of God but his faith is not yet developed enough to understand and accept this amazing, seemingly impossible situation the angel speaks of. He's thinking like a human: how can any of this be possible? He's thinking like a human: forgetting that with God, everything is possible.
1:19 To give him reassurance, the angel identifies himself as Gabriel (who we will learn more of in future chapters). Gabriel is the angel of the Lord... he works directly with God, his presence before Zacharias is incredible and blessed. His presence before Zacharias speaks of the magnitude of Who is to come to the Earth. Gabriel announces that he is the angel of the God and that remains firm in telling Zacharias that his prayers have been heard and answered by God... that they will manifest into John...and into joy.
1:20 Zacharias doubted and God wanted to work with Zacharias to develop his faith. God never punishes, instead he allows opportunities for us to strengthen our faith. In this case, God prescribes Zacharias a bit of introspection time. Zacharias will not be able to talk but what this really means is that Zacharias will be provided ample time to think, observe and perceive. Instead of talking, gossiping, worrying... Zacharais is given by God an opportunity to develop his faith.
We can learn a lot from this. Sometimes we need to just be quiet and observe the situation to extract the truth from it. We need peace and solemnity to understand and to perceive so that while we work and live in the world, we do so with wisdom.
1:21 Zacharias had a bit of... important business in the temple and so of course he was there longer than expected.
1:22 It was clear to them that something awesome had happened to Zacharias... but they did not yet know what. Zacharias began his time of silent contemplation... this is time for Zacharias to watch and see God's truth unfold and be accomplished.
1:23 After working, Zacharias has time to himself at home.
1:24 Elizabeth conceived, as was foretold by Gabriel through God. She takes is easily and carefully... she's older and she's gentle with her body during her pregnancy.
1:25 Elizabeth knows that her prayers have been answered. Unlike Zacharias, she immediately knew that all was possible through prayer in God and that he had answered hers.
1:26 Six months later, Gabriel is sent by God to the city of Galilee, also known as, Nazareth.
Let's focus on time for a moment: Zacharias is overseeing the "course of Abia" (KJV). There were 24 courses the Levitical priest would serve in the temple -- each lasting a period of time. The course of Abia would happen from June 15- June 19. Elizabeth would have conceived around the time of Zacharais return (over 40 miles away so include travel time) and therefore would have conceived around June 24-25. Adding another 5 months in verse 24, we arrive at the date: November 24-25. Now, 1 month later Gabriel arrives in Galilee, which would be December. In the following versus we will learn that Mary is about to conceive (meanwhile John is 6 months in Elizabeth's womb). We can deduce from this that Jesus was conceived around December 24-25 but was actually born 9 months later, in September.
Do not get caught up in details if they confuse you -- the important fact is only that Jesus came (regardless of specifically when) and taught a beautiful, lasting message to innumerable amounts of people.
Return to Luke...
1:27 Gabriel arrives among Mary and Joseph (the sort of-adopted parents of Jesus). So many people focus on Mary's "virginity" but we must continue to remember that faith is taught metaphorically in the bible. A "virgin" is a person who has remained faithful to our One, True God... and has not "given birth" to any of the corrupted ideas of men or fake gods.
1:28 Gabriel brings the message of joy amplified to Mary. He speaks of her blessing.
1:29 Mary is very humble... this sudden celebration and admiration for her catches her off guard, she's working hard to understand.
1:30 Gabriel soothes her: there's nothing to fear, God loves you so much.
1:31 Gabriel speaks of Mary bringing forth a Son, the Son... Jesus. Mary will be a protective, pure vessel through which Jesus will arrive on Earth.
1:32 Gabriel explains to Mary Jesus' mission and His brilliance... He invites her into the plan God has for the world.
1:33 The house of Jacob represents the people of the world, whose origin is in the ancestors of Jacob.
1:34 Mary does not yet understand the logistics -- and to be honest, neither does most of the world even today. Mary asking this question provides an opportunity for us to learn that Jesus is from God only and exactly... she's never had a child in her womb before.
1:35 God is going to place (and remember that God created everything, even science and so He can bend it to His will) Jesus into Mary's womb. How God does things is sometimes amazing and confusing to us because He's so much more intelligent and capable than we can understand.
What is important to know is that Gabriel is explaining that Jesus will be the manifestation of God on Earth and because of that, He will do brilliant things.
1:36 Gabriel informs Mary that her cousin, Elizabeth (who were were just reading about above) has conceived also, 6 months prior.
1:37 For with God nothing will be impossible. Keep this message in your soul and in your everyday life.
1:38 Mary is in awe... she's accepts her role as a faithful participant with humility and joy. Gabriel completed his message and departs from her, returning to God.
1:39-40 Mary visits Elizabeth quickly... understandable considering they both had recently become such important, loved instruments to God.
1:41 Mary tells Elizabeth of her conception and John, in the womb, is even delighted. This lets us know that God's plan was made known to all participants and they were wise and filled with happiness because of it. All of God's dutiful children and prepared and excited to do their work.
God remains with them. He fills them with His spirit... He wants to fill you too, open yourself up to His love.
1:42 Blessed indeed to be a part of God's plan. Blessed indeed is the sweet fruit (metaphor) of Jesus. Jesus is our kind and safe sustenance. His life and message keeps us strong and courageous and healthily minded, pure of soul.
1:43 Elizabeth displays her humility. God wishes for us all to remain humble and kind... to acknowledge and delight in our equal, abundant love from Him. Mary and Elizabeth were given two of the most important roles to ever be... and yet they remained kind and modest. Certainly we can learn from this.
1:44 Elizabeth knows and believes that Mary speaks the truth... her entire body is filled with understanding and joy... even the baby in her womb has reacted to this monumental, life-changing news.
1:45 God is so happy when we trust and believe Him... He is so delighted when we accept our mission in His name and perform it with compassion, faith, and determination. God always fulfills His word. He listens to our prayers, He hears us --cares and understands-- remains with us and then He works with us to accomplish things right to and through their complete fulfillment.
11:46 Try to imagine Mary's spiritual joy. Perhaps even you have experienced a moment when you just wanted to pour out your love and gratitude for God. Her soul reaches out to express her reverence to God.
11:47 Mary's spirit (the mind of her soul) rejoices in God... who saves her and us from the mistakes we create for ourselves on the Earth.
1:48 Mary expresses her humility... she feels that compared to God she is but a servant... but she is a grateful, loved, proud servant. There's nothing else we should aspire to be than the servant of compassion and love, truth and wisdom.
Mary is contemplating her amazing, grand job in God's mission. It's overwhelming for her... to consider the magnitude of what she's been chosen to do and how it will affect the world for generations. She's humbled by the opportunity and so in awe.
1:49 Mary reflects on all that God has done for her in her life -- we should never forget or overlook what God does for us either. We should remain aware and thankful for all that He is for us because He never forgets us.
Holy indeed -- so pure in compassion, love and kindness. So selfless in compassion and truth.
1:50 "Fear" is actual from a word which means both "fear" and "revere." You have nothing to fear. God has mercy on all who understand the presence of His love in the world. There is no reason to ever fear God. God is love. Those who reject God might fear the life they have chosen for themselves... but they did that, they chose to walk away from God. God does not punish, He loves. God allows the repercussions of our own decisions because He loves us enough to give us complete freedom to make our own choices... and sometimes we make choices that yield bad results.
Make good choices with God... ask Him for love and guidance and He will provide them and clarity.
1:51 In all that God does, creates and believes in... He shows perfect strength. Look around this miraculous world, at the pure nature of it and observe His perfect accomplishments: trees, stars, rivers, mountains...the efficiency of the human body... everything He creates is composed of intricate miracle.
1:52 God loves and gifts the kind and humble. Those who rule over others and use their control to maintain fame or wealthy are brought down to base level by Him... and are taken from existence if they are evil.
1:53 Metaphorically speaking: God fills the spiritually hungry with His spirit and with the knowledge and wisdom that come from it. God makes a kind soul wise. He gives them the will and happiness to overcome every difficultly.
Those who are arrogant or evil have no wisdom... their lives are chaotic and their minds and unhealthy. They are never satisfied.
Even with only "little" God's faithful children are rich... they have, in abundance, so much happiness and understanding. They need nothing but God... and yet He gives them more, and more.
1:54 Israel is representative of the groups of ancestors from which we all descended. God has had endless forgiveness for humanity... generation after generation they commit so many wrongs against each other and they forget Him and His word so often... yet He remains with us with forgiveness and understanding.
1:55 Mary reminds us that God has been with us since our ancestors. Genesis 17:5 God proclaims His presence with Abraham and all of his descendants forever... the father of many nations.
1:56 Mary stayed with Elizabeth for 3 months (nearly until Elizabeth was full term with John).
1:57 John was born through Elizabeth, as told by Gabriel from God.
1:58 Everyone was amazed and grateful on Elizabeth's behalf. Elizabeth's faithful life proved to be a testimony to them... faith in God is always fruitful.
1:59 Circumcision was popular in this time -- for health reasons. Health standards (thanks to contributions from germ theory) have greatly improved since that time. Usually a son would be named after their father.
1:60 Elizabeth remembers that her baby has been named John by God. John, orginially Hebrew, Yochanan, means Yahweh (God) is gracious. Indeed John's life proves that God is gracious. Elizabeth faithfully and happily names her child John Yochanan because God has been gracious with her.
1:61 Nobody understood the meaning and important behind John's name.
1:62 They asked Zacharias what the child should be named...
1:63 Zacharias, still mute, declares that the name of the child is John. Of course during this time he must have been marveling at the truth of Gabrel's words... his faith must have increased greatly.
1:64 Zacharias followed the word of God (his faith was healed and strengthened) and he regained his ability to speak.
1:65 The miracle of the timing of this regaining of speech was yet another testimony of all that God is capable of to the people surrounding Elizabeth and Zacharias... their story spreads throughout the country.
1:66 The faith of the people around Elizabeth and Zacharias was strengthened as well... they had witnessed miracles because of them (and they rest of the world--us--would learn of the miracle as well). They knew that something special, something from God had taken place. They knew that John's life was going to be so important... so life-changing. They kept God in their hearts.
The hand of the Lord was with John. John will do so much for the world because of His love and work with God.
1:67 God manifests a message inside of Zacharias -- God can come to you in many ways, He is inspiration. He pours His wisdom into us and then it comes out through us into the world in many amazing ways: art, speech, music, action...
1:68 Zacharias is speaking of how blessed they (and we) all are that God sent Jesus to realign our hearts and spirits. He redeems us from our own mistakes.
1:69 God raises up His awesome, lovely power in order to provide us safety and guidance. The mention of David is the mention of our faithful ancient ancestors.
1:70 Zacharias teaches us that since the beginning, God has spoken and led humanity through His prophets. We can learn so much from their lives and stories right here in this book.
1:71 God wants to teach us a way to not be victims of hatred and evil. He wants to give us strength and wisdom to persevere through the evil done by others. God is so loving and selfless... He devotes Himself to protecting us.
1:72 God always remains faithful to His word... He always accomplishes what He promises... across generations, across time... across eternity.
1:73-74 God grants wisdom, truth... and so much more so that we serve Him (His children... His Compassion) without fear. He is not frightening. He is humble and kind. He wishes for us to be like Him, to be humble and kind and to work in the service of bringing kindness to others humbly.
1:75 Be pure, be faithful with Him during your life.
1:76 Zacharais begins to speak to his newborn child, sent from God: he informs baby John (who likely is already equip with the knowledge) that he will be a prophet of God.
1:77 Continuing talking to John: John will go throughout the world and create many opportunities for people to open themselves up to God... to find and develop their faith.
1:78 God's love is tender and it is merciful. Do not let anyone make you fearful... God is eternally kind and gentle with us.
1:79 God gives light... hope and love... to those who are subjected to evil by other humans. He guides our path to peace if we listen.
1:80 John grew and strengthened in spirit -- He developed his faith to persevere to be wise. He developed his relationship with God in order to accomplish love and faith in the world. Take the time to strengthen your own spirit as well -- it will determine the strength of your life. With God you are capable of so much... be faithful, be dutiful, be kind. We can learn so much from our experience... everyday we can grow from them. We can become wise through God's instruction if we are kind, observant and trusting. This is how you strengthen you spirit. Be humble, listen intently, observe, and give compassion freely to all. Strengthen in spirit, you with God can truly change the world.
Theophilus means "beloved of God" and therefore Luke writes to this man but metaphorically, he writes to all of us -- for we are all beloved of God and God wishes for all of us to receive this message.
The retelling of the story allows us to grasp the concepts and become familiar with the message. Jesus was an awakening for the world and to understand the scope of what He accomplished, we spend a lot of time involved in it.
1:5 We have Zacharias and Elizabeth who will be the parents of John.
1:6 They were good people. By stating that they walked in all the commandments and ordinances, we can understand that they were compassionate, fair, and humble.
1:7 Zacharias and Elizabeth had not been able to conceive a child -- such is sometimes the circumstance of human physiology. They were older, past the "optimal" child-bearing age of the time.
1:8-10 Zacharias is a priest; he has devoted his life to teaching the word of God. While doing so, performing his duties as were custom to the time, an angel of the Lord appeared to him. Perhaps "Angel of the Lord" sounds mystical to you but remember that an angel is a messenger of God. They deliver advice, support and guidance on God's behalf.
1:11 Angels are in spiritual form -- which means that they are purified by God. This angel has come to speak with Zacharias (and by doing so, begins the journey of preparing Jesus' arrival on Earth).
1:12 Understandably, arriving in this perfect, brilliant form, is foreign and stunning to Zacharias, who is at this point, only familiar with life on Earth.
1:13 The angel is of God and so of course there is nothing to fear. Countless times in the Bible when people are faced with God's voice, or Jesus or even just the completely perfect spirit of God in all of His manifestations... they do not know how to react. It's so beautifully overwhelming for them.
The angel's message to Zacharias is that his wife, Elizabeth will bear a son. Do not overlook that Zacharais and Elizabeth had prayed arduously and faithfully to become parents. They never lost hope or faith in God and their prayers were answered in God's perfect time.
1:14 God's message to us is always complete. The angel informs Zacharias that there will be so much joy over this child's birth and that he will be named John. God knows the plan; he knows every detail before it even happens so you can trust Him in your life to make the best, most informed decisions for you.
1:15 John is going to be a beautiful person with an amazing, faithful soul. John is going to be wise and clear headed and will had godspeed all of his life because of his goodness, even from conception inside of Elizabeth.
1:16 John will be an invaluable, instrumental fellow worker of God. He is going to help and heal and guide so many of God's children with his pure, determined, compassionate heart.
1:17 John is going to have the spiritual motivation and direction of the great prophet Elijah. He's going to prepare people for all that their lives can be with God; with God, he's going to give them the knowledge, wisdom and opportunity to select an eternal life for themselves.
People are so easily confused, misled and distracted at times. John's mission is going to be to help people out of disorder and purposelessness and into the hand of God which is always straight and progressive.
1:18 Zacharias doubts, he's a man of God but his faith is not yet developed enough to understand and accept this amazing, seemingly impossible situation the angel speaks of. He's thinking like a human: how can any of this be possible? He's thinking like a human: forgetting that with God, everything is possible.
1:19 To give him reassurance, the angel identifies himself as Gabriel (who we will learn more of in future chapters). Gabriel is the angel of the Lord... he works directly with God, his presence before Zacharias is incredible and blessed. His presence before Zacharias speaks of the magnitude of Who is to come to the Earth. Gabriel announces that he is the angel of the God and that remains firm in telling Zacharias that his prayers have been heard and answered by God... that they will manifest into John...and into joy.
1:20 Zacharias doubted and God wanted to work with Zacharias to develop his faith. God never punishes, instead he allows opportunities for us to strengthen our faith. In this case, God prescribes Zacharias a bit of introspection time. Zacharias will not be able to talk but what this really means is that Zacharias will be provided ample time to think, observe and perceive. Instead of talking, gossiping, worrying... Zacharais is given by God an opportunity to develop his faith.
We can learn a lot from this. Sometimes we need to just be quiet and observe the situation to extract the truth from it. We need peace and solemnity to understand and to perceive so that while we work and live in the world, we do so with wisdom.
1:21 Zacharias had a bit of... important business in the temple and so of course he was there longer than expected.
1:22 It was clear to them that something awesome had happened to Zacharias... but they did not yet know what. Zacharias began his time of silent contemplation... this is time for Zacharias to watch and see God's truth unfold and be accomplished.
1:23 After working, Zacharias has time to himself at home.
1:24 Elizabeth conceived, as was foretold by Gabriel through God. She takes is easily and carefully... she's older and she's gentle with her body during her pregnancy.
1:25 Elizabeth knows that her prayers have been answered. Unlike Zacharias, she immediately knew that all was possible through prayer in God and that he had answered hers.
1:26 Six months later, Gabriel is sent by God to the city of Galilee, also known as, Nazareth.
Let's focus on time for a moment: Zacharias is overseeing the "course of Abia" (KJV). There were 24 courses the Levitical priest would serve in the temple -- each lasting a period of time. The course of Abia would happen from June 15- June 19. Elizabeth would have conceived around the time of Zacharais return (over 40 miles away so include travel time) and therefore would have conceived around June 24-25. Adding another 5 months in verse 24, we arrive at the date: November 24-25. Now, 1 month later Gabriel arrives in Galilee, which would be December. In the following versus we will learn that Mary is about to conceive (meanwhile John is 6 months in Elizabeth's womb). We can deduce from this that Jesus was conceived around December 24-25 but was actually born 9 months later, in September.
Do not get caught up in details if they confuse you -- the important fact is only that Jesus came (regardless of specifically when) and taught a beautiful, lasting message to innumerable amounts of people.
Return to Luke...
1:27 Gabriel arrives among Mary and Joseph (the sort of-adopted parents of Jesus). So many people focus on Mary's "virginity" but we must continue to remember that faith is taught metaphorically in the bible. A "virgin" is a person who has remained faithful to our One, True God... and has not "given birth" to any of the corrupted ideas of men or fake gods.
1:28 Gabriel brings the message of joy amplified to Mary. He speaks of her blessing.
1:29 Mary is very humble... this sudden celebration and admiration for her catches her off guard, she's working hard to understand.
1:30 Gabriel soothes her: there's nothing to fear, God loves you so much.
1:31 Gabriel speaks of Mary bringing forth a Son, the Son... Jesus. Mary will be a protective, pure vessel through which Jesus will arrive on Earth.
1:32 Gabriel explains to Mary Jesus' mission and His brilliance... He invites her into the plan God has for the world.
1:33 The house of Jacob represents the people of the world, whose origin is in the ancestors of Jacob.
1:34 Mary does not yet understand the logistics -- and to be honest, neither does most of the world even today. Mary asking this question provides an opportunity for us to learn that Jesus is from God only and exactly... she's never had a child in her womb before.
1:35 God is going to place (and remember that God created everything, even science and so He can bend it to His will) Jesus into Mary's womb. How God does things is sometimes amazing and confusing to us because He's so much more intelligent and capable than we can understand.
What is important to know is that Gabriel is explaining that Jesus will be the manifestation of God on Earth and because of that, He will do brilliant things.
1:36 Gabriel informs Mary that her cousin, Elizabeth (who were were just reading about above) has conceived also, 6 months prior.
1:37 For with God nothing will be impossible. Keep this message in your soul and in your everyday life.
1:38 Mary is in awe... she's accepts her role as a faithful participant with humility and joy. Gabriel completed his message and departs from her, returning to God.
1:39-40 Mary visits Elizabeth quickly... understandable considering they both had recently become such important, loved instruments to God.
1:41 Mary tells Elizabeth of her conception and John, in the womb, is even delighted. This lets us know that God's plan was made known to all participants and they were wise and filled with happiness because of it. All of God's dutiful children and prepared and excited to do their work.
God remains with them. He fills them with His spirit... He wants to fill you too, open yourself up to His love.
1:42 Blessed indeed to be a part of God's plan. Blessed indeed is the sweet fruit (metaphor) of Jesus. Jesus is our kind and safe sustenance. His life and message keeps us strong and courageous and healthily minded, pure of soul.
1:43 Elizabeth displays her humility. God wishes for us all to remain humble and kind... to acknowledge and delight in our equal, abundant love from Him. Mary and Elizabeth were given two of the most important roles to ever be... and yet they remained kind and modest. Certainly we can learn from this.
1:44 Elizabeth knows and believes that Mary speaks the truth... her entire body is filled with understanding and joy... even the baby in her womb has reacted to this monumental, life-changing news.
1:45 God is so happy when we trust and believe Him... He is so delighted when we accept our mission in His name and perform it with compassion, faith, and determination. God always fulfills His word. He listens to our prayers, He hears us --cares and understands-- remains with us and then He works with us to accomplish things right to and through their complete fulfillment.
11:46 Try to imagine Mary's spiritual joy. Perhaps even you have experienced a moment when you just wanted to pour out your love and gratitude for God. Her soul reaches out to express her reverence to God.
11:47 Mary's spirit (the mind of her soul) rejoices in God... who saves her and us from the mistakes we create for ourselves on the Earth.
1:48 Mary expresses her humility... she feels that compared to God she is but a servant... but she is a grateful, loved, proud servant. There's nothing else we should aspire to be than the servant of compassion and love, truth and wisdom.
Mary is contemplating her amazing, grand job in God's mission. It's overwhelming for her... to consider the magnitude of what she's been chosen to do and how it will affect the world for generations. She's humbled by the opportunity and so in awe.
1:49 Mary reflects on all that God has done for her in her life -- we should never forget or overlook what God does for us either. We should remain aware and thankful for all that He is for us because He never forgets us.
Holy indeed -- so pure in compassion, love and kindness. So selfless in compassion and truth.
1:50 "Fear" is actual from a word which means both "fear" and "revere." You have nothing to fear. God has mercy on all who understand the presence of His love in the world. There is no reason to ever fear God. God is love. Those who reject God might fear the life they have chosen for themselves... but they did that, they chose to walk away from God. God does not punish, He loves. God allows the repercussions of our own decisions because He loves us enough to give us complete freedom to make our own choices... and sometimes we make choices that yield bad results.
Make good choices with God... ask Him for love and guidance and He will provide them and clarity.
1:51 In all that God does, creates and believes in... He shows perfect strength. Look around this miraculous world, at the pure nature of it and observe His perfect accomplishments: trees, stars, rivers, mountains...the efficiency of the human body... everything He creates is composed of intricate miracle.
1:52 God loves and gifts the kind and humble. Those who rule over others and use their control to maintain fame or wealthy are brought down to base level by Him... and are taken from existence if they are evil.
1:53 Metaphorically speaking: God fills the spiritually hungry with His spirit and with the knowledge and wisdom that come from it. God makes a kind soul wise. He gives them the will and happiness to overcome every difficultly.
Those who are arrogant or evil have no wisdom... their lives are chaotic and their minds and unhealthy. They are never satisfied.
Even with only "little" God's faithful children are rich... they have, in abundance, so much happiness and understanding. They need nothing but God... and yet He gives them more, and more.
1:54 Israel is representative of the groups of ancestors from which we all descended. God has had endless forgiveness for humanity... generation after generation they commit so many wrongs against each other and they forget Him and His word so often... yet He remains with us with forgiveness and understanding.
1:55 Mary reminds us that God has been with us since our ancestors. Genesis 17:5 God proclaims His presence with Abraham and all of his descendants forever... the father of many nations.
1:56 Mary stayed with Elizabeth for 3 months (nearly until Elizabeth was full term with John).
1:57 John was born through Elizabeth, as told by Gabriel from God.
1:58 Everyone was amazed and grateful on Elizabeth's behalf. Elizabeth's faithful life proved to be a testimony to them... faith in God is always fruitful.
1:59 Circumcision was popular in this time -- for health reasons. Health standards (thanks to contributions from germ theory) have greatly improved since that time. Usually a son would be named after their father.
1:60 Elizabeth remembers that her baby has been named John by God. John, orginially Hebrew, Yochanan, means Yahweh (God) is gracious. Indeed John's life proves that God is gracious. Elizabeth faithfully and happily names her child John Yochanan because God has been gracious with her.
1:61 Nobody understood the meaning and important behind John's name.
1:62 They asked Zacharias what the child should be named...
1:63 Zacharias, still mute, declares that the name of the child is John. Of course during this time he must have been marveling at the truth of Gabrel's words... his faith must have increased greatly.
1:64 Zacharias followed the word of God (his faith was healed and strengthened) and he regained his ability to speak.
1:65 The miracle of the timing of this regaining of speech was yet another testimony of all that God is capable of to the people surrounding Elizabeth and Zacharias... their story spreads throughout the country.
1:66 The faith of the people around Elizabeth and Zacharias was strengthened as well... they had witnessed miracles because of them (and they rest of the world--us--would learn of the miracle as well). They knew that something special, something from God had taken place. They knew that John's life was going to be so important... so life-changing. They kept God in their hearts.
The hand of the Lord was with John. John will do so much for the world because of His love and work with God.
1:67 God manifests a message inside of Zacharias -- God can come to you in many ways, He is inspiration. He pours His wisdom into us and then it comes out through us into the world in many amazing ways: art, speech, music, action...
1:68 Zacharias is speaking of how blessed they (and we) all are that God sent Jesus to realign our hearts and spirits. He redeems us from our own mistakes.
1:69 God raises up His awesome, lovely power in order to provide us safety and guidance. The mention of David is the mention of our faithful ancient ancestors.
1:70 Zacharias teaches us that since the beginning, God has spoken and led humanity through His prophets. We can learn so much from their lives and stories right here in this book.
1:71 God wants to teach us a way to not be victims of hatred and evil. He wants to give us strength and wisdom to persevere through the evil done by others. God is so loving and selfless... He devotes Himself to protecting us.
1:72 God always remains faithful to His word... He always accomplishes what He promises... across generations, across time... across eternity.
1:73-74 God grants wisdom, truth... and so much more so that we serve Him (His children... His Compassion) without fear. He is not frightening. He is humble and kind. He wishes for us to be like Him, to be humble and kind and to work in the service of bringing kindness to others humbly.
1:75 Be pure, be faithful with Him during your life.
1:76 Zacharais begins to speak to his newborn child, sent from God: he informs baby John (who likely is already equip with the knowledge) that he will be a prophet of God.
1:77 Continuing talking to John: John will go throughout the world and create many opportunities for people to open themselves up to God... to find and develop their faith.
1:78 God's love is tender and it is merciful. Do not let anyone make you fearful... God is eternally kind and gentle with us.
1:79 God gives light... hope and love... to those who are subjected to evil by other humans. He guides our path to peace if we listen.
1:80 John grew and strengthened in spirit -- He developed his faith to persevere to be wise. He developed his relationship with God in order to accomplish love and faith in the world. Take the time to strengthen your own spirit as well -- it will determine the strength of your life. With God you are capable of so much... be faithful, be dutiful, be kind. We can learn so much from our experience... everyday we can grow from them. We can become wise through God's instruction if we are kind, observant and trusting. This is how you strengthen you spirit. Be humble, listen intently, observe, and give compassion freely to all. Strengthen in spirit, you with God can truly change the world.